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I really hope the Resistance tour isn't an indication of future tours from Muse. They could really make the next tour so much more interesting with not even much effort.


Start with a "generous" 18-20 song template. Let's face it, by the time they tour again they'll have at least 12 more songs in their repertoire. They frankly can't get away with 15-18 song sets for much longer.


Start rotating older songs more often, and with better sense. Swapping Guiding Light for Citizen Erased is comical for sure, but it isn't at all logical.


Start giving more equal representation to their back catalog. They have millions of fans. We all know the music. Even giving just slightly more focus on the newer material doesn't look that bad on paper:


~1 Showbiz song a night

~2-3 Origin songs

~3-4 Absolution songs

~3-4 BH&R songs

~3-4 Resistance songs

~6 New album songs


There's about 20 right there and would probably please just about everybody, assuming it's not the SAME older songs the whole tour. Sure, maybe constructing the set might take a few minutes of extra thought. If Matt doesn't have the time, then they could hire someone who can do it. Like me.


Showbiz: If every Muse gig were guaranteed a song from the list of Sunburn/Showbiz/Cave/Muscle Museum/Uno, there would be far less to complain about. Simple.


Origin: Plug In Baby/Bliss can very feasibly be swapped for one another. Same with New Born/Citizen Erased since both have piano and guitar passages (and Matt should really go back to playing piano on New Born, but that's a whole different topic). Space Dementia, Micro Cuts, Hyper Music could feasibly be shuffled as well. Feeling Good could even pop its head in once every so often, too. I don't think people really hate that song so much as they feel it doesn't need to be played at every gig.


Absolution: Hysteria and TIRO aren't going anywhere ever, let's face it. As much as it pains me, Stockholm could be put on shuffle with another epic song like Butterflies. Small Print/Atheist could be swapped for an extra treat every so often, too.


Would this be so hard?


1 New Song

2 New Song

3 New Born / Citizen Erased

4 Supermassive Black Hole / Map of the Problematique

5 Uprising

6 New Song

7 Hysteria

8 MK Ultra / Unnatural Selection / Assassin

9 New Piano Song

10 Older Piano Song

11 Resistance / Undisclosed Desires

12 Origin of Symmetry / Absolution Selection

13 Starlight

14 Time Is Running Out

15 New Song


16 Showbiz Selection

17 Stockholm Syndrome / Butterflies & Hurricanes


18 New Song

19 Bliss / Plug In Baby

20 Knights / Take a Bow


Im for this completely ^^

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Voices about an acustic gig last saturday at the Ness hotel in Sheldon (in front of 300 people) are starting to spread... lolwut


Ok then. Are you sure? People who were there seem to be pretty sure nothing happened and that Dom went home, chris went off with his family etc

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Ok then. Are you sure? People who were there seem to be pretty sure nothing happened and that Dom went home, chris went off with his family etc


Obviously it's not sure, just a guy on twitter (who seems fairly reliable, as far as I know) who has heard "from a couple of different people" that they played this strange acoustic and intimate set.


and Dom went home on sunday evening, after the torch relay, so apparently the day after this gig. :erm: obviously would be strange to get the first rumors just now, 3 days later



pasting the twitter conversation with the guy (twitter username is @admiralhews):

him: so #muse played an acoustic gig on saturday night at the Ness hotel, shaldon. devastated.


me: LOL, I see you trolling


him: I wish, comments "They did play to a 300 audience... Boss at work told me his son went to the gig in shaldon"... - from this muser I know. " Apparently they played at the ness house hotel x" - "Confirmed, another facetw*t person said the same on there status also" hoping an elaborate troll? someone else I know who... - 'knows' people has said the same... has to be? has to be?!?!?!


me: can't believe it, c'mon. It seems so fucking strange


him: heard from a couple of different people, hoping an elaborate troll? hard to tell... I'll investigate haha


me: LOL go sherlock!


him: heard it from a few people, but can't work out how there's no vid/pics if they played to a 300 audience.


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That's why I prefer a band like Foo Fighters live. They play 30 song sets. Fuck yeah :awesome:

Even Radiohead plays 23 songs on average.


