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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. :chuckle: it's true, damn him and his expensive yet hot hair, it's unfair :LOL:
  2. he'd be more girly than ME :LOL:

  3. :chuckle:


    neverending load av ftw.

  4. ah, he didnt do a very good job of hiding it sometimes :noey::LOL:

  5. that's how comes he (used to) sing so high :ninja::LOL:

  6. :chuckle: thanks for the appreciation

    bellamy looks a right girl in that photo :awesome:

  7. :LOL: thanks

    it's really hypnotising after a while

  8. ooch.. i'd bring spare plastic bags for em or something :awesome:

    :noey: he really is too talent greedy.. i mean wtf guitar AND piano AND singing skillz AND general brainyness... just unfair olol.

    i hope you get as good as him lmao the world needs more people that can pwoperly play geetar :D

    :chuckle: once i tried to play feeling good :LOL: failed miserably

    only thing i'm good at other than art is being a biology nerd :(


    and see ya, i should really get an early night too..

  9. thursday was just before the weather got crap innit.. gonna be like this till tuesday now (n)

    cool that you can do anything music-y tbh :p

    last thing i ever did was play the eastenders theme tune on a keyboard about 3 years ago :awesome::facepalm:

    mm or absolution.. just like if their favourite album is bhar either their music taste is pretty different or they haven't bothered to listen to anything else yet :\

  10. nah i wasn't :LOL: i was all the way over in norff london :p but saw the weather forecast and literally the weather was terrible everywhere and worse nearer to coastlines :\


    wow it sounds awesome in there :eek: makes me wish i could play guitar just go go down there and have a spaz over em all :LOL:

    tbh you know a muse fan is gonna be more interesting if their fav album was OOS :p

  11. :LOL: yeah not feeling good


    god wasn't it freezing in exeter today?... the weather sucks lately :\

    is it awesome in mansons though? do they give muse some sort of acknowledgement :awesome:


    and thankyou :happy:

  12. ohh :LOL: i'm such an abbreviation n00b :D

    im a'ight.. but.. one day old squid + too much coffee is probs not a good idea for the future :chuckle:



  13. had a dream bout 2 months ago that i was at some sort of photo shoot, it was sunnier than britain and kinda had an american feel about it, there was a crowd though none seemed to be fans.. all of muse'd finished the shoot and got change but they were still carrying the photoshoot clothes and i couldn't see dom.. then randomly matt handed me his clothes and walked off, then i look down and it's a combination of like denim jackets, some jeans and my primark bra which also broke about 2 months ago weirdly (thats what you get for wearing cheap ass bras )
  14. eww spine injuries haha, *squeemish yet intrigued*

    this is yet another reason i dont get people who're into sport :LOL:

    a bit better.. but being swamped by like a mountain of coursework don't help the illness i have left *moan*

  15. yea, pwopa g blud


    amazes me when people actually type how they talk actually...

    but i cant talk.. been known to say 'lol' irl :facepalm:

  16. aw so norff landaan really isn't too bad on the musery front :LOL:

    a shame my little social niche is..

    good to know anyways :happy:

  17. ooh :awesome:

    so enfield isn't so muser isolated after all

    might have to make some sort of excuse to go see those :p

  18. aww well that sucks.. but well done on your not getting injured again :awesome::chuckle:really wouldve sucked if you'd lost and got hurt too

  19. aw.. man thats unfortunate timing for the football (soccer, lol :chuckle:) thingy, get well soon :]

  20. bad, i feel well ill.. but otther than that ok, you?

  21. yo, thanks for teh friend request :D

  22. travel as well, phwoar.. stupid fuckin touts mean i'm not seeing them this year.. and this would've been the first time as well
  23. dropped physics and VERY much happier for it :chuckle:


    tanks for the fb request :happy: accepted.

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