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I had another one last night! Luckly this one wasn't as raunchy as they last one so I can post it up here...


I was at a gig and Matt was going to play 'Endlessly' when these 3 fans walked behind him on the stage a knocked him, making him stop playing. They just carried on walking out of the gig and got boo'ed.

Matt just laughed and abandoned 'Endlessly' confessing to wanting to play some "dirty metal".

He went through the audience asking suggestions and agreeing fully to my suggestion; Black Sabbath. Suddenly some 8 year old kid behind me shouted "Feeder!" and everyone laughed, including Matt who just said "Feeder?" and walked away.

I looked back behind me to see the child crying so I shouted to Matt who turned around and apologised to which the kid jumped up and down pleased :rolleyes:

Matt clambered back onto the stage and a snow machine suddenly started, he explained about the roof and how it could collapse then did a manic little giggle and said 'enjoy the show' then disappeared backstage.

The ceiling suddenly started to freeze up (even though it turned out the snow was polistirine) and collapse. People started running out of the venue and I stayed to watch cause it was actually quite beautiful then snuck backstage behind a curtain.

Chris, Morgan, Matt and Dom were there all laughing with a few fans and Matt saw me and grabbed me, pulling me and a few people together for a photo (for some weird reason his hair was now blonde). He asked my name and I told him, to which he smiled and said how he thought it was lovely and that he was impressed (:wtf:)

While Morgan was taking the pictures he offered me a drink then asked what I thought of the show. I told him how fantastic I thought the ending was and how the fans who had walked behind him were ignorant. He giggled and agreed then he recognised some people who called him over and he left, winking at me.

This blonde then sauntered over to me and explained how Matt had gone out with her but it had never worked out.

Matt suddenly appeared behind me and took my hand. We left and began walking down corridors and through offices. He asked if I had ever been in Sheffield for a gig. I said yes and explain how I saw their tourbus leaving. He grinned and said 'I thought I recognised you!'

He then aske dif he could see more of me. Naturally I said yes then gave him my number and email address.

It then flashed to messages he'd sent me (which were weirdly on here). He was saying how the relationship might now work; "Even though it's in the early stages just wait until me and the guys get back on the road. It'll be harder and only get worse, pup". (Pup seemed to be my nickname :stunned:)

I told him that I trusted him and to enjoy himself and that I would see him soon.


Then my mum decided to wake me up :mad:

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So I rarely have dreams that I remember, but last night I had a Muse dream. They were playing a gig somewhere, I wanna say they were in Vegas, and I was there. But I don't remember anything about seeing the actual gig. The scene was after the gig and the band was on this huge yacht out in a lake or something, and me and a bunch of other fans were on this big dock or restaurant, or some sort of structure on the water with a railing. We seemed to be waiting for something. Then all of a sudden Matt jumps spread eagle into the water. And he's buck naked! :eek: It all happened so fast, and I couldn't be sure it was even Matt because they were kind of far away. And tbh I wasn't really looking at the face. :$ So then I figured they were all jumping in naked. I was waiting to see who was next so I could be sure that the first jumper was in fact Matt. Chris jumped in next, but he was wearing a normal bathing suit. Then finally Dom. He was wearing something strange, I can't remember what, and was fumbling around. Then he threw this huge inflatable raft in the water, like he was gonna get off the yacht and hop into the raft because he was afraid of the water. :wtf:


That was all of that. Then I was all frantically trying to look up what just happened on YouTube because I wanted to replay it all because I didn't believe what just happened. I remember just being really confused and frustrated and not being able to find anything on YT. You know how sometimes when you're dreaming, you're fighting it, like part of you is trying to wake up, and you want to get on with the dream but can't? It was like that. Maybe my brain wanted me to wake up because then I'd be likely to remember part of it at least.


Anyway, that's all I remember. :erm:

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I had a Muse dream last night. :happy: I basicaly walked into a bar. Matt was there and he was really upset. We drank lots of whisky and danced down the street screaming 'I'm Matt Bellamy and your not a friend of me' a random passers-by.


I know, I'm weird. :facepalm:


ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:


That story actually made me cry I was laughing so much. :LOL:

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Guest Octazooka
ok trust me this is going to song VERY weird at first...



my dream was about me with muse. i was helping their sound engineer mix the resistence while they were recording. i secretly liked dom, and noticed that he kept staring at me. i would get lost in his eyes... then my cell phone would vibrate in my pant pocket totally freaking me out!

the next day we went for a swim in matts indoor pool. my need for dom was so much!!!! i swear!!! dom is fucking hot when he is wet! :$ later we went back into the recording studio. he put a 100 pound note in my pocket, and went into the recording room. he came back out, sat on the couch. i followed. i sat on top of him, facing foward. and i told him, "sorry i don't take money from someone i haven't kissed."


next thing i know im preg... :eek:



:facepalm: it was the weirdest dream!!! i swear i have never thought of that!!! it freaked me out! well it's out and i feel better:happy:


Dom is fucking hot when he's wet- That sets off millions of dirty ideas in my head :awesome:


On another more-generic-Muse-dream note, I dreamt of Matt studying with me and my friend in my room-I walked over to my table and Matt just looked up with those awesum blue eyes, and the dream ended. :mad:

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Dom is fucking hot when he's wet- That sets off millions of dirty ideas in my head :awesome:


On another more-generic-Muse-dream note, I dreamt of Matt studying with me and my friend in my room-I walked over to my table and Matt just looked up with those awesum blue eyes, and the dream ended. :mad:


omg amazing!!!


i had a dream that MUSE were coming to Bosnia,my town,i went to see them with my sister and there were a lot of people but for some reason i can't remember when they came onstage :(:(,and after that in that same dream i dreamt that they were playing in Teighnmouth again and i had the tickets!But the gig was starting at 13.00 p.m and i had some shit to do at school at 12.30 p.m !and then my sister who is btw. as big muse fan as i am said "well i guess we don't have to see them live",and my mum said that i won't go even though i had the tickets and then i started crying....the dream ended there!

