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Well that's a bummer. Why the fuck should I care about songs I've already heard being a movie?

Can you hear "album" in what Matt says? I can't, and the translator just says "we're going to preview two songs on the world war z film" or something like that. No mention of the album.

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Knowing matt though him saying that two songs from the album actually results in an 80% chance that there WILL be two new songs :LOL:


I actually wish Matt had been less accurate about things this time around, now. :(


I can't get the thing to load a second time, and I'm getting tired of watching that Sephora commercial with that guy with the gross beard. :mad:


It really looks like the "something cool" is going to be that gig related to the movie premiere.

New songs would be much cooler.

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Can you hear "album" in what Matt says? I can't, and the translator just says "we're going to preview two songs on the world war z film" or something like that. No mention of the album.


The french translation just says two songs and no mention of the album. Can't really hear what Matt is saying.

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But he does say they are 'coming out soon' so that would suggest they are new.


Think he's talking about the film. I heard "we have a couple of songs on this album"


Yeah I think it's that, you can hear him say "this" or "first" and it's not gonna be the first album...

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It's not that he's being hard to understand, they just turned his volume down, and dubbed over him.


The only things I heard clearly were "album" and coming out in a few weeks.

The latter could easily have meant the movie and soundtrack are coming out in a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure that's what he was talking about.

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To me it most definitely sounds like "a couple of songs off this album". There isn't enough time for him to have said "not on this album" in between the words "songs" and "album".


Also if they were new songs, he surely would have said "new songs" as opposed to make the effort to point to the album and say "not on this album". Plus even if he did say that, that could mean just random songs from other albums. Hence why if they were new I think he'd have said "new" and made more of a point of it.


Trying to get all weirdly psychological now to get to the bottom of this, but yeah I really wouldn't get your hopes up. Always better to err on the side of caution with Muse.

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I wanna see World War Z as I loved the book and, although it doesn't look a straight-up recreation, it still looks like a good film. Better looking than Man of Steel, anyway.


Muse on it is interesting, as there's a few 2nd Law songs that could work. However Panic Station is not one of them.

Feeling Good is a singalong song live, Guiding Light is a *catch a breathe* song

Indeed. At Wembley I felt slightly grateful for it after moshing non-stop for the first five songs.


At the O2 it felt like it was just unnecessary, not least given at the moment it aired (song 6, straight after Supermassive) it killed the gig's momentum.

LOL I got some nasty looks after sitting down 2 seconds into Explorers on the US tour. 30 seconds later, they understood why.

That's brilliant. :LOL:

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