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Is Matt the most talented musician alive?


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Gee I'm a little late because I had better things to do on a Friday night, but please stop arguing, plzkthxbai. :rolleyes:


I agree with those that say singing can be a learned skill by many, but that it does come more naturally to some people. Also, I believe singing has a lot to do with your brain. It's mental too, not just physical.

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Which makes you wrong :p


Surely you can come up with your own opinions without having to parrot somebody else's?


Can you please give a piece of technicality to fill my ears other than a dismissal? :happy: Like I said, some natural inclinations people have as well as some things like breath support/vocal clarity are natural, but that doesn't make the musician. Sippe already ended with this and you agreed, now you're disagreeing again. :wtf:

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Wow, what happened in the 3 hours I wasn't on the internet?


"Yes, it's undeniable that some people can sing from an early age, maybe even have the ability from birth. But I don't agree that it makes it a talent."


What does that make it, then? They've been trained since before the were born? Vocal lessons in the womb?


My theory is that they stumble on the "correct" way to do something, singing or whatever, earlier than others, not that others don't have the ability to do the same. And I assume others will notice it and tell them they have a "talent", and said person will continue to develop it. And since it's easier to learn things at a younger age I guess that accounts for why certain things for different people are easier or harder to learn.


and yeah, Sippe's already said the rest of it.

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Wow, what happened in the 3 hours I wasn't on the internet?




My theory is that they stumble on the "correct" way to do something, singing or whatever, earlier than others, not that others don't have the ability to do the same. And I assume others will notice it and tell them they have a "talent", and said person will continue to develop it. And since it's easier to learn things at a younger age I guess that accounts for why certain things for different people are easier or harder to learn.


and yeah, Sippe's already said the rest of it.


This is the other thing I was trying to say, though I didn't know how. So in essence I completely agree here, I believe nurture plays as big a part in it as nature.

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I believe that talent exists. For example, I've always been able to draw people quite well whereas lots of my friends couldn't. I didn't practice, I just could! Thus, it is possible and probably likely that Matt Bellamy and other successful songwriters/musicians are talented. :happy:


In answer to the question 'Is he the most talented musician alive?' my answer is yes, as I don't care as much about any other musicians. His music is the music I prefer most and thus his talent is the best, in my opinion.

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However I don't believe such a thing exists for individual instruments. If someone can play one instrument, they have the ability to play many, but many just don't want that burden on their shoulders (if they consider it a burden).




Playing piano is rather different than playing the trumpet. And playing the trumpet is really different from playing a saxophone. Just because you have great a great finger technique (:eyebrows:) doesn't mean you have the same ability to control the lips etc muscles.


edit: guess that's technique rather than talent :chuckle: But maybe those people have a talent for the technique :phu:

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I think Matt is good at what he does but nothing more. I can't really comment on his piano skills considering I've only just started to learn but his guitar work is average most of the time. Bedroom Acoustics and the live New Born solo are good examples of what he can do but he just seems to not want/be bothered with making things that complex.


All in all, my thoughts are the same as most other people on here. He's good but nowhere near the best.

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What's with the bottom part of the post? :LOL:


Heil Hitler. Basically half the people on this forum are Muse Nazis. Either that or the just hate everything they do. I don't know how this person meant it. If they were Heiling Muse or taking the piss but I certainly hope it's the latter...taking the piss put of people who think you have to like everything the band does and think Matt is the best at everything and can do no wrong. :LOL:

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Heil Hitler. Basically half the people on this forum are Muse Nazis. Either that or the just hate everything they do. I don't know how this person meant it. If they were Heiling Muse or taking the piss but I certainly hope it's the latter...taking the piss put of people who think you have to like everything the band does and think Matt is the best at everything and can do no wrong. :LOL:

I'm pretty sure she knows what the picture was.

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No but you have the same ability to learn that control with practice, which is the point.

Hmm disagree. When I went from sexyphone to piano the reading and the timing etc of course was a lot easier than if I hadn't played music before. But the doing different things with two hands and feet was really difficult for me. And I can never play music on my sexyphone from my head (except for when I practiced really hard for the exam) while on the piano I find it really easy.

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Well hey... Ya never know...some people don't know the obvious. :')


Of course I know what the picture was, I wouldn't by random chance post a picture of a diagonal arm in the air! :p


Hmm disagree. When I went from sexyphone to piano the reading and the timing etc of course was a lot easier than if I hadn't played music before. But the doing different things with two hands and feet was really difficult for me. And I can never play music on my sexyphone from my head (except for when I practiced really hard for the exam) while on the piano I find it really easy.


I didn't say you'd already know how to play the instrument, the gist of what I said is that you have the ability to learn another instrument, or more if you wanted. Obviously you couldn't play something like the organ if you had short legs, but you know what I mean.

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Hmm disagree. When I went from sexyphone to piano the reading and the timing etc of course was a lot easier than if I hadn't played music before. But the doing different things with two hands and feet was really difficult for me. And I can never play music on my sexyphone from my head (except for when I practiced really hard for the exam) while on the piano I find it really easy.

Of course it was difficult, I never said that it wasn't. Again, I'm saying that it's up to how much you practice. Doing different things with your hands and feet is still something that you can practice on and become better at.

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I didn't say you'd already know how to play the instrument, the gist of what I said is that you have the ability to learn another instrument, or more if you wanted. Obviously you couldn't play something like the organ if you had short legs, but you know what I mean.

I don't think I said that you meant that?


I think just think that (for me) the sexyphone technique actually stood in the way for learning the piano technique. I never felt as confident on the piano, even though I got a much higher grade at my exam :LOL:


Of course you have the ability to learn another instrument, just as much as you have the ability to learn an instrument in the first place.

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