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Your ultimate Muse album mix


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Track 12: Hate this & I'll love you, Ruled by Secrecy, The 2nd Law: Isolated System


I wish Glorious would be marked as Track 12 though.


And of course, Fury at Track 10, Futurism at 11.


I know they are B-Sides / JP Bonus Tracks, but it'd be awesome to have them on the list! :)

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1. Sunburn

2. Apocalypse Please

3. Panic Station

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Stockholm Syndrome

6. Unnatural Selection

7. MK Ultra

8. Hysteria

9. Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)

10. Butterflies and Hurricanes

11. Exogenesis: Symphony Part III (Redemption)

12. Unsustainable

13. Thoughts of a Dying Atheist


And yeah, I know I did an extra one, sorry about that, but I just couldn't leave it off.

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  • 2 months later...

1. New Born

2. Bliss

3. Sing For Absolution

4. Map Of The Problematique

5. Falling Away With You

6. Animals

7. MK Ultra

8. Uno

9. The Small Print

10. Hoodoo

11. Knights Of Cydonia

12. Ruled By Secrecy


Japanese Bonus Track: Dead Star

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Man this was hard...


1. New Born

2. Starlight

3. Panic Station

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Plug In Baby

6. Citizen Erased

7. Explorers

8. Butterflies & Hurricanes

9. City of Delusion

10. Endlessly

11. Knights of Cydonia

12. Isolated System

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  • 1 year later...

Track 1: Sunburn, New Born, (Intro &) Apocalypse Please, Take a Bow, Uprising, Supremacy or Dead Inside

Track 2: Muscle Museum, Bliss, Time is Running Out, Starlight, Resistance, Madness or (Drill Sergeant &) Psycho

Track 3: Fillip, Space Dementia, Sing for Absolution, Supermassive Black Hole, Undisclosed Desires, Panic Station or Mercy

Track 4: Falling Down, Hyper Music, Stockholm Syndrome, Map of the Problematique, United States of Eurasia, (Prelude &) Survival or Reapers

Track 5: Cave, Plug in Baby, Falling Away, Soldier's Poem, Guiding Light, Follow Me or The Handler

Track 6: Showbiz, Citzen Erased, (Interlude &) Hysteria, Invincible, Unnatural Selection, Animals or (JFK &) Defector

Track 7: Unintended, Micro Cuts, Blackout, Assassin, MK Ultra, Explorer or Revolt

Track 8: Uno, Screenager, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Exo Politics, I Belong to You, Big Freeze or Aftermath

Track 9: Sober, Dark Shines, The Small Print, City of Delusion, Exogenesis: Overture, Save Me or The Globalist

Track 10: Escape, Feeling Good, Endlessly, Hoodoo, Exogenesis: Cross Pollination, Liquid State or Drones

Track 11: Overdue, Meglomania, Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, Knights of Cydonia, Exogenesis: Redemption or The 2nd Law: Unsustainable

Track 12: Hate this & I'll love you, Ruled by Secrecy, The 2nd Law: Isolated System

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Track 1: Supremacy

Track 2: Bliss

Track 3: Panic Station

Track 4: Stockholm Syndrome

Track 5: The Handler

Track 6: Citzen Erased

Track 7: Blackout

Track 8: Aftermath

Track 9: The Globalist

Track 10: Drones

Track 11: Knights of Cydonia

Track 12: The 2nd Law: Isolated System


I really like Supremacy as an opener. It sets a great mood that Bliss continues with no effort.

Then it's the always fun Panic Station and then the heavy stuff starts with Stockholm into Handler into Citizen. The ending of Citizen streams perfectly into Blackout which goes perfectly into Aftermath.

At the moment I'm really in love with those last Drones-tracks, The Globalist and Drones go together so well.

Then after Drones you get the 'Encore' with Knights and you end with the beautiful instrumental Isolated System.

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Following a user on Facebook's idea to put the best songs of TR, T2L and Drones onto one cohesive album, I came up with a refined idea, a concept album, with a story very similar to Drones.


To make an apocalyptic concept album about people fighting against an oppressive world order in a war that ends the world using only TR, T2L and Drones, follow these simple steps.


The Handler





MK Ultra


The Globalist

Isolated System

Exogenesis I

Exogenesis II

Exogenesis III



The protagonist starts things rolling by rebelling against an oppressive superpower for which they worked (The Handler) and gathers widespread support (Defector + Resistance). The state then fights back brutally, utilising drone warfare and mind control (Reapers, MK Ultra). Animals and The Globalist show a different perspective on the story - from the state's point of view. Animals depicts the greed and ruthlessness of the leaders, and The Globalist is further development on that, during its long runtime, catching up with the original story. In an example of the Samson doctrine, to prevent the rebels winning anything worthwhile, the superpower burns the world in nuclear hellfire (the awesome Globalist riff). Isolated System is what's left. looping radio broadcasts and emptyness. Exogenesis... is what comes afterwards.

