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Muse's cheesy love songs did NOT start with The Resistance


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It's true, Origin of Simetry doesn't contain any 'cheesy' songs, but the lyrics aren't that good as the lyrics from Resistance, except Feeling Good WHICH IS A COVER and definitly there's nothing cheesy on it. So stop complaining and go and read meanings of their songs.:rolleyes:


Sorry, but TR's lyrics are cringeworthy at best, sounds like a 13 year old who has discovered governments aren't good "WE WANT THE TRUTH" :facepalm: Then there's Micro Cuts, which is far, far more interesting & fucked up



Nick Cave » The Curse Of Millhaven Lyrics

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I live in a town called Millhaven

And it's small and it's mean and it's cold

But if you come around just as the sun goes down

You can watch the whole town turn to gold

It's around about then that I used to go a-roaming

Singing La la la la La la la lie

All God's children they all gotta die

My name is Loretta but I prefer Lottie

I'm closing in on my fifteenth year

And if you think you have seen a pair of eyes more green

Then you sure didn't see them around here

My hair is yellow and I'm always a-combing

La la la la La la la lie

Mama often told me we all got to die

You must have heard about The Curse Of Millhaven

How last Christmas Bill Blake's little boy didn't come home

They found him next week in One Mile Creek

His head bashed in and his pockets full of stones

Well, just imagine all the wailing and moaning

La la la la La la la lie

Even little Billy Blake's boy, he had to die

Then Professor O'Rye from Millhaven High

Found nailed to his door his prize-winning terrier

Then next day the old fool brought little Biko to school

And we all had to watch as he buried her

His eulogy to Biko had all the tears a-flowing

La la la la La la la lie

Even God's little creatures, they have to die

Our little town fell into a state of shock

A lot of people were saying things that made little sense

Then the next thing you know the head of Handyman Joe

Was found in the fountain of the Mayor's residence

Foul play can really get a small town going

La la la la La la la lie

Even God's children all have to die

Then, in a cruel twist of fate, old Mrs Colgate

Was stabbed but the job was not complete

The last thing she said before the cops pronounced her dead

Was, "My killer is Loretta and she lives across the street!"

Twenty cops burst through my door without even phoning

La la la la La la la lie

The young ones, the old ones, they all gotta die

Yes, it is I, Lottie. The Curse Of Millhaven

I've struck horror in the heart of this town

Like my eyes ain't green and my hair ain't yellow

It's more like the other way around

I gotta pretty little mouth underneath all the foaming

La la la la La la la lie

Sooner or later we all gotta die

Since I was no bigger than a weavil they've been saying I was evil

That if "bad" was a boot that I'd fit it

That I'm a wicked young lady, but I've been trying hard lately

O fuck it! I'm a monster! I admit it!

It makes me so mad my blood really starts a-going

La la la la La la la lie

Mama always told me that we all gotta die

Yeah, I drowned the Blakey kid, stabbed Mrs. Colgate, I admit

Did the handyman with his circular saw in his garden shed

But I never crucified little Biko, that was two junior high school psychos

Stinky Bohoon and his friend with the pumpkin-sized head

I'll sing to the lot, now you got me going

La la la la La la la lie

All God's children have all gotta die

There were all the others, all our sisters and brothers

You assumed were accidents, best forgotten

Recall the children who broke through the ice on Lake Tahoo?

Everyone assumed the "Warning" signs had followed them to the bottom

Well, they're underneath the house where I do quite a bit of stowing

La la la la La la la lie

Even twenty little children, they had to die

And the fire of '91 that razed the Bella Vista slum

There was the biggest shit-fight this country's ever seen

Insurance companies ruined, land lords getting sued

All cause of wee girl with a can of gasoline

Those flames really roared when the wind started blowing

La la la la La la la lie

Rich man, poor man, all got to die

Well I confessed to all these crimes and they put me on trial

I was laughing when they took me away

Off to the asylum in an old black Mariah

It ain't home, but you know, it's fucking better than jail

It ain't such bad old place to have a home in

La la la la La la la lie

All God's children they all gotta die

Now I got shrinks that will not rest with their endless Rorschach tests

I keep telling them they're out to get me

They ask me if I feel remorse and I answer, "Why of course!

There is so much more I could have done if they'd let me!"

So it's Rorschach and Prozac and everything is groovy

Singing La la la la La la la lie

All God's children they all have to die

La la la la La la la lie

I'm happy as a lark and everything is fine

Singing La la la la La la la lie

Yeah, everything is groovy and everything is fine

Singing La la la la La la la lie

All God's children they gotta die


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maybe you're right about microcuts...but sorry, plug in baby? ok, it's nice to sing this song when somebody's pissing me off:), but there's nothing interesting and fucked up in it, the same is it with space dementia, new born,...don't get me wrong, I like OoS very much and so do TR...I don't know I just started to look on everything from different perspective. And I was talking about 'Love' lyrics...you really can't compare Unintended to Undisclosed Desires or Guiding Light or I belong to you becouse they are much better, the way of writing is nicer and deeper...still Matt's not a poet, but all I want to say is, that you have nice love songs and cheesy love songs and that some songs have a deeper meaning although they maybe sound 'cheesy'.

