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Squires are good. About €250.




Very true. You could probably get a second hand one for about €100. While we're on the topic I'd recommend a Jazz over a Precision. Why? They're nicer to play. The neck isn't as thick as on a P-bass, the tone is more versatile and tbh it's nicer. All I've ever been able to make my P do is go BOOM. Also the two pick-ups are nice to anchor your thumb on giving you a range of different positions to pluck, whereas on the P you can only anchor your thumb in the one spot and you're essentially stuck plucking in that one spot. That goes out the window if you play with a plectrum though.


Nothing against P-basses btw. Jazzes just fit me better.



My baby





thank you for the pointers!


I'm not sure where you're based but there's usually a lot of decently priced basses on basschat, I'd definitely recommend a Squire Vintage Modified Jazz.


(my baby:



ooo that's such a nice forum, but unfortunately i'm in the states heh. i wish there was an american equivalent!

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Taking a few very tentative steps into this taking photos lark recently so thought I'd try a few tips I've seen thrown around here to get some shots of one of my main live guitars:




strat_01 by Lexical_Whale, on Flickr



First time putting any proper thought into what I'm shooting rather than just messing around getting to grips with the camera and also first time going for subtle post processing adjustments rather than overt image editing or graphics stuff. Hopefully going to have a go with some of my other gear tomorrow so any technical advice or composition suggestions/interesting angles for this sort of thing would be very welcome (currently my thinking goes as far as getting rid of the wrinkles in the background and maybe trying for slightly less narrow depth of field to keep the top cutaway in focus too).

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*knt hi 5*


What are you using exactly? One of the best purchases I've made (in general :facepalm: ) was this flashgun to use with my DSLR




It's aimed at the ceiling and bounces light back onto what you're taking the picture of. It also seems to help make the background less visible. I've recently got a cable for it as well, so it can stay on a tripod rather than on top of the camera.


Here are a few I did with that setup.



Manson CE-7 by crystallettuce, on Flickr



Manson Cracked Mirror by crystallettuce, on Flickr



AF Guitars Holly (light relic) by crystallettuce, on Flickr



I often have trouble with getting decent angles, so not sure what to suggest about that, but the flashgun is definitely worth getting.


All of these weren't edited afterwards. When I was using a mattress cover :facepalm: for my white background, it would still show up if it wasn't PERFECTLY flat. I'm using some white vinyl now. Only problem is keeping it clean.

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*knt hi 5*



Got a very similar setup to what you're using I think. Got the same flashgun (based on the price/features/good things said about it on here ratio), Canon DSLR and a bit of white cotton material as a backdrop. Was a bit on the fence about 'needing' the flashgun but so glad I went for it (diffusing the pop up flash with bits of paper to nice soft lighting was getting tiresome :LOL:). Will have to look into mounting the flash off camera though; have you found any big benefits doing it that way?


Can hardly compete with your collection but here's a couple of shots I took a bit earlier. Really should've cleaned the dust off...


LP DC_01 by Lexical_Whale, on Flickr


LP DC_02 by Lexical_Whale, on Flickr


LP DC_04 by Lexical_Whale, on Flickr

Couple of others here


Really keen to try out some different backdrops too. Would thoroughly recommend it Matthijs, especially if you're trying to disguise the fact that you're actually shooting in a cluttered bedroom...y'know hypothetically.

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Looks great. I only have a white background, but I need to get a black one as well.


as for mounting the flash off camera




It did make a bit of a difference compared to having the flash mounted on the camera, but then I got the white vinyl background at the same time which made everything look different anyway. I suppose it's because there's no chance of it tilting slightly when it's on a tripod (needs to be facing the ceiling) and it can be placed a few feet away if it needs to be for whatever reason.

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This is the actual one.


Happy anniversary to you and elliott. When are you going to sell him and buy a motor ave? Remember... it would be mind blowing transaction you'll never forget. You might even get a business card.


Did you get a business card from elliott man?


Also, what a coincidence (?) tomorrow marks six years of this addiction I seem to have:





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Happy anniversary to you and elliott. When are you going to sell him and buy a motor ave? Remember... it would be mind blowing transaction you'll never forget. You might even get a business card.


Did you get a business card from elliott man?


Also, what a coincidence (?) tomorrow marks six years of this addiction I seem to have:





thx jmz :awesome: cngrts n ur mnsn 2

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Love that tele. I reckon it'd look badass beaten up too.




It does look a little battered up close, but not like any of Jim's guitars. I'm sure it would look like it did when I got it if I gave it a proper polishing, but I don't like using chemicals unless it's absolutely necessary (like on a second hand guitar that's caked in mud, which I had to deal with recently)


thx jmz :awesome: cngrts n ur mnsn 2


You're welcome


My old strat is back from a refret. Plays much better now, but apparently there wasn't a mod to make it pre-CBS. Strange.


Are you going to buy one of shrew's amps today? I heard they just went up for sale.


I do like how those new supros sound too...

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You're welcome


My old strat is back from a refret. Plays much better now, but apparently there wasn't a mod to make it pre-CBS. Strange.


Are you going to buy one of shrew's amps today? I heard they just went up for sale.


I do like how those new supros sound too...


Not now as I have no money, but yes I'm gonna get one. The 12".

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