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Hey RedStar! :D


could i please keep:



"Draw another picture, of a life you couldv'e had, follow your instincts, and choose the other path" - Hoodoo

The Resistance Album Artwork

Starlight Backing Vocal - Chris


:) Thanks :)


Easily, the Resistance album artwork and Starlight backing vocals are already taken but the other one is free...but please wait until RedStar has confirmed it's been added to the list before adding it to your sig, thanks! ;)

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Can I please keep...


Matt's cute laugh from the Grammys acceptance speech

Matt's mic from the Nova interview, Australia (January 2010)

And finally can I please newbornblisssorigin? Ill get her to post later



Oops! Completely forgot to post... of course you can keep me! <3 :) We can keep each other!!! :D :D :D

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