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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. they really must've been.. :ninja: somebody wants me to fail bio

    i even struggle to motivate myself to do ART coursework on here :LOL:

    but no it gets done in the end.... usually in the early hours of the morning....

  2. 'document analysis with a syntax essay'

    just those words screw my brain...i'm dreading the day i get some CRAZY ass piece of work and end up coming on here instead :LOL:

  3. :chuckle: excuse.... but me too lmao,

    bio coursework today-second draft deadline tomorow :awesome:

  4. lool

    'you need no good grades you has muse'

  5. it really is ^ ^


    it wass.. alright, im procrastinating a ridiculous amount right now though :LOL:

    should be doing coursework..

  6. he does :yesey:, plus the bass is just awesome in TR







    so, how're you?

  7. n'aww.. it's not as busy as it should be i say :D

  8. hiya :D


    your profile picture is awesome :awesome:

  9. yo :awesome:

    thanks for the friend request :happy:

  10. they should :awesome:

    cupboard love ftw :LOL:

  11. :noey:

    it's at times like this i wish i believed in god just so i could ask him for this :awesome:

  12. :LOL: good point

    .. i wonder how many people'll enter.. i never win anything though haha

  13. well that's what i put :awesome:

  14. awww i remember the spaz i was having looking for it.. search like.. one of the obvious things on musewiki and look through the results and you'll see it eventually :)




    *cough* 14th word of the question *cough*

  15. and i was gonna change this av aswell :LOL:

    thankys :]

  16. thanks for the friend request :p i had a bit of a spazz, thought the notice email they sent was a pre-sale codes one :facepalm:

  17. chris morris and noel fielding in a bed ftw

  18. :chuckle:

    a screencap from a FANTASTIC end of an episode of the IT crowd :LOL:

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