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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. and he's proper filled out his profile as well :LOL:

    if he's a troll, he's a fail troll lmao

  2. :LOL: :LOL: i did wonder why it was showing so many people posting in the CoD appreciation thread

    maybe like a very subtle troll :chuckle:

  3. aww :LOL:

    yeah i saw one in banter as well.. guy drunk posts too often?

    and maybe it's just cause they do end up creating some sort of lolz in the end :LOL:

  4. i don't think they had any idea what they were on about either lool


    i proper love it when people make random threads, they are the spice of life/ the board :chuckle:

  5. pissed threads ftw :LOL:

    i was so about to post again but olly beat me :chuckle:

  6. going good but ...'I've been busy with my art project and junk.'

    snap :LOL:

    plus biology + psychology mock exams :facepalm: fun tiimes


    man.. lessons from bellamy :awesome: that would actually be awesome :D :D except i imagine if it was some long ass lesson his fast talking would get so tiring lmao


    and zomgg popcorn is so cool :p i dont care how random it is :awesome:


    mm i dont know why im good at science.. i really didnt like chemistry but still good good grades.. sod's law i guess.. but biology is more interesting at least :happy:

  7. that really must be a cool area to live by :awesome: ... i wish i lived by the o2 or something

    no music venues anywhere near me :\

  8. enfield is actully really good for shopping..

    /random :LOL:

    but apparently it's getting rough around here.. we've had community police officers coming round giving us stuff to protect our house from burgulary.. which is like slightly worrying :chuckle:

    where 's your mate live?

  9. lool we only got it about 5 times last year (educated guess) and sometimes it asn't even that heavy :(


    london sucks :LOL: well london doesn't suck.. the outskirts of london suck :yesey:

    and sure :chuckle: you can have sunny Enfield, i'll have where the hell Apex is :awesome:

  10. Britain = cold and rainy and wet, especially recently :'( don't even get snow very often because i live in sunny london :(


    ahh i do like xmas gatherings, don't see half my family like ever.. and yees, then theres the fooood :awesome:

  11. aww :happy:


    this proves the fact, america is just too big :LOL: .. my nan only lives about half an hour in the car away.. but everyone else is well far away :\ and then theres step aunts and second cousins etc.and.. xmas gatherings are confusing :chuckle:

  12. my dad's cooler side of the famly all live in scotland :( which sucks.. i just get my mums dysfunctional side :LOL:


    but they live RIGHT next to you xD that kinda sucks.. must help that they do sound more awesome than the average family :p

  13. awww your poor mum lmao, must be on your dad's side.. but thats an awesome family... none of mine do anything interesting.. my mum sings.. terribly.. and i have a cousin who's great at rugby, an aunt who makes mosaics and an uncle who makes stain glass stuff :LOL:

  14. woww, never had lessons? i got my natural telenty thing in art :\ which just inat as cool as music tbh :LOL:


    i really wanna get my sister to play something.. she wanted to play drums at one point..

  15. loool there must be like restrictions for short armed people playing bass :LOL:

    and i'm pretty good.. TVs randomly broken.. which is probably a good thing, got biology revision to be doing tonight lmao

    , Amy :D


    my back hurtss..

  16. them things look awesome :LOL:

    like playing a short person :eek:


    jazz and jazz influences are good in muusic i think :happy:

    how're you?

  17. oh keewl

    jazz >>> music i'm bombarded with living round here..

    upright bass as in them big ass acoustic ones?

    ooh i lied, that reminded me, i used to know someone who played cello and his dad who played a harpsichord.. but lost touch with them :LOL:


    why is it studying manages to take anything interesting out of ANYTHING :LOL:

  18. god your so lucky.. musicians seem interesting :LOL: our school is full of boring chavs :( *sigh*

    and i don't play anything lool i suck at musical shiz, probably why i find musicians interesting..


    and god +1 on that.. stupid art research.... i'll start.. finally.. now :LOL:

  19. it is awesome... i only know one person who plays a musical instrument :LOL: and thats the drums lmao


    it's autobiography and i am sooo behind with work lmfao.. supposed to be researching artists but it's just the most tedious part of art evarr..

  20. :LOL: ossum, man so many people on here play bass :awesome:


    doing art coursework noww... :\

  21. hi :happy: thanks for the friend request :D

    i'm alright.. nothing much on TV.. bit bored :LOL:


  22. is now the evil festive spinny thing :LOL:

  23. :chuckle: the rich shall never look bald :awesome: i wonder if he'll get a wig when it's all gone bless im :LOL:
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