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Do you like Reapers?  

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  1. 1. Do you like Reapers?

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And the trust is gone, and we're all expendable?


"I'm just a pawn"


I've always heard something like "ready" and then a hard c. Radicalised makes sense but sounds silly so I went for "to know"


Same, always wondered what it could be if there was that 'c' sound there but "radicalised" makes sense.


I just can't hear the 'alised' that would belong to radicalised.


He trails off at "radicaliii...", quite a common thing for Matt to do live.

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For one, Matt has sang the chorus' different a few times or moved them around. There seems to be two versions. The chorus seems to end on a different line so maybe they're both right depending on which chorus.


And for people not hearing radicalised there is a version where the vocals are a lot more clear and it is pretty obvious he says "Now I am radicalized" Second chorus around 2:40


Also in the second verse from this video it's pretty obvious that it is not "war just moved up a gear" but its something with a similar amount of syllables. But after what sounds like "just" the next word is "be" or something that starts with a be sound.



Edited by Citizen_Eraser
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I'm hearing

"You've got lies and deceit"

Not We will rise from the sea


as am i


and yeah from that Brighton Dome one I do hear "suicide" at the end of the first chorus - although I do believe that Matts changing the choruses around a lot, singing them in different orders and such


also in relation to the "radicalised" and "ready to know" discussion it does sound like Matt's singing radicalised but just cutting off the last syllable like he often does "radicaliiiii"

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Reapers clicked with me instantly, from the first video uploaded from Belfast. I'm a sucker for a steady head-nodding beat, and the guitar solo doesn't seem too generic classic rock solo-y to me, its got that recognisable Bellamy inflection. I think it also has a lot of potential to have some very interesting textures mixing-wise, especially considering all the whammy in the solo. The outro is big too and I do like a big instrumental outro.


Edit for typo

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Yeah this is my favourite from what we've heard so far too. I hope for more of this on the album. I wasn't blown away by Defector, still love Psycho and Dead Inside though. I wouldn't allow myself to watch The Globalist section of the video :p.


EDIT: Great audio by the way to whoever posted that.

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That riff/part before the chorus is absolutely incredible, I physically cannot help but headbang. I'm actually a bit disappointed that it isn't actually featured in the track more than twice.


Am I the only one who thinks the track would be even better if a few cycles of that riff closed the song at the end?


Great tune though! Really excited for the album after this one.

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Am I the only one who thinks the track would be even better if a few cycles of that riff closed the song at the end?


(I might catch some flak for this, but here's my 2 cents...)

Too much of a good riff can be a negative I think - my main gripe with Psycho (for example) is how often it goes back to the main riff, which is very simplistic and yes it sounds great, but it just comes up too often and ends up being very repetitive. Looking back at the classics of Muse riffery, the most memorable riffs (examples here being SS and New Born) only crop up a couple of times in the song, albeit for several repetitions in that instance, just not every 20 seconds like in Psycho.

Although, now I've said that, in Reapers the bass does keep repeating the riff throughout the first half of the guitar solo, then starts the chorus bass in the second half. It reminds me a lot of Queen's 'Dragon Attack,' in a way.


edited; specification

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Definitely hearing 'suicide' during the first chorus at 0.34. But after re-listening I'm actually hearing "ready to know". I just can't hear the 'alised' that would belong to radicalised.


Here's what I hear, without looking at any of the previous attempts to get a fresh look/listen.





Is becoming a killing field

There's a crosshair locked on my heart

We know we're drones and there's no one behind the wheel



Wiping me out


Killed By





We will reap like a machine

And blood is on the shore

We get to see our love go (?)

All I got is suicide



War just moved up a gear (?)

And I think I can't handle the truth

That I'm just a pawn

and that we're all expendable

Intermittedly expecting fire (???)


Killed by




Kill under my control

When blood is on the shore

We got reapers and horsemen (?)

Now I am ready to die


We will reap like a machine

When blood is on the shore

You got to see our love go (?)

All you've got is boomerangs (????)


Must give up my control

When blood is on the shore

Cause we're both reapers and horsemen (???)

Yeah now I'm radicalized (?)

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