The Foo Fighters are such an awesome live band but their 30 songs are generally shorter than most of Muse's stuff.


If Muse played even 20 + on most nights i'm sure there would be a lot less complaining. But none of this 15 song bs

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Why do people even compare the amount of songs in a gig? Different bands have differing average song length. The overall length of the gig is a bit more accurate if the band doesn't do loads of talking between the songs.


Well people were comparing the length of the gigs before. More specifically Muse's stadium tour where they would rarely use the two hours they were allotted and would normally finish after 1h30.

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Why do people even compare the ammount of songs in a gig? Different bands have differing avarage song length. The overall lenght of the gig is a bit more accurate if the band doesn't do loads of talking between the songs.

Muse do fill out a fair amount of space with interludes, jams and riffs. Not to mention changing guitar every other song. :facepalm:


I'd still say that Radiohead are a fair comparison live, since their songs are pretty much the same length.

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Some of the interludes, riffs and jams need to go to be honest, they're taking up too much space in the setlists for my liking. I'd much rather have 2 or so proper songs instead of:


- Riffs after TIRO (or TIRO as a whole)


- An intro to Resistance's already long intro

- MK Jam (some may like it, I think it's a bit naff)

- UD's intro (or, again, UD as a whole)

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Muse do fill out a fair amount of space with interludes, jams and riffs. Not to mention changing guitar every other song. :facepalm:


I'd still say that Radiohead are a fair comparison live, since their songs are pretty much the same length.


Isn't that to get a specific sound on a song or something? And all of his guitars don't have kaoss pads. I'm a complete noob with guitars so please explain me :)

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Some of the interludes, riffs and jams need to go to be honest, they're taking up too much space in the setlists for my liking. I'd much rather have 2 or so proper songs instead of:


- Riffs after TIRO (or TIRO as a whole)


- An intro to Resistance's already long intro

- MK Jam (some may like it, I think it's a bit naff)

- UD's intro (or, again, UD as a whole)


MWAH works too well to remove it. Also MK Jam is pretty great (and their is usually only 1 jam per concert). They seem to have a good reaction.


You are right though. The riffs on TIRO (and Hysteria) just have to go. Also they manage to extend nearly every song. For example, Bliss has the extended solo outro (which is great) but then they added on top of that at Reading.

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MWAH works too well to remove it. Also MK Jam is pretty great (and their is usually only 1 jam per concert). They seem to have a good reaction.


You are right though. The riffs on TIRO (and Hysteria) just have to go. Also they manage to extend nearly every song. For example, Bliss has the extended solo outro (which is great) but then they added on top of that at Reading.


MWAH needs to go because it's just too tired. Nothing exciting about it anymore. I was also hesistant (?) about letting it go cause I loved it so much but it has worn itself out.

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I was quite bored during Helsinki Jam when I saw it, and MK Jam seems to be even more boring.


Isn't that to get a specific sound on a song or something? And all of his guitars don't have kaoss pads. I'm a complete noob with guitars so please explain me :)
Sometimes, but I'd say that 50% of the guitar changes are quite useless, especially since he uses the kaoss pad like 1 minute per gig.


If only Matt actually started making some proper use of the X/Y Pad.

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Helsinki Jam's pretty good, not as good as Osaka though. MK Jam is a bit dull but it's still better than Kaoss Jam. Overall, I don't mind Helsinki and Osaka being played, I wouldn't want to get rid of them, it's the pointless riffs and intros that get to me sometimes.

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Helsinki Jam's pretty good, not as good as Osaka though. MK Jam is a bit dull but it's still better than Kaoss Jam. Overall, I don't mind Helsinki and Osaka being played, I wouldn't want to get rid of them, it's the pointless riffs and intros that get to me sometimes.


They could just make a new jam.

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The Foo Fighters are such an awesome live band but their 30 songs are generally shorter than most of Muse's stuff.

You'd still get far more content than a Muse gig. I saw Foo's at iTunes Festival for free and got 27 songs in and a fair few riffs in 3 hours :awesome:

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