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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. Weeeird, glad I'm not the only one
  2. I 'cleared the cache' on chrome, dunno if that did all of that, didn't work Chrome just says it couldn't load/ couldn't find the page And Firefox says the connection timed out and 'The server at board.muse.mu is taking too long to respond.'
  3. For some reason after getting this (and it not accepting my login) a load of times (Guessing it's not connected but I didn't want to start a new thread cause I think its just me) Now I can't connect to specifically THIS website (the whole forum) with my WiFi internet, only with my mobile internet connection does it work Also virgin media were doing something on our street but seeing as it's ONLY the forum I can't connect to, I thought maybe I'd see if anyone else has the same problem on here Also tried it with Firefox (usually on chrome) on my mobile and no luck Forgot to mention I'm getting the same problem on my desktop computer too, so must be internet based..
  4. Haa, that's ok... you've done what happened last time backwards, receive book -> search engine effort. I still felt bad for getting at the answer with googling skillz rather than actual knowledge :LOL:

  5. Yay drawing skillz

  6. Oh gosh, I got the quote on that draw something very wrong, hope you get the idea haha

  7. ah good I haven't looked at it yet, the ginormous streak is safe :LOL:

  8. d'aww, lucky you.. I wish I could have got Radiohead tickets, I srsly never imagined they'd be so expensive for some reason..

  9. got my final major project (dramatic name) to do at college and am outrageously tired all the time :LOL: you?

  10. I don't even know what

    It's good though, like, as if there weren't enough random dimensions the guy managed to fit more in :LOL:

  11. oop just seen your xmas greeting after forgetting it was there :facepalm: the stupid notification thing really should not disappear :indiff:

    happy new year to you too :)

  12. ..and I'm probably never going to commit a crime again.. underage drinking has gone, oh no :( the boringness of adulthood is upon me

  13. Bits of America apparently, but they can drive at 16, ridiculous

    or you were talking about getting in to 18 movies and nothing makes sense...

  14. S'all going on in britland :LOL:

    16 year olds having sex legally is anyway..

  15. d'aww thankyou :happy:

  16. Wait.... I was interesting before I was 18??


    ohh wait now I get it :LOL: I was legal 2 years ago mann get with the times

  17. yeah I really have no excuse haha, like, no messages other than yours

    I don't know how I have 31 'friends' on here.. really don't remember ever knowing that many people lol must've been when I posted in MM

  18. holy coww forgot you left that message, i always do that, check the message then forget about it :facepalm:

    I've been shit, frankly :LOL: but nothing dramatic

    where did you go? haha

  19. mmm... but then I start thinking 'What if someone else wants to listen to guiding light then I'd be able to help out..' It's not gonna happen though really is it I'd been wondering why they were banned... why were they banned? *le gossip*
  20. ahh i had to do that for art and bio as well, still cant remember if i said about my stupid biology coursework but yeah... stupid self project choosing xD it is horrible

    more or less me too, school and watching TV, and being a nerd and lazing around :LOL:

    it sounds so much better... though i like focusing on a few subjects i miss loads of them :(

    100 hours does sound impressive.. i wonder how long i've spent on stuff.... damn i should've really counted for one subject xD

    wow lool your weather changes quickly then, snow --> 20 degrees out haha,

    oops, only just read the bit you wrote at the bottom, and now i sound like an idiot above :chuckle:

    basically i had to redo it about 4 times all of the redos were teachers' or technicians' faults or the school lacking equipment or something and now my teacher is getting bitchy because 3 of us in the class haven't finished it to very high standards, FOUR TIMES i had to redo it :LOL: gah

    art, psychology and biology still, except i can't be bothered with psychology anymore.. the exam's in quite a while so i'm not gonna revise till i reaaally have to :shifty:

    i feel like i should be a lot more nervous about these exams tbh... more nervous about going to uni next year :eek:

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