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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Crazy how they've been playing more Abso and OoS songs than BH&R. Not complaining about old songs coming back of course, but damn there's so many gems from the BH&R era. Even Invincible would've been a nice stadium treat to go with Blackout.
  2. [YT] [/YT] Quality isn't very good here either but at least it doesn't clip much. Fuck, everytime I hear this it makes me want to hear it live more.
  3. There's a decent audio only video and a more distorted video one. And like a small clip of Earl's Court but quality isn't good on either end.
  4. Well we have some nice new videos of Futurism. Fury has a lot of recordings. Was there ever a good one for A Crying Shame besides the low quality Earl's Court one?
  5. The band of the same name probably thought the same thing.
  6. Damn, the song's better live than I thought it would be. Not a big fan of the main guitar riff though, I like it better with all the noise and gain. EDIT: Damn he didn't go up on the final falsetto.
  7. Is it sustained notes time? I will aveeeeeeeeeeeeeeenge My plug in babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy And it makes meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Spaaaaaaaaaace deeeeementia in your eeeeeeeeyes Groundeeeeeeeeeeed, boxed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin (relevant) I want it nooooooooooooooow, I want it nooooooooooooow
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