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The Augmented Reality Programme // Now Online!


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494d8b4c-49bc-4118-b607-7cb11197e31f.jpgWe're very pleased to unveil the Augmented Reality section of the 2010 European Tour Programme!


This online section of the programme features a 3D interactive stage complete with special effects and integrated interviews with Matt, Dom and Chris answering the best of the questions that you submitted!


All you need to do to access this section of the programme is click on the link below or on the homepage of muse.mu, have your programme to hand and follow the instructions.


To buy the programme online from muse.mu, click on the product link in the 'related items' section below.


Please note, augmented reality works best in a well lit room with a good internet connection and no other programs running on your computer at the same time.






Source: http://muse.mu/news/article/684/the-augmented-reality-programme--now-online/

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so paying £15 PLUS shipping for a programme I don't actually want is the only way to access this? fuck right off :erm:


It's a bonus feature part of the tour programme, so if you dont want the programme you dont get the extra.

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For the ones who don't know how this Augmented Reality thing will work, check this video to see how Blasted Mechanism used it on their Album :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBujOuOFTMQ


Wow. That WAS cool. Thanks for posting that.:cool:


So we can look forward to holographic Matt Dom & Chris in our very own living rooms? Hey maybe I can use those 3D glasses I got from the cinema...:nerd::musesign::musesign:


Well i normally buy a tour program anyway and £15 isn't too bad for a program like Muse imo but i'm not paying extra for the postage so just i can view the Augmented Reality section early. I'm waiting and buying mine at Wembo.


Exactly. Might as well wait. (The extras aren't going to disappear - unless Matt gets near the site...:eek: someone take out an injunction on him, quick!:p) Except. I don't know if I can. :rolleyes:AHA! I know - I'll just buy loads of stuff from the shop (like I was going to anyway) - therefore the postage is justified!!:LOL:

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Programmes have always been a total rip, but people do buy them... this only makes the programme more worth it. :p


That's fair comment, but I think this is designed to get more people to buy programmes, specifically those that haven't been to a gig and haven't got a programme because of that. It's blatant capitalism, a few years ago I'm sure Muse would have done something like this for all their fans, not just those stupid enough to pay over the odds for a programme.


I am sitting back now and waiting for Warner to announce a membership fee for this board and the exclusive bits of the main website. It can't be long off, and they'll justify it by saying they'll improve the server.

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That's fair comment, but I think this is designed to get more people to buy programmes, specifically those that haven't been to a gig and haven't got a programme because of that. It's blatant capitalism, a few years ago I'm sure Muse would have done something like this for all their fans, not just those stupid enough to pay over the odds for a programme.


I am sitting back now and waiting for Warner to announce a membership fee for this board and the exclusive bits of the main website. It can't be long off, and they'll justify it by saying they'll improve the server.


Yeah I do agree... I don't think they should sell programmes anywhere other than at the gig. I'm not one to bother with merch 'cause I think it's all bollocks, even Rage have their millions of t-shirts haha... I know bands have to make money somehow but c'mon. I did buy a programme on the Absolution tour though. It looked interesting with lots of words. I'll buy something if there's lots to read, but I hate those glossy programmes that just have 4 pages of pictures and that's it.

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1. Someone that owns a tour program takes a scan/photograph of one of the "targets"

2. Person uploads image.

3. Print the image/put on phone/bring it up on screen with mirror in hand.

4. Direct the copied image at your webcam.

5. ??????

6. PROFIT!!!!

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