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No, no replacing Matt. The pig opens and sings the songs from the setlist poll. Then Muse covers mostly the new album. Then everyone's happy! Happy Musers! :LOL:

Just let Muse do their boring 15 song set, and then put on a record and let the pig sing some rarities at the end. :yesey:

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Maybe if they don't worry about the elaborate stage for next tour and just did something like their festival stage at every gig. That should decrease ticket prices for a start, and they can be more mobile on the stage so they don't have to worry about not being able to get the piano on or whatever the problem is. Muse are good enough live to not need an elaborate stage.

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Maybe if they don't worry about the elaborate stage for next tour and just did something like their festival stage at every gig. That should decrease ticket prices for a start, and they can be more mobile on the stage so they don't have to worry about not being able to get the piano on or whatever the problem is. Muse are good enough live to not need an elaborate stage.


That would be excellent. Hopefully they keep it simple.

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Maybe if they don't worry about the elaborate stage for next tour and just did something like their festival stage at every gig. That should decrease ticket prices for a start, and they can be more mobile on the stage so they don't have to worry about not being able to get the piano on or whatever the problem is. Muse are good enough live to not need an elaborate stage.


Bullshit! Matt is way too brilliant for a simple show :rolleyes:

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omg lols pages!


Anyway, just read through the last 10 pages and I feel I have to add my 2 cents on another topic that came up here...


I've been interviewed about obsession not long ago because of all my work trying to bring Muse to Israel a lot of people interview me about them and now someone interpreted it as obsession and wanted to interview me about it.


Bottom line is, I used to be like that, I used to think Muse can do no good.. in a way in reminds me of when I was a kid and liked boy bands. No matter what they did, I thought they were perfect :facepalm: same with Muse... a few years ago.


I've grown up and out of it though. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the fact some people do think they're perfect but people arguing whether fans should be judgemental or not on a band's forum is ridiculous. We are all entitled to our opinions and freedom of speech allows us to do it wherever we want. And since this is a Muse forum, our Muse-related opinions should and could come here. I wouldn't support some randomer coming here and just saying 'Muse suck' and then leave.. I don't mind people saying Muse suck BUT I think if you want to give your opinion then prove it. Give valid reasons WHY you think so... I dunno, maybe it's cos I'm a law student.


I still love old Muse. Which is why it saddens me to see how much they changed. And while I don't mind people disagreeing with me, saying 'you shouldn't write this in a Muse forum' is not a valid arguement. It just makes you sound ridiculous. And frankly, I don't think there's ANY valid arguement against a disappointed fan.. when you come home after a gig and you know the gig you just saw isn't half as good as the gig you saw a while back, it will clearly make you bitter and seeing another crappy gig like that will make you feel even worse. And it doesn't matter whether the Muse crazies who think they're perfect were at the gig or not - I highly doubt you can make a bitter fan feel better. Only the band can do that..




And just wanted to add this is why I LOVE Musers. I always find Musers wittier and much more intelligent than most fans. I love the fact most of the Musers don't live in Muse-perfect bubble and can judge the band. Most bands' fans that I came across aren't like that.

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Basics if you don't want a lot of people arguing with you:


Don't say "You are wrong and should stop complaining, this is my opinion..."


Say "This is my opinion..."


Basically I think people are overthinking it. Yes I agree that Matt wants everything perfect, and fucking up is a bit of a issue for him, but more than that, I think that he's going on what he wants performed when he goes to a gig, which is the hits. He said it about Prince. He was so pleased that Prince played all his hits. I think it was Jo Wiley who commended Muse on the fact that they don't indulge themselves, they play the stuff that she felt people wanted to hear, which is the hits.


PS The next tour will have an extra ingrediant of course - new songs!:D I can't see anything to complain about that and am happy to wait and see. :happy: I can't see the point of bemoaning the loss of the old, life moves on!


Nothing in my original post says that people aren't allowed to share their opinions. I was simply joining in the discussion and making general points. Notice the amount of times I have said "I think". I am sharing an opinion and actually I was feeling happy and relaxed when posting it, not angry or like having a go at anyone.


No one is saying that you avoid the arguments themselves, as in, the actual arguing. What we're saying is that you choose to ignore every single point that is made against you because all you can counter with is basically nonsense.



