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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. omg aww.. that must've been such a nice dream.. everythime i dream of muse its just random aspects of my life + muse :[
  2. zomg zomg zomg i did what someone else said they did in here i dreamt of muse then dreamt that i realised i'd dreamt of muse and was thinking i should put it on here .. if you catch my drift lool i don't think i even woke up after that.. it was like a series of dreams.. that had little things related to each other.. i was so confused when i woke up.. i think i know where the muse related dream came from though i watched that programme where they ate things from the eighties.. it was matt but with a really weirdly defined jawline on TV warning against bread getting too hot in microwaves and then some demonstration bread sort of blew up but it looked like it melted.. defined jawline matt wasn't happy... i'm guessing noone wants to hear about the non muse related antic going on inside my head but the burning food theme continued...
  3. chuck some lawyers on their touting arses... well g'luck with the ticket searching ooh try scarletmist.com.. it never has any but no pain no gain.. my refresh button's gonna a wreck by the end of this..
  4. i would've been at school but i had GCSEs .. didn't get tickets and made everything just so much worse.. i could sue touts for making me fails my exams plus i'm broke now so i really just can't afford to buy from those ebay dicks... lucky wembley not seen muse even once..
  5. wow that sounds so like.. cinematic..(don't REALLY know what that means ).. but the whole pocket watch.. and he needs to catch a plane.. casablanca comes to mind- thing is i've never even watched it just extremely bored ( until i came on here ) and felt the need to pass random judgement.
  6. you people's dreams are so much better than mine! or at least they make for good entertainment.. i was so pleased with myself the last time i had a muse dream cause i hardly ever have dreams.. especially about anything interesting.. anyways.. it was me looking after a LOAD of kids like 2 year olds in what looked like the drama studio at school.. then just like randomly it turns out muse are going to be performing there.. then all the kids started like.. crying or shouting and getting up from their seats... and it ended JUST as muse come in... in the stage just after i woke up i was so disapointed anyone else feel really dumb just after you realise it's all a dream?
  7. someone on here said print a picture of the buyer on the tickets or something like that... i dunno.. something has to be done though... it's gonna start getting ridiculous like touts buying ALL the tickets or getting programmes to block fans buying tickets online.. i have no tickets thanks to those little twats..
  8. luckyyy i'm close to giving up on finding tickets.. my dad did basically the same, i think he should try and get it blocked.. we can't, apparently you can only cancel a transaction with a credit card no tickets AND lost money.. lol praying it's legit.. in these hard times even i have turned to god i blame the touts!
  9. > they sicken me.. ugh i think they should make it illegal.. suprise all those douche bags on ebay selling them for hundreds and fakes... it's just disgusting.
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