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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Should be obvious you don't need everything. If you really want to go the cheap route at least know you might be getting what you paid for (Dom said he wasn't angry so nothing against him). At the same time though I also wouldn't expect someone to get a $3000 guitar or something. But I'm also not really sure what's being quantified as expensive or cheap here.
  2. no u just can't into relay chat huehue

  3. I remember him saying that. Don't remember if it was in the screening though. I remember a trailer with some quotes from attendees though praising the film. Also a video of the end credits and the DVD menu which I don't think are available anymore.
  4. I know Muse the Movie has been in production for much longer (4 years?), but I remember one guy last year who insisted that his Reading DVD was never gonna come out and it was all a trick. Look at that...
  5. If I remember BH&R went through a stage where it was extremely proggy but it made some of the popper tracks like SMBH sounds really disjointed, and it was when they got that more electronic and dance influence that those tracks came together and the proggy tracks were cut down. Might have been cool to see them go all out with the progressive stuff and multi-albums, but they trimmed the songs down for a reason so maybe it wouldn't have ended up as great. Then again looking at what they did with Assassin it could've just been another butchering of the songs' early versions. All seems to go back to consistency really. I really loved The 2nd Law but I really want to see them try and delve deep into a general style and see how well they work with that. T2L felt like a lot of really good ideas that were cutoff once the song ended.
  6. Yeah it probably won't happen unless Muse decide to actually stick with one style on an album. But maybe a few tracks of the sort would be nice. IS was a great example of Muse using all the strings and choirs and layers and still finding a way to tie it all down and keep it from being bombastic
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