No of course, you're right, that's not true. That does them a disservice. I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people who would enjoy hearing old songs but I was referring to the people who find any opportunity to complain on here. It's always the same minority.


The fact is Muse will perform what they want to, so endless moaning seems pretty pointless to me. They already know that some of the fans on here are desparate to hear old songs!


This was when I agreed with Sippe's point that I expect it is more than 20 people so that demonstrates that I do respond to alternative opinions. I'm always ready to accept someone's point if I agree with it. I know that Matt knows that some people on here want them to play old songs, because he has spoken about it on a few occasions and in a very nice, kind way as well. He's also spoken about the fact that he wants to play what he thinks he would like to hear if he was in the audience, which he has said is the hits. That might sound like a conflict but actually it's not because I think Muse think that Muse.mu aren't representative of their fans in general. Obviously if Muse want to play old songs or feel it's appropriate, they will. But I honestly don't think that attacking them or endlessly expressing the same argument is going to get them to do it, and in that I'm not trying to reiterate the point or criticise anyone for having an opinion, just explaining why I say that. The problem is that when people criticise the last album for instance or want to comment that Muse have gone downhill, they often state it as if it is a fact, when it's not, it's simply their own opinion.


You have been doing it in this very discussion several times. You still haven't answered in what way you are being attacked because of your opinions, among a lot of other things that you never replied to.


Tbh I don't like to get into personal battles, it should just be about the issues being discussed. I don't think I am relevant to the discussion or how I attempt to conduct discussion is relevant. I'm unsure even about posting this. I am really not about drawing attention to myself. I don't reply to stuff like that because I don't want it to be about me. I also think it will be obvious to most people reading. Also I can't answer every post because there are too many people replying to my posts at the same time who use these kinds of threads to reiterate their displeasure, for me to respond to.


Unfortunately If you are happy with Muse, and enjoy their latest album and don't get het up about what they play in their setlists, there seems to be either two options, take the flak after making a positive post amongst the sea of negativity or don't post in those kind of threads at all, and allow it to appear to anyone outside reading the thread that the negativity in relation to Muse is a lot more prevalent than it really is.

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Unfortunately If you are happy with Muse, and enjoy their latest album and don't get het up about what they play in their setlists, there seems to be either two options, take the flak after making a positive post amongst the sea of negativity or don't post in those kind of threads at all, and allow it to appear to anyone outside reading the thread that the negativity in relation to Muse is a lot more prevalent than it really is.


To be fair, the amount of threads all about the awesomeness of muse songs is at least equivalent to the number of "The Resistance isn't that good" threads. People are always saying what they're beginning to appreciate more about muse songs and what ones they've rediscovered, but because this is a muse forum when people state what they personally dont like (which is usually done in a reasonable manner) others are always going to disagree and this spawns more discussion. Personally I enjoy reading more of the beef threads as they're more interesting to read then everyone agreeing about how awesome muse are, regardless of the fact that I agree with the latter usually.


Oh and I actually enjoy both sides of muse, modern muse i find to be far more fun and accesible but still different to most other bands, but older more angsty muse are alot more energetic and their different sides appeal to me at different times and so I can't really decide which i prefer. However, I think that muse need to accept that people do know and enjoy their older music and so, even if they refuse to split a setlist evenly, they should try to include more, or at least more varied "oldies" next tour.

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This was when I agreed with Sippe's point that I expect it is more than 20 people so that demonstrates that I do respond to alternative opinions.


Well, you were bound to get cornered sometime.


I'm always ready to accept someone's point if I agree with it.


So if you don't agree that automatically makes every point against you invalid? People can have valid points even if you don't agree with them.


I know that Matt knows that some people on here want them to play old songs, because he has spoken about it on a few occasions and in a very nice, kind way as well. He's also spoken about the fact that he wants to play what he thinks he would like to hear if he was in the audience, which he has said is the hits. That might sound like a conflict but actually it's not because I think Muse think that Muse.mu aren't representative of their fans in general. Obviously if Muse want to play old songs or feel it's appropriate, they will.


But then what was the point of having the setlist polls if they weren't prepared to play older songs? Seemed to me, and a lot of other people, that this was a complete hoax. They got people hyped up and delivered nothing, really.


But I honestly don't think that attacking them or endlessly expressing the same argument is going to get them to do it, and in that I'm not trying to reiterate the point or criticise anyone for having an opinion, just explaining why I say that. The problem is that when people criticise the last album for instance or want to comment that Muse have gone downhill, they often state it as if it is a fact, when it's not, it's simply their own opinion.