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I don't know why are you complaining so much about Resistance. There's nothing wrong about it, it's their masterpeace and something Matt really wanted to do and was very exited about it (as he said in many interviews). Can't you see? This is a REAL MUSE. They're growing with each album musically and personally and lyrically. So don't expect matt will always write some hard rock tunes how he's disapointed about the world. And specially, don't expect every their album to be the same. You never know, what they're going to do next and that's the reason why they're so great and special. And I don't find songs like Resistance to be cheesy, there has been much progress in Matt's lyrics. I belong to you is a really good song and it definitly wasn't written for twilight...come on, the opera section from Samson and Delilah??? How on the earth can you say it was written for vampire movie. Maybe the lyrics from Neutron Star Collison aren't that good, but sorry, there are some much more terrible lyrics in Muse collection;). So, I agree, muse 'cheesyness' didn't start with Resistance, it started with Unintended. It's true, Origin of Simetry doesn't contain any 'cheesy' songs, but the lyrics aren't that good as the lyrics from Resistance, except Feeling Good WHICH IS A COVER and definitly there's nothing cheesy on it. So stop complaining and go and read meanings of their songs.:rolleyes:


Okay, firstly, just because TR is all classical and shit, doesn't mean it's their masterpiece. Absolution has always been their masterpiece, TR doesn't come close.


What are you talking about? 99% of the OoS lyrics are far better and more interesting than the cheesy TR lyrics- OoS lyrics all have an unlikely, hidden meaning; Something really interesting beneath the surface. TR lyrics are so straightforward, like communicating with a child.

Compare "Open minded, I'm sure I used to be so free" to "They will not control us, we will be victorious", or "I'd cut your name in my heart" to "Please me and show me how it's done". It doesn't compare. What you call "nice love songs" are just a bunch of uninteresting, cheesy pop songs. Sorry, but it's true. TR lyrics have nothing on anything post-BH&R.

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Okay, firstly, just because TR is all classical and shit, doesn't mean it's their masterpiece. Absolution has always been their masterpiece, TR doesn't come close.


What are you talking about? 99% of the OoS lyrics are far better and more interesting than the cheesy TR lyrics- OoS lyrics all have an unlikely, hidden meaning; Something really interesting beneath the surface. TR lyrics are so straightforward, like communicating with a child.

Compare "Open minded, I'm sure I used to be so free" to "They will not control us, we will be victorious", or "I'd cut your name in my heart" to "Please me and show me how it's done". It doesn't compare.



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I'd like IBTY much more if it didn't have the french break-down in it. I actually like the groove of the verses and choruses but that bit just makes me cringe so much, it's like an in-joke I just don't find funny at all, some people love it, I just don't for some reason :erm:


Also, people are allowed to have other opinions, so telling them to shut up because they're different to yours is very childish :LOL:

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For those who say Muse's soft spot for cheesy love songs has led to their downfall, please refer to the following:



Feeling Good



This is not a new phenomenon. You can pretty much count on one every album (except Absolution for some reason -- and I can't really put Endlessly in that category). So can the complainers please not have a selective memory and forget about Muse's past cheesiness. It's always been there. This is nothing new.


(by the way I don't mean to poke fun at these songs, they're all great imo)


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I'd like IBTY much more if it didn't have the french break-down in it. I actually like the groove of the verses and choruses but that bit just makes me cringe so much, it's like an in-joke I just don't find funny at all, some people love it, I just don't for some reason :erm:


Also, people are allowed to have other opinions, so telling them to shut up because they're different to yours is very childish :LOL:


Matt's French is horrible. It really is...

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What was matt thinking when he wrote feeling good.....starlight isn't that bad but what the hell was that about?!!?!




it's on their album origin of symmtery haven't you heard it, and it was performed by MUSE


I promise you, Matt didn't write that.

It's from the musical Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd.

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I'd like IBTY much more if it didn't have the french break-down in it. I actually like the groove of the verses and choruses but that bit just makes me cringe so much, it's like an in-joke I just don't find funny at all, some people love it, I just don't for some reason :erm:


Also, people are allowed to have other opinions, so telling them to shut up because they're different to yours is very childish :LOL:


You just don't get it. It's not a joke at all, it's love in its purest form like screaming feeling, it's beyond logical understanding and just about emotions. But I think, to understand that completely you should be (or have been) deeply in love yourself. And probably he is:)

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You just don't get it. It's not a joke at all, it's love in its purest form like screaming feeling, it's beyond logical understanding and just about emotions. But I think, to understand that completely you should be (or have been) deeply in love yourself. And probably he is:)


A lot of moments on TR sound a bit like in-jokes. I can't imagine a band existing without in-jokes.

Karma Police by Radiohead was an in-joke amongst the band for example.

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Some of the jokes in IBTY are pretty blatant really. The lightning strike bit, the overdue bit, and probably Matt using "soul" rhymed with "whole", they're like in jokes with anyone who knows the band.

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