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I agree with everyone who said SFA... that was the song that made me love them in the first place, and I feel like I always forget just how incredible it is... :)


And I adore that acoustic version! I heard it awhile ago, but I almost forgot that it existed! So whoever posted that just literally made me rediscover the awesomeness a few minutes ago :LOL:

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I just discovered that Endlessly is an awesome track :) and I also discovered Hate This and I'll Love You. yeah i'm a bit late :p

I have loved Endlessly ever since I first listened to Absolution. :D Amazing song...

Sunburn,Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist, and Hyper Music

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist is a great song. So is Hyper Music.

Uno. To think I used to skip it. It's so groovy.

I think Uno was the first song I heard off of Showbiz before I bought it.

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I haven't heard Origin of Symmetry in a couple of weeks, even though it is my fave album. I do this for each album to avoid feeling bored of any song. But this morning I put on the cd and Plug In Baby just blew me away. I don't know what I did different, but I could definitely feel its epicness.:D

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Today in my car that was Ruled by Secrecy, I've received all the strength of the end of the song like an arrow straight to my heart, so powerful!

And yesterday I was blown away by Stockolm Syndrom playing live at the last Seattle gig, I've found it so much better than the studio version!

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Today in my car that was Ruled by Secrecy, I've received all the strength of the end of the song like an arrow straight to my heart, so powerful!

And yesterday I was blown away by Stockolm Syndrom playing live at the last Seattle gig, I've found it so much better than the studio version!


Did you think Ruled By Secrecy was boring or something? :chuckle:


Stockholm Syndrome live is great...:happy:

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