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Muse interview: 'This is going to be our Zoo TV'


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What a good addition to the discussion. I do believe you have a point there :rolleyes:




"Micro Cuts is not a surprise/doesn't make a difference, because it was only played once"


"Not Muse, but the fans brought back Dead Star"


"The reworked version of Falling Down doesn't count, cause it's just a piano version"


Hmm... My point that Muse came up with surprises/improvements still stands.

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What, an entire tour of covers?

They played Satellite of Love, Can't Help Falling In Love and a snippet of Unchained Melody. And none of them the whole tour

Neither is Matt.

He replaced the falsetto with chest voice in RBS and swapped guitar with piano in Falling Down. U2 reworked their songs almost entirely, the only thing left untouched were the melody and lyrics. Forgot Unintended, can't argue with that. The difference in reworking during ZooTV was also making the songs really fit the theme.



So far we've had Sunburn, Micro Cuts, Falling Down, Dead Star, Unintended, Blackout and RBS. And would you please explain why bringing back a song that the crowd has requested can be used AGAINST Muse?


Bringing back Micro Cuts and Blackout aren't drastic changes, they have been played every tour since their release, except the Resistance Tour. However, Sunburn, Dead Star, Unintended and Ruled By Secrecy have been played every tour since their release. Bringing a song back isn't groundbreaking, I believe it's a rather common thing for bands to do. It would be something if they brought back a song that really hasn't been for a long time or just too few times. Also, I'm not using bringing back Dead Star against Muse. The goose just made it sound like it was something exceptional. The only thing exceptional about it is that the fans made it come back.

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The goose just made it sound like it was something exceptional. The only thing exceptional about it is that the fans made it come back.


You should work on your reading comprehension. Dead Star was one of the examples of improvements Muse made this tour. It was surely one of the highlights of the tour.


It's a bit silly to call me a goose based of the "sound" of my post, when you come up with silly arguments, which are nothing more than the opinion of an embittered hardcore muser who can't appreciate the improvements Muse actually made.


Btw I don't appreciate that you called me goose and used it in a derogative way.

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They played Satellite of Love, Can't Help Falling In Love and a snippet of Unchained Melody. And none of them the whole tour
>The joke

>your head

He replaced the falsetto with chest voice in RBS and swapped guitar with piano in Falling Down. U2 reworked their songs almost entirely, the only thing left untouched were the melody and lyrics. Forgot Unintended, can't argue with that. The difference in reworking during ZooTV was also making the songs really fit the theme.

Most of the melody in the verse of RBS was changed...And he didn't even replace the falsetto with chest. He just sang the last G#4 like the studio version...unlike every other time it's been played live where he has replaced chest with falsetto.



Bringing back Micro Cuts and Blackout aren't drastic changes, they have been played every tour since their release, except the Resistance Tour.

So they HAVEN'T been played every tour since their release then. And do you have any idea how many times Micro Cuts was played during the BH&R or the Abso tour?


It would be something if they brought back a song that really hasn't been for a long time or just too few times.
Oh you mean like Micro Cuts, Dead Star, Falling Down and fucking HOST?


The only thing exceptional about it is that the fans made it come back.
And that it's a really rare song that had been played twice(iirc) in the TR tour and possibly one or two more times in the BH&R tour? The fans didn't make it come back. Muse brought it back after fans requested it. It's not like Muse couldn't ignore it like they did the whole TR tour.
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You should work on your reading comprehension. Dead Star was one of the examples of improvements Muse made this tour. It was surely one of the highlights of the tour.


It's a bit silly to call me a goose based of the "sound" of my post, when you come up with silly arguments, which are nothing more than the opinion of an embittered hardcore muser who can't appreciate the improvements Muse actually made.


Btw I don't appreciate that you called me goose and used it in a derogative way.


The point of my previous post was that they haven't improved. Sure, it is awesome to have Dead Star, Sunburn, Bliss in the same set, but then to have a Unintended/Blackout/Guiding Light/Undisclosed encore is just silly, as is closing with Starlight. The not playing guitar and impersonating Bono also takes away from the improvement of having these three songs in the same set. I can appreciate the improvements Muse make, the intro to the gig was spectacular - the speech + guitar wank + the extra cymbal when the riff kicks in = awesome - the set was spectacular til the encores, but the pointless props like the woman during Feeling Good, the acrobat for the 3rd time in a row, and horrible encores just don't cut it. Matt comparing this with ZooTV is just silly, making any comparisons, really, is silly.


Strangegees - geese - plural of goose. Sorry, it was my stupid reading, I wasn't using it as an offence.

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The point of my previous post was that they haven't improved. Sure, it is awesome to have Dead Star, Sunburn, Bliss in the same set, but then to have a Unintended/Blackout/Guiding Light/Undisclosed encore is just silly, as is closing with Starlight. The not playing guitar and impersonating Bono also takes away from the improvement of having these three songs in the same set. I can appreciate the improvements Muse make, the intro to the gig was spectacular - the speech + guitar wank + the extra cymbal when the riff kicks in = awesome - the set was spectacular til the encores, but the pointless props like the woman during Feeling Good, the acrobat for the 3rd time in a row, and horrible encores just don't cut it. Matt comparing this with ZooTV is just silly, making any comparisons, really, is silly.


