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Weirdest reasons for not liking Muse..


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Yeah I have this friend who I've been desperately trying to get into muse, but she dislikes everything before the Resistance :( apparently, "everything they did before sounds the same". Though I actually can't think of a band to whom that phrase could apply LESS.

(that friend went to the VA muse concert though and loved it ;) )


Also, some people complain that Matt breathes in before singing a lot, but I honestly didn't notice until it was mentioned, and then I tried singing along with TIRO and breathing when Matt breathed but I got dizzy and had to sit down.... :$

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Also, some people complain that Matt breathes in before singing a lot, but I honestly didn't notice until it was mentioned, and then I tried singing along with TIRO and breathing when Matt breathed but I got dizzy and had to sit down.... :$


I never notice him breathing a lot, but I can always pick out some slobbering/lip smacking in the verses of Dead Star :LOL::LOL:

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Because they rip off of Queens of the Stone Age. Or so it is according to one of my friends. We were all drinking so maybe something was lost in translation, but still. I think he heard an interview where Matt cited QoTSA as an influence or mentioned he'd been listening to them. It really upset me, I mean, more than it should have (usually I don't care who likes my favorite bands). I guess because this is a friend whose opinion I normally do actually care about ... and his comment about Muse came out really mean. We were all at the bar and somebody put Plug In Baby on the jukebox and I freaked out and was like "Oh my god! It's Plug In Baby! This is Muse!" And my friend snapped about how much he hates Muse and what assholes they are because they copy QoTSA. What the hell? That was months ago and it still upsets me.

Of course, what I should have done was gone around the bar and found whomever put PIB on the jukebox.:D

Other than that most of my friends have pretty normal reasons for not liking Muse: It's just not they're style. They're all very much into the Wilco, Spoon, OK-Go scene, which personally I don't think needs to be mutually exclusive from Muse, but eh. They like mellow.

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My friend:"I don't like Muse cos the lead singer looks like a dormouse."




Okay maybe not. But my friend said Matt looked rather mousy...


My dad thinks Matt is odd-looking. Sometimes when we watch HAARP he starts talking about what a fascinating musician Matt is, but for some reason always throws in that he's not the best looking man. He's not saying it in a mean way, so much as to point out that Matt has reached fame based on talent, not good looks like a lot of current music stars. The talent part is true, but still ... not good looking?!?! :eek:I never feel it's appropriate to say "Dad, Matt Bellamy's fucking beautiful!":LOL:

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He's not saying it in a mean way, so much as to point out that Matt has reached fame based on talent, not good looks like a lot of current music stars. The talent part is true, but still ... not good looking?!?! :eek:I never feel it's appropriate to say "Dad, Matt Bellamy's fucking beautiful!":LOL:


:yesey: being a part of a pretty great band doesent hurt either:)


also: :LOL::LOL:

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Well, there are definitely some new reasons for not liking Muse posted here that I have never heard of before...I don't think I've ever heard any weird reasons but the reason that pisses me off is "because they sound like Radiohead." Very annoying.

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I find not liking muse weird whatever the reason


ones my friends have given me:




they're a 'shit copy of radiohead'


the breathing thing (which I never noticed til they said that, but it makes the music sound authetic and human)


'i only hate them cos u love them and I like how much it winds u up when I insult them'...

(Perhaps not the nicest friend lol)


and weirdest of all.....'they ain't got nothing on kylie'

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"They stole Radiohead's image."


"They're not that good...I mean, compared to the Jonas Brothers."


"They only have like one song. (Talking about Uprising)"


"Matt Bellamy thinks he's so famous and he's a megalomaniac (they actually said that :p)"


"I never heard their music so I don't think I like them."



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