But when people do criticise them, I have seen you and others telling people to fuck off instead of trying to discuss it and deal with it head-on. I'm not saying that everyone has done/is doing this, but it does happen.

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Nothing in my original post says that people aren't allowed to share their opinions. I was simply joining in the discussion and making general points. Notice the amount of times I have said "I think". I am sharing an opinion and actually I was feeling happy and relaxed when posting it, not angry or like having a go at anyone.

After going back to read a bit, you are correct, my mistake.


It still doesn't change the fact that you have been saying it more than once before. Both the "This is a place for Muse fans" and a lot of other things that I can't remember.


But I don't regret responding to your original post, and I certainly don't see it as we are attacking you.


This was when I agreed with Sippe's point that I expect it is more than 20 people so that demonstrates that I do respond to alternative opinions. I'm always ready to accept someone's point if I agree with it. I know that Matt knows that some people on here want them to play old songs, because he has spoken about it on a few occasions and in a very nice, kind way as well. He's also spoken about the fact that he wants to play what he thinks he would like to hear if he was in the audience, which he has said is the hits. That might sound like a conflict but actually it's not because I think Muse think that Muse.mu aren't representative of their fans in general. Obviously if Muse want to play old songs or feel it's appropriate, they will. But I honestly don't think that attacking them or endlessly expressing the same argument is going to get them to do it, and in that I'm not trying to reiterate the point or criticise anyone for having an opinion, just explaining why I say that. The problem is that when people criticise the last album for instance or want to comment that Muse have gone downhill, they often state it as if it is a fact, when it's not, it's simply their own opinion.

This is what we have been trying to say for quite a while. Muse believes that the gig attenders only wants to hear their singles, which is just wrong.


And still you keep going on about "some people here wants Muse to play old songs". MOST of the fans wants this, but most of them are also happy with what they get, there's a major difference.


Tbh I don't like to get into personal battles, it should just be about the issues being discussed. I don't think I am relevant to the discussion or how I attempt to conduct discussion is relevant. I'm unsure even about posting this. I am really not about drawing attention to myself. I don't reply to stuff like that because I don't want it to be about me. I also think it will be obvious to most people reading. Also I can't answer every post because there are too many people replying to my posts at the same time who use these kinds of threads to reiterate their displeasure, for me to respond to.

I don't like it either, but when you try to make yourself a victim by saying that you are attacked(or something along those lines), then I would like you to back up that statement.

Unfortunately If you are happy with Muse, and enjoy their latest album and don't get het up about what they play in their setlists, there seems to be either two options, take the flak after making a positive post amongst the sea of negativity or don't post in those kind of threads at all, and allow it to appear to anyone outside reading the thread that the negativity in relation to Muse is a lot more prevalent than it really is.

There are loads of threads in for example Songs and Releases that are filled with 90% positive comments. Let's say for example that you have thread called "your favorite moment in a Muse song", that thread is bound to be filled with positivity. But as soon as there's a thread open for both negative and positive opinions, there WILL be negativity, and even more so since people keep trying to defend Muse. I'm not saying that is bad, but I'm saying that you can't complain that there's a lot of negativity when you respond to it, that will obviously just spawn more negative comments as a reply.

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I don't like it either, but when you try to make yourself a victim by saying that you are attacked(or something along those lines), then I would like you to back up that statement.



Believe me I don't try and make myself a victim. I was referring to such stuff as facepalms, when I hadn't said anything that deserved it, tagging on the threads, that kind of stuff. There's an undercurrent and I am aware of it and it's not very nice.


However you're right I wasn't exactly shot down, but I wasn't referring to myself particularly, I was making a general comment about the reaction to people who are positive in threads that are predominantly negative. There's little point saying go and post somewhere else because other threads are on a different subject.


This is regarding future/gigs and tours and I just wanted to join the speculation surrounding the reasons that Muse conduct tours as they do and wanted to comment that I prefer to look forward to what Muse have to offer in the future rather than clinging onto the past as that is how I feel. I can't see how an argument really could have arisen out of that.


Well the argument seemed to be that since I enjoy Muse, the fact that I'm looking forward to what they do in the future is irrelevant. A comment directed at me personally I think rather than about the issues...

