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Everything posted by matthijs

  1. That guitar player completely messed up the end of the short solo...
  2. Go to musebootlegs.com and download from there?
  3. I would recommend that you post it here as well (with my permission, make 1 extra thread in addition to this one). Good luck!
  4. I'll pay that price too, the previous pedal is doing well and I vouch for your quality. Would love a compact sized pedal over one with switch
  5. Mansons are around 5.5k usd right? Not 7k? I think most people here prefer a non-steampunk finish, or the real rust relic, but good luck selling
  6. The while world is teaming up!
  7. Interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong but, doesn't every germanium have slightly different values even if it's the same type?
  8. My donation comes with the order
  9. If you manage a proper replica (preferably in a small box?) I'll have it I don't need a clean blend in-pedal
  10. Would be interesting to see if you can improve on the design for bass specifically! (or add a clean blend on the pedal itself)
  11. I was expecting years of slow degooping work
  12. It's easier for bass [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  13. You'd have to EQ the guitar frequencies out, or have a track that has been featured on guitar hero or the likes, to find the extracted audio files.
  14. Think he did that with the pitchbend wheel or something, it was freaky!
  15. Cool stuff, probably a bit too much for me personally to listen to a lot, but it's a really good song.
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