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Is this thread worth keeping alive?


Are any of them?


We could just close all the threads that annoy people and stare at lines through text on the main page, I suppose.


So, anyways, I was looking for a completely unrelated Muse article, and came accross an old, old one where Matt said that the slow bit on the end of CE was actually from a completely different song that they didn't use, and was tacked on because CE became a heavier song than it started out as, and he "didn't know how to end it" as it was "so long and heavy."

Maybe why it doesn't fit lyrically.


So... which part is the sequel to? :LOL:

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Are any of them?


We could just close all the threads that annoy people and stare at lines through text on the main page, I suppose.


So, anyways, I was looking for a completely unrelated Muse article, and came accross an old, old one where Matt said that the slow bit on the end of CE was actually from a completely different song that they didn't use, and was tacked on because CE became a heavier song than it started out as, and he "didn't know how to end it."

Which would be why it doesn't really fit lyrically.


So... which part is the sequel to? :LOL:

Link to that article please.
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