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Everything posted by kueller

  1. So wouldn't FLAC be better then? Just doing both should be fine.
  2. This with better production I guess.
  3. Supremacy: -production of Survival -instrumentation setup of Unsustainable -vocal distortion of Micro Cuts
  4. Was The Small Print from EC night 1 a present? I don't know what to catagorize it as.
  5. I have nothing to say with this post, I'm just trying to lower the percentage of Hanah in this message box.

  6. There is no perfect way to choose fans. There will always be people who can't go for many reasons other than join date (not that they're even using that system in the first place). And unless it's something like the Reading broadcast where they nearly promised to show the whole thing and then didn't you can't really act entitled about going to a gig.
  7. I love whenever I see some Yahoo answers page of someone asking to translate a foreign song and everyone responds with a Google translate result.
  8. A bit of grit too would be nice. Mainly muddiness from my point of view. Nothing's very bright in the album. It's fine for Endlessly and RBS that are a bit softer to begin with but for songs like AP and parts of Stockholm the lack of punch just weakens the tracks. I did like Hysteria on album though. Was a bit weak to me. I wish they didn't have the keyboard line taking up so much of the mix. Heavier guitar and bass would've been better.
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