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Everything posted by kueller

  1. 1. 137 2. Wembley Stadium (supporting Kanye West) 3. Macaroni and Cheese 4. Dicks 5. 4
  2. So did I pass?
  3. 1. Dicks 2. Dicks 3. MK Jam 4. Radiohead 5. Hysteria, Sunburn, I don't know the rest EDIT: Uprising, Resistance 6. Blue 7. Morgan 8. Most money spent on Mansons 9. Distortion 10. 13
  4. But he got more Abso songs and more BH&R songs as well as the Agitated/Yes Please combo. Maybe it's just me that I'd rather have variety than song count.
  5. Matt saying a few times they'd like to do it I believe.
  6. The whole front row went crazy for it. I didn't even know how weak the reaction was until I looked at later footage. And this is nothing new. It never impressed me that much live for years just watching the pro-shot footage, even from the Abso era. Not that it's bad live as I said, it's just it was low on the piano songs I'd want to see live. If it was replaced with another good piano song I wouldn't miss it, but I'd much much rather have it than FG or Explorers.
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