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I love going into the library early in the morning, before anyone else gets in, and just singing it while prepping my floor.


I always belt out 'who restrains'. :LOL:




I seriously wish I could sing that as well as Matt. :LOL:

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I'm currently on an inexplicable Sunburn kick at the moment :LOL:


I've literally listened to it 6 or 7 times in a row, and it's playing as I type. I have no clue why. It came up on iTunes awhile ago and I was just like ". . . again!" :LOL: I don't know about you guys, but this happens often with me with Muse songs. I just randomly get obsessed with one for a day or two. :LOL: I'm so weird...

I was on a Sunburn kick the time I first heard it. How I wish I could love it as much as I did when I first discovered it. A brilliant song, that I overplayed. :rolleyes:

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Showbiz. There's just something kind of kick-ass about that song :LOL: and I've been listening to it a lot the past couple days.


In my top 3 Muse songs, love Showbiz;)


Rediscovered the awesomeness of:

In Your World

Hyper Chondriac Music

Glorious <3

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this week i seem to be listening to space dementia a lot. i didn't care so much for the recording, there were other things i'd listen to first.


but hell if that isn't an awesome piece of work done live :happy:


lyric wise? i don't even listen to them...just the sound of matt's voice with the music works for me. guess i should pay more attention to the words though :chuckle:

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Glorious getting spammed alot on my ipod shame they didnt bother putting it on BHAR album in UK as it needed a really good song :D


and for my old style muse it gota be Hyper Music forgot how good it was altho Hyper Chondriac is better

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Mmm I am always discovering songs which I like all over again from muse XD most recently I would have to say it's ashamed, and also bliss. I love that song, then I stopped listening to it, and now I just want to listen to I all the time XD



One song I always loved and always will is showbiz, though. Loooove that song XD

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