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2012.09.30 - The Roundhouse, London, UK


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Just found out i've won 2 tickets!!!!!


I entered via the METRO newspaper as they were doing daily giveaways, and i won!


So happy because i'm not seeing them on their main tour!


Lucky bugger, but congrats. Have a good one!

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I fail to see how this would be lolzy.

you win: you feel sucky cause you can't go

lots of other people feel sucky because they could go but you won their ticket. What is the point?


Someone on muselive said something like "definitely can't go, applied for tickets anyway, hope I don't win".


Seems a bit pointless and dickish to me.

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Congrats to those who won! :D


There's no way my parents will let me go to London again this year but I will probably enter the muse.mu comp for the lolz :LOL:


Will feel bad if I win though :erm:


Really, if there's no way you can go, just don't enter the competition! I was so pissed off 2 years ago seeing how many people entered the one for Casino de Paris knowing they wouldn't attend. What's the point? It's not like a normal gig for which you can get a ticket in case you can go and if you can't, you sell it and make someone happy. Here, if you can't go, no one will go in your place.

Entering the competition would be selfish and totally pointless.

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Congratulations to the Metro winners. How cool knowing already that you are definately going. :D Wonder if you'll now be picked in the other comps too :LOL:


I had high hopes for the Metro thinking not many people would enter through it but those hopes have been dashed :( Still at least I can unlike them on FB now :happy:

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Congrats to those who won! :D




Really, if there's no way you can go, just don't enter the competition! I was so pissed off 2 years ago seeing how many people entered the one for Casino de Paris knowing they wouldn't attend. What's the point? It's not like a normal gig for which you can get a ticket in case you can go and if you can't, you sell it and make someone happy. Here, if you can't go, no one will go in your place.

Entering the competition would be selfish and totally pointless.


Oh I would make sure someone else would get my ticket! But I know I know, I won't go in for it.


Well done to everyone who won :D take loads of pictures/videos/tweets for us :awesome:

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I've decided I really want to go to this now. I'm definitely not expecting to get tickets knowing my luck but, having missed out on standing for the O2, I'd actually love to get to go to this.


I would be willing to offer a bed to anyone who was travelling but I expect most people will already have a plus one/won't like me. It's cool, if you don't like me then I don't like you either. :phu:

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Actually, my girlfriend said her friend sold his tickets to an iTunes Festival show last year so I dunno.
I thought you had to take your confirmation email and id? That's what I've heard anyway. But still, even if you can, there is still no point in wanting tickets only to then sell them on.

Indeed, you have to print the confirmation email, which has your full name on it, and provide photo ID along with it. So if somebody did sell their tickets then I doubt the buyer was able to use them! :LOL:

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Indeed, you have to print the confirmation email, which has your full name on it, and provide photo ID along with it. So if somebody did sell their tickets then I doubt the buyer was able to use them! :LOL:


What about those people who do not have a photo ID though as not everyone does. Maybe bring a credit card or something?

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