Strangegees - geese - plural of goose. Sorry, it was my stupid reading, I wasn't using it as an offence.

I see we're bringing totally new points into the mix when the old ones didn't hold up
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>The joke

>your head

Yes, I got that it was a joke.


Most of the melody in the verse of RBS was changed...And he didn't even replace the falsetto with chest. He just sang the last G#4 like the studio version...unlike every other time it's been played live where he has replaced chest with falsetto.



So they HAVEN'T been played every tour since their release then. And do you have any idea how many times Micro Cuts was played during the BH&R or the Abso tour?

Yes, but it's not like only the people during the OoS era had the chance to hear Dead Star live, or the Abso era people to hear Blackout, the same can't be said for Assassin, City of Delusion, The Small Print, Endlessly or the Origin songs that were finally played at Reading.


Oh you mean like Micro Cuts, Dead Star, Falling Down and fucking HOST?
Yes, with Falling Down I can agree. And they used Host only as an interlude, much like Nishe the tour before and Forced In the tour before that.



And that it's a really rare song that had been played twice(iirc) in the TR tour and possibly one or two more times in the BH&R tour? The fans didn't make it come back. Muse brought it back after fans requested it. It's not like Muse couldn't ignore it like they did the whole TR tour.


So you're saying that Muse would have brought back Dead Star as a rotation for stadiums if the fans hadn't campaigned for it?

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Yes, I got that it was a joke.
Sure you did. *pats on head*


Yes, but it's not like only the people during the OoS era had the chance to hear Dead Star live, or the Abso era people to hear Blackout, the same can't be said for Assassin, City of Delusion, The Small Print, Endlessly or the Origin songs that were finally played at Reading.

So the 2-3 times a tour that Dead Star has been played makes the point invalid? It's just "another one of those songs that gets played on every tour"?

Yes, with Falling Down I can agree. And they used Host only as an interlude, much like Nishe the tour before and Forced In the tour before that.

Yes and?




So you're saying that Muse would have brought back Dead Star as a rotation for stadiums if the fans hadn't campaigned for it?

No, but it was Muse's decision to bring it back, therefore it was up to Muse. And it's irrelevant to even argue about because it doesn't make the point less valid that the fans requested for the song to be played.

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Sure you did. *pats on head*



So the 2-3 times a tour that Dead Star has been played makes the point invalid? It's just "another one of those songs that gets played on every tour"?

Yes. It gets played, it's rare, but it's nothing that that they haven't played for 10 years. I wouldn't mind seeing it, but it wasn't unexpected, bound to be played once or twice anyway.




Yes and?

So how is it drastic or an improvement compared to the previous tours?


No, but it was Muse's decision to bring it back, therefore it was up to Muse. And it's irrelevant to even argue about because it doesn't make the point less valid that the fans requested for the song to be played.


So it was still due to the lobbying of the fans, they made it heard in a capacity that Muse just had to play it (as you yourself said). Muse was just cornered.

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The fact Dead Star came back was a huge way to show that Muse actually listened to what the fans wanted to hear for once, which is a giant improvement over last tour (unless you count R/L) and I think it was a first in their entire career.


Also, even though the North American performances didn't succeed until countless gigs of signs and screaming, the initial return of Dead Star at SBE happened when the petition was still rather new (did Jamie actually get them to play it or was it on the setlist already before he asked?)

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Yeah! throw originallity away, it's perfect! But if they want to compare themselves with other band, why choose the most unoriginal, dull and talentless? It's because they spent some millions in a cool, circular stage?


C'mon, Muse is Muse, the most imaginative band of the last decade, why try to follow the steps of others? And those others are U2 no less, Queen, Pink Floyd, Smashing Pumpkings, Arcade Fire, even Coldplay, and a lot of other bands are around here, and they choose U2. :stunned:


Hope is not for real and is just more trolling of a boring Matt, or something.


WHOA! You don't have to like U2's music but, come on! "Dull, unoriginal and talentless"??? Seriously? Maybe you should look into some of their work because if you were familiar with it, I don't think you'd say that!

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People need to fucking listen to Achtung Baby before they slag U2. They've been pretty chart-hungry for the last few years but Achtung Baby is proper alternative rock, properly dark and distorted and dense musically while retaining an accessible sensibility.

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Probably an exaggeration, but one of the most for sure, Origin, check, Absolution, check, even BHaR have his moments (Knights, Take A Bow), Resistance have Exogenesis (very uncommon in popular music this days), and T2L have ace songs like Supremacy, Survival, Animals and T2L.


Also their live shows are there.


But U2, one chiche rock song and ten uninspired synth crap for every album. YEAH! Good role to follow


He was talking about the spectacle of the stage, you nob.

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(did Jamie actually get them to play it or was it on the setlist already before he asked?)


Muse showed up while people were queueing, so a number of people requested Dead Star. Jamie getting credit for it is more of a joke than anything else.

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I did ask Morgan if it was added to the setlist because we asked for it (I told Matt, before the gig, that Dom had said they were playing it :chuckle:) but unfortunately I was so pissed on the free bar that I cannot recall his answer. However, I'd like to think it was "yes".

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