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Following a user on Facebook's idea to put the best songs of TR, T2L and Drones onto one cohesive album, I came up with a refined idea, a concept album, with a story very similar to Drones.


To make an apocalyptic concept album about people fighting against an oppressive world order in a war that ends the world using only TR, T2L and Drones, follow these simple steps.


The Handler





MK Ultra


The Globalist

Isolated System

Exogenesis I

Exogenesis II

Exogenesis III



The protagonist starts things rolling by rebelling against an oppressive superpower for which they worked (The Handler) and gathers widespread support (Defector + Resistance). The state then fights back brutally, utilising drone warfare and mind control (Reapers, MK Ultra). Animals and The Globalist show a different perspective on the story - from the state's point of view. Animals depicts the greed and ruthlessness of the leaders, and The Globalist is further development on that, during its long runtime, catching up with the original story. In an example of the Samson doctrine, to prevent the rebels winning anything worthwhile, the superpower burns the world in nuclear hellfire (the awesome Globalist riff). Isolated System is what's left. looping radio broadcasts and emptyness. Exogenesis... is what comes afterwards.

I'd put Drones right after Reapers, to show the wake of destruction that all the drone attacks left, with the survivors being controlled again in MK Ultra. Either that or Drones after Isolated System to cement the notion that the people are gone, but that might break up the flow a bit too much near the end.

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Track 1: Take a Bow

Track 2: Bliss

Track 3: Sing for Absolution

Track 4: Reapers (Hyper Music as main runner up)

Track 5: Cave (The Handler as main runner up)

Track 6: Showbiz (Pretty much all the other options as main runner up)

Track 7: Assassin

Track 8: Butterflies & Hurricanes

Track 9: The Globalist

Track 10: Hoodoo

Track 11: Knights of Cydonia

Track 12: Ruled by Secrecy


Working out which ones I preferred was a damn nightmare. Especially track 4 5 and 6. I had to put the runners up in brackets because I felt bad for not including them.

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That was tougher than every accounting exam I took in college...


Track 1: New Born

Track 2: Resistance

Track 3: Sing For Absolution

Track 4: Reapers

Track 5: The Hanlder

Track 6: Citizen Erased

Track 7: Blackout

Track 8: Aftermath/Butterflies and Hurricanes (dammit :logic:)

Track 9: The Globalist (with Drones cause its one song really)

Track 10: Exogenesis Part 2 Cross-Pollination

Track 11: Exogenesis Part 3 Redemption

Track 12: Hate this and I'll Love You


Kind of shows how much I love Drones

Showbiz: 1

Origin: 2

Absolution: 3

Black Holes: 0 (kind of surprising)

Resistance: 3

The 2nd Law: 0 (not very surprising :LOL:)

Drones: 4

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Not an ultimate mix... But a story about someone getting put under mindcontrol to go into space as one of three exo-colonists as the whole world is collapsing in revolution and war beneath him... I actually had a novel idea for this plot since The Resistance but added a new couple of songs to the mix.


(Title: God Never Paid) :p


Setting: A protagonist and his female partner works for The Resistance, who's being hunted down by The World Order, represented by a retired but fearsome Captain.







1. Uprising - the protagonist speaks out openly against the government.

2. The Small Print - separated from his partner in a fleeing crowd caused by World Order troops, a shady character approaches him and proposes a deal, which the revolutionists will benefit greatly from. Yet, he turns out to a high-ranking World Order spy, only known as the Captain and the protagonist is captured.

3. Undisclosed Desires - the protagonist is put under intense psychological pressure to be reprogrammed into a spy.

4. Animals - the protagonist talks back to his captors and reveals what he truly thinks about them.

5. MK Ultra - angered, the captors and the Captain begins to brutally torture their captive and manipulates him into believing his partner betrayed him.

6. Dead Inside - feeling deceived by his partner, the protagonist gives in to the torture and the programming begins.

7. Time Is Running Out - meanwhile, mourning the apparent loss of her partner, the woman rallies her men to an all out assault on a World Order stronghold, which apparently hosts a secret project.

8. Reapers - the assault starts but they're met by well-prepared World Order troops, led by the Captain and the protagonist. An army of super-human mind control subjects, including the protagonist, are mowing down The Resistance's troops.

9. Citizen Erased - In a confrontation with his former partner, the protagonist faints, overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions. His consciousness and mind fights a fierce battle with itself, while his partner and the rest of The Resistance retreats. The Captain deems the protagonist unfit for battle but suggests another purpose for him.

