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Dior Homme Advert - Exogenesis Part 1


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Looks interesting...


It just occurred to me that Exogenesis can be used as a cheap soundtrack for things like adverts - rather than go through the hassle of hiring a composer, they just backhand some cha-ching to Warner Bruvs and Roberts your mother's brother - cheap score-like soundtrack for your ad!


Alternatively, don't mind me it's 4am here...:LOL:

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A trailer for a commercial, LOLWUT?


It is not a trailer of commercial. It's a convention of the advert - a film, but the product is announced - trailer of a product - it's enough to look at the credits at the end.


Personally, I like it very much, it's very film-stylish.

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I mean it's cool their music is being used, but for a perfume commercial? C'mon....


It's not the first time though:


Hysteria for Obsession from Guerlain

Space Dementia for Midnight Poison from Dior



Although I love the Midnight Poison one, I don't like this one... the music doesn't fit with the mood and the style of the video.

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Nah doesn't work!


Is that meant to be sexy or something!? :erm: I suppose if you have a thing for Jude Law it might work but :noey:


And trivialises Exo.


"I'm a man and you're a woman and you know what we can do" :facepalm:


Well stone a crow! :LOL:


Sorry but...

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The best fashion commercial was the Chanel No.5 advert with Nicole Kidman...they used Claire De Lune and it was directed by Baz Luhrmann. I thought it was beautifully done.


This is generic and pretentious though...and Exo doesn't suit it at all. :noey:

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Lol, what an awful advert. Doesn't help that Jude's verging-on-cockney accent makes it seem like a glammed-up scene from Eastenders :p. Yeah, Exo doesn't fit with this... seems like some brooding jazz piece would have worked better.


Maybe Dior Homme want to return the favour, what with Muse practically endorsing their clothes throughout the Black Holes era (dunno if they still wear it) - I'm sure they got a lot of that stuff for free anyways, but some nutter (rich) fans probably forked out hundreds to dress like Bells, I'm sure ;).

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