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Map will be the newest song we can add to the "Rarities Muse won't play too much because shit songs get top priority"-list.




I hate Map like I hate TIRO... Badly.



It's far better than TIRO. I love the SHUGGA DUN DUN. :LOL:


Map > TIRO.


One of the few regulars that are still entertaining and good live.


TIRO needs to fuck off, though.



TIRO is boring as hell.

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I was over the moon to hear it at Wembley.





I think I might combust with rage.


Especially since it was between MK Ultra and Bliss! :awesome:


I get the feeling that Muse will make a misguided attempt at setting the record straight in Australia, playing a bunch of rarities only to forget that it's what they should've done all along.

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this is nothign more than random speculation/wishful thinking...a bit of a stab in the dark really lol


but anyways, dont think anyones mentioned it but could there be a chance of Muse playing sonisphere festival next summer. It would be no less likely than them headlining rock am ring this year, similar sort of bands/crowd at both, and there were rumours at the festival that muse had come close to headlining this year before going with Glastonbury - wether theres any truth in that i have no idea. also theres a fair bit of talk on the sonisphere forums about Muse for 2011 (the forums are pretty dead, but compared to other bands a fair bit for Muse) so could be a possibility? But im honestly just guessing - i can just see the idea of a short festival tour around europe with sonisphere, and headlining Knebworth appealing to muse for summer 2011.


Anyone see the possibility or is this mostly pointless random guessing? lol :)

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I hope so. ;)


Yeah well, you can't deny that it's bullshit. It's all well and good for people in Australia. But like I said, they've fucked up way too badly already. This tour cannot be salvaged. There are three possibilities:


1) You guys get shafted like the rest of the world. Unlucky. Muse suck and need to understand that there are more than just new fans at gigs.


2) First-nighters get nothing while the second nights get epic stuff (think Wembley Stadium). Makes no sense at all, and Muse fail.


3) Special treatment. Enjoy the rarities, at least you were lucky enough to get them. Muse have completely lost their minds and should fuck off from performing until they get the message.

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Yeah well, you can't deny that it's bullshit. It's all well and good for people in Australia. But like I said, they've fucked up way too badly already. This tour cannot be salvaged. There are three possibilities:


1) You guys get shafted like the rest of the world. Unlucky. Muse suck and need to understand that there are more than just new fans at gigs.


2) First-nighters get nothing while the second nights get epic stuff (think Wembley Stadium). Makes no sense at all, and Muse fail.


3) Special treatment. Enjoy the rarities, at least you were lucky enough to get them. Muse have completely lost their minds and should fuck off from performing until they get the message.

Pff, first night got IBTY, your argument is invalid. :phu:

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It also got Soldiers Poem.

Crock of shit.


Soldier's Poem is one of my fave Muse songs. I can understand why some people hate it, but for others it really really means a lot...if you get what i'm sayin'.


The boards will explode. I'm kinda of looking foward to it :D


the boards have exploded, and this is what's left.

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