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Believe me I don't try and make myself a victim. I was referring to such stuff as facepalms, when I hadn't said anything that deserved it, tagging on the threads, that kind of stuff. There's an undercurrent and I am aware of it and it's not very nice.


However you're right I wasn't exactly shot down, but I wasn't referring to myself particularly, I was making a general comment about the reaction to people who are positive in threads that are predominantly negative. There's little point saying go and post somewhere else because other threads are on a different subject.


This is regarding future/gigs and tours and I just wanted to join the speculation surrounding the reasons that Muse conduct tours as they do and wanted to comment that I prefer to look forward to what Muse have to offer in the future rather than clinging onto the past as that is how I feel. I can't see how an argument really could have arisen out of that.


Well the argument seemed to be that since I enjoy Muse, the fact that I'm looking forward to what they do in the future is irrelevant. A comment directed at me personally I think rather than about the issues...

Once again you ignore the rest of the points in my post :p


Yes, this is off-topic. And yes, you were facepalmed...by ONE person.


Actually, looking back at it, this all started because you misunderstood one of my posts :LOL:


Well, it's like the people who answer to setlist complains with "I thought the setlist was good.....I like them for whatever they play".


It kinda loses its point to judge something if you don't have any demands. It's like reviewing a movie and then finish by saying "But I would give it 5 stars no matter what".

That wasn't aimed at you. That was just a general opinion about the people who actually say that. But after that you responded with the shit about "Muse aren't some tinpot little band who organise their setlists around 20 people.", and here we are!

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What I did I say previously?



Right can we cut the digging at other people's views. This thread is meant to be about what we can expect from future gigs, please keep on topic.


I'm getting sick of the squabbling, any more and I will start infracting.

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What I did I say previously?





I'm getting sick of the squabbling, any more and I will start infracting.

I think you could actually move like the last 30 pages into the general tour discussion-thread and only get like 2-3 posts that was actually on topic :LOL:

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This is what we have been trying to say for quite a while. Muse believes that the gig attenders only wants to hear their singles, which is just wrong.


And still you keep going on about "some people here wants Muse to play old songs". MOST of the fans wants this, but most of them are also happy with what they get, there's a major difference.




Is this the point you wanted me to respond to? I'm not so sure it is wrong as I don't know what everyone in a stadium wants. It feels wrong but I think Muse are in a better position to judge which songs go down well and the old songs haven't always had the greatest response according to people who have reported back from gigs, even those like CE and Bliss and you can hear on the videos that people talk all the way through Ruled by Secrecy.


I expect that a lot of fans do like hearing old songs but as it's not such a huge deal they don't feel the need to repeatedly reiterate it and they are happy, as you say, which is a good thing. I don't know what Muse themselves feel, but perhaps they prefer to play their new stuff. I also think that many fans enjoy the new stuff as much as the old, some more so.


As for the future, perhaps Muse will continue to favour their latest work but that, to me, is natural progression.

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Is this the point you wanted me to respond to? I'm not so sure it is wrong as I don't know what everyone in a stadium wants. It feels wrong but I think Muse are in a better position to judge which songs go down well and the old songs haven't always had the greatest response according to people who have reported back from gigs.


I expect that a lot of fans do like hearing old songs but as it's not such a huge deal they don't feel the need to repeatedly reiterate it and they are happy, as you say, which is a good thing. I don't know what Muse themselves feel, but perhaps they prefer to play their new stuff. I also think that many fans enjoy the new stuff as much as the old, some more so.


As for the future, perhaps Muse will continue to favour their latest work but that, to me, is natural progression.

To lead this discussion into the topic, I would hope that Muse changes their attitude for future tours.


This doesn't just mean setlists, but the length of the gigs, which is just ridiculous at the moment.


I also feel that they could make a bigger effort to change things around. This doesn't have to mean playing songs that they don't enjoy, I'm sure that they have more than 20 songs that they would enjoy playing.

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Maybe if they don't worry about the elaborate stage for next tour and just did something like their festival stage at every gig. That should decrease ticket prices for a start, and they can be more mobile on the stage so they don't have to worry about not being able to get the piano on or whatever the problem is. Muse are good enough live to not need an elaborate stage.


This is true.


I'm getting sick of the squabbling, any more and I will start infracting.



Pipe down.

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