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I feel like this album could due with at least one stripped down song.


Map of Your Head just came on randomly for me and I really enjoyed it because it wasn't sensory overload, like what basically all of The 2nd Law is. I guess you could argue Explorers is stripped down, but that song is balls to me and I don't even think it's THAT stripped down.

Save me? And I personally feel animals stripped down

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I like this album, but I just realised what I dislike about it most: I'm kind of tired of hearing Matt singing about political and economic issues. He's done it many times already and I think he's running out of ideas with all of it. I loved the lyrics in OoS, how abstract and thought-provoking they were. Now it's just getting unoriginal. I feel like on songs like Explorers and Big Freeze he's just throwing words together that relate or create similes or metaphors.


I love the themes. I don't think there's enough musical artists with a political edge, so good for Muse. And I don't think it is unoriginal. Though I still think that the 2nd law of Thermodynamics is a bit of a diversion, I think the metaphor has been put to good use, and I can't see how it is unoriginal. Big Freeze might be as you say, though I can appreciate how the metaphor has been used, but Explorers seems to me a very creative commentary on property rights, and tbh, even in political circles that is a discussion that only really happens in the margins.

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Ok, so the initial reactions to The 2nd Law have been quite negative. I think the guys are suffering due to the high expectations of fans who remember some of the successes of the past.




In my opinion, this album will still piss on any other album released by any other rock band this year. The bottom line is: Muse are still the best band around by an absolute mile. I don't think I'll enjoy any other band's music half as much as I enjoy Muse in my lifetime.


Yes, after a day of listening to the new material, there are a few songs I don't really like very much, but that's always going to be the case I suppose; there are tracks I tend to skip on every album. But even Muse not at their very best is way better than anything else out there.


So for that reason, I'm really looking forward to adding this album to my collection!

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Ok, so the initial reactions to The 2nd Law have been quite negative. I think the guys are suffering due to the high expectations of fans who remember some of the successes of the past.




In my opinion, this album will still piss on any other album released by any other rock band this year. The bottom line is: Muse are still the best band around by an absolute mile. I don't think I'll enjoy any other band's music half as much as I enjoy Muse in my lifetime.


Yes, after a day of listening to the new material, there are a few songs I don't really like very much, but that's always going to be the case I suppose; there are tracks I tend to skip on every album. But even Muse not at their very best is way better than anything else out there.


So for that reason, I'm really looking forward to adding this album to my collection!



I think the reactions here have been rather positive. Definitely more positive than the mood for the past couple of years. Also judging by people's ratings here, it's doing rather favorably: http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=87718


I love it. There are one or two tracks that I don't care for or could do without, but there are more tracks that I enjoy.

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Ever since i discovered Muse a couple of years ago and started to dig their music, i felt they kinda have passed their prime a long time ago. This albums reinforces my belief about that.


Most of the album seems bland and generic to me, Save Me, Big Freeze, Follow Me, are quite forgettable to my ears. I only enjoyed Animals, Panic Station (with this one and Madness it'd seem Matt has been listening to John Deacon's tracks a lot recently), Supremacy and Isolated System.


Still i can only respect the fact that they're always trying to avoid to repeat themselves. Better an album like this than a bad Oasis record. I'm eager to get to see them live anyway, and i'll certainly want to hear their next record, even if i don't expect any masterpiece.

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The only tracks I really like from this album are Animals and Isolated System :( I was hoping that there would be more that I'd really want to keep listening to.


Supremacy, Prelude/Survival, Explorers, Save Me and Unsustainable I find enjoyable, but just that, enjoyable... but not anything special.


I'm just going to hope that this album will grow on me.

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At the moment:


Pure bliss: Animals


Great tracks: Supremacy, Panic Station, Survival (+ Prelude)


I like: Explorers, Liquid State, Isolated System,


Meh: Madness, Big Freeze, Save Me


I don't like at all: Follow Me, Unsustainable


I really don't like to rate this. My opinion will probably change a lot during this week.


/That's why I posted this in the discussion thread, rather than in the rating thread.

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At the moment:


Pure bliss: Animals


Great tracks: Supremacy, Panic Station, Survival (+ Prelude)


I like: Explorers, Liquid State, Isolated System,


Meh: Madness, Big Freeze, Save Me


I don't like at all: Follow Me, Unsustainable


I really don't like to rate this. My opinion will probably change a lot during this week.


/That's why I posted this in the discussion thread, rather than in the rating thread.



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The problem I'm having in judging this album is that it's the first new album I've heard from Muse technically. Since I got into them like a week after TR came out, I had the ability to cram all of those albums into my head at once and compare them to each other. T2L doesn't have that luxury to me. :p

Indeed, this is the first album they've released since I became a fan too. I think that's why it's a little harder to get used to, but it's certainly growing on me. I'm on my eighth listen now and it's only Explorers and Big Freeze I'm unsure of now. Love the rest.


Well I'm much more pleased with this album rather than the new killers album. If you think some of the songs on t2L have cheesy lyrics, give battleborn a listen.


Battle Born has amazing lyrics!

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Yeah I really don't like Follow Me either. The vocals just sound awkward over the top of the instrumental. Just sounds like a bad remix of a not very good song to me. Massive disappointment. Nero did a good job but it was let down by the fact it was a bad Muse song.

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