10. The Gallery - seeking refuge in an old gallery, The Resistance and the woman finds a hidden passageway into the headquarters of the World Order base. During this travel they discover the true purpose of the base: The World Order is losing power and land worldwide and as a last resort, they'll send off exo-colonists from this very base.

11. Unnatural Selection - a screaming dialogue happens in a confrontation between the female protagonist and the Captain inside the headquarters, which is now an indoors killing floor of human-drones and rebels. The Captain comes out on top and contacts the spaceship, which has just taken off, carrying the protagonist and two other subjects.

12. The Handler - still subject to mindcontrol, the protagonist believes he's doing the right thing but after a final struggle inside his mind he wakes up on board the spaceship.

13. Exo-Genesis I, II & III - the protagonist wakes up, knowing what he's done and cries over the pain he made others feel. The Captain contacts him and makes him broadcast worldwide, just as everything everywhere is turning into slaughter and revolution. Yet, the protagonist urges everyone to calm down and try again. The Captain tries to stop him but is beaten and held at gunpoint by the female protagonist. Hearing the voice echo around the world, the human-drones put down their arms and the rebels stop shooting. A moment of peace and hope of better days to come. Both the Captain and the female protagonist cries.





Alternate ending (Encore):




14. The Globalist - having finally touched down, the protagonist engages in conversation with the captured Captain, and the Captain persuades the protagonist, who's already insecure due to his killings of the members of The Resistance. The Captain gives him launching codes to the world's nuclear missile, to finally put everything out of its misery but he's swiftly killed by the female protagonist. In secret, the slave personality re-emerges in the protagonist and he activates the missiles, destroying most of the world in the process. Yet, he survives but his partner dies in a falling corridor. Eerily, he begins singing to her corpse about what lies ahead.

15. Isolated System - with nearly everything dead, the earth has become a bland and dark world. The Protagonist begins to wander around the world, seeking out the few survivors left, almost like a prophet.

16. Soldier's Poem - he preaches about the unfairness of things and how nothing is ever truly under your control.

17. Drones - the protagonist ends his sermon with a hymn to the God that didn't protect them from the drones and that he might have been the one pulling the strings, in a world-cleansing event. Then the protagonist continues his endless pilgrimage, until the sun began to shine over the nuclear clouds again.





Very dark but it's pretty fun conceiving a story like this.

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I can't make this flow so it's randomly put together:


1. New Born

2. Stockholm Syndrome

3. Psycho

4. Reapers

5. The Handler

6. Micro Cuts

7. Apocalypse Please

8. Map Of The Problematique

9 Supermassive Black Hole

10. The Small Print

11. Hysteria

12. Citizen Erased

13. Aftermath

14. The Globalist

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Track 1: Sunburn, New Born, (Intro &) Apocalypse Please, Take a Bow, Uprising, Supremacy or Dead Inside

Track 2: Muscle Museum, Bliss, Time is Running Out, Starlight, Resistance, Madness or (Drill Sergeant &) Psycho

Track 3: Fillip, Space Dementia, Sing for Absolution, Supermassive Black Hole, Undisclosed Desires, Panic Station or Mercy

Track 4: Falling Down, Hyper Music, Stockholm Syndrome, Map of the Problematique, United States of Eurasia, (Prelude &) Survival or Reapers

Track 5: Cave, Plug in Baby, Falling Away, Soldier's Poem, Guiding Light, Follow Me or The Handler

Track 6: Showbiz, Citzen Erased, (Interlude &) Hysteria, Invincible, Unnatural Selection, Animals or (JFK &) Defector

Track 7: Unintended, Micro Cuts, Blackout, Assassin, MK Ultra, Explorer or Revolt

Track 8: Uno, Screenager, Butterflies & Hurricanes, Exo Politics, I Belong to You, Big Freeze or Aftermath

Track 9: Sober, Dark Shines, The Small Print, City of Delusion, Exogenesis: Overture, Save Me or The Globalist

Track 10: Escape, Feeling Good, Endlessly, Hoodoo, Exogenesis: Cross Pollination, Liquid State or Drones

Track 11: Overdue, Meglomania, Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, Knights of Cydonia, Exogenesis: Redemption or The 2nd Law: Unsustainable

Track 12: Hate this & I'll love you, Ruled by Secrecy, The 2nd Law: Isolated System



Oof this is difficult...

Track 1: Sunburn. (The most horrible of all choices there, made first. Every opener has it's amazing qualities.)

Track 2: Bliss

Track 3: Panic Station

Track 4: Map of the Problematique

Track 5: The Handler (Hard to get rid of PIB for it...)

Track 6: Citizen Erazed

Track 7: Assassin

Track 8: Butterflies and Hurricanes

Track 9: The Globalist

Track 10: Feeling Good

Track 11: Megalomania

Track 12: Hate this and I'll love you

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