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I once had a dream, that I was in my local town, and Matt was just walking by. I strolled up and said hello. Next thing I known, I was getting his phone number, e-mail address and taking home one of his guitars! (Red Gliter) Before that, we went into Greges and got a steak bake!:p



Sorry, I have random dreams at times...but I'm proud of it!:LOL:

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Guest Octazooka
I once had a dream, that I was in my local town, and Matt was just walking by. I strolled up and said hello. Next thing I known, I was getting his phone number, e-mail address and taking home one of his guitars! (Red Gliter) Before that, we went into Greges and got a steak bake!:p



Sorry, I have random dreams at times...but I'm proud of it!:LOL:




*Steals Glitterati*



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I've only ever had one Muse related dream and I don't really remember most of it, only that Dom was singing to me with Matt's voice:wtf: and I was wondering why on earth everyone is saying that Dom can't sing:rolleyes: I was like- "His voice is beautiful!" That's it.


It probably was the Italian show thing:LOL:

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Guest Sarah-x

right first things first i am a massive fan of doctor who and obcourse muse (especially matthew) so it was inevitable that one day in my dreams the two would mix:LOL:


so it started off i was at home and suddenly loads of people in suits marched into my house and took me away, ended up in a school where i was chucked into a classroom, where i saw the tardis, i got really excited because this meant i could meet the doctor (and david tennant :p) but when i walked into the tardis inside it looked like a storecubboard :LOL: ( i was soo disapointed) and on the chair sat in practically the 10th doctors suit was... matthew bellamy! i was confused at this and he was explaining to me that he has alwasy been the Doctor and that he needed my help to stop some evil suited group of people from "controlling and then killing us all"

so then there was alot of running round, which seemed pontless to me. then the dream just changed and we were outside in like a field and he was thanking me for helping him, then he gave the longest hug and invited me into the tardis for a meal:happy: i excepted obcourse and when i walked in..... i woke up :(

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i had a dream thart i was talking to muse and we were just talking when another girl came up and said "matt i love you!" and gave him a kiss in a cheek and then GIA came up from nowhere and SMACKED matt then me and gaia got in a bitch fight because she smacked matt. but instead of matt staying their and breaking it up he just ent away walking with tthe other girl :(:mad::(:mad:

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I had a dream last night..but it was more like a film somehow. I watched the incidents but I wasn't there myself. Unfortunately. ;) There was a house with Matt and Chris in it. They were very excited about the weather and ran from window to window looking out for snow. :D And somehow they always downloaded weather apps for iPhone/iTouch (got an iTouch for christmas and spent hours in the appstore :D) in order to see when it's going to snow. :D weird.

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:LOL: , well, your baby would be pretty if that was true :awesome:


see i didn't tell the whole dream because it gets a bit... well, things that i don't want to tell, NOT that it was REALLY bad!!! but i don't want to tell, BUT ill tell you that i had a miscarrige (please ignore my spelling) and dom wws really depressed :(









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Its so weird that I would find this today. Last night I had a Muse dream and man, I woke up wishing it was March 17. :rolleyes:But anyways... My friend and I were at the concert and we had gotten there really early. No one was there so we could pick any seats we wanted. Except it wasn't a stadium it was a little theater. U2 was there too. (Maybe because I went to the U2 concert to see Muse) So I picked the perfect seat so I could face Matt face to face. And with my handy dandy camera I recorded Uprising. Or maybe MK Ultra.


Dang I can't wait till March.:D

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i dreamed that i was in a muse gig in a parking lot outside of walmart:rolleyes:. Matt was singing USoE , and all of a sudden he started singing opera! and all the people were with white shirts and holding hands, and Dom had these candles around him. Then the police came and took everyone to jail, :(

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I dreamt that me and Muse were at the beach (we didn't have holiday clothes on or anything, they had their SMBH video outfits on.) and me, Matt and Dom were looking out to the sunset. Chris was with us briefly but then he walked off somewhere. As we were looking out to the ocean we saw a fish jump out of the water and back in again, and Matt said "Was that a FISH?:eek:" and Dom said "Oh course it's a fish, it's the fucking ocean smartass." ..then Matt decided he had to go and catch that fish, so he dived into the ocean and swam off into the sunset. me and Dom were like :LOL: and I noticed we were holding hands. Anyway, then we see Matt swimming back to us, and he was carrying the fish in his mouth :wtf: me and Dom just stood there like :stunned: ..He came over, put the fish on the floor and said "Ha! told you I could do it!". I looked to the right and noticed that Chris was on the ground talking to a turtle. :LOL:

..Then next thing I remember me and Dom are both on white horses riding along the beach. I looked behind me and Matt was on a horse as well trying to catch up with us. Then it turned into some sort of horse-race and Matt over took us and won.

Then the dream completely changed into some boring thing.

The only other muse thing I remember is them performing New Born somewhere, cuz that's what saw/heard in my head when I woke up.


I just get a picture of Matt being Gollum, with the fish in his mouth. :LOL: And Chris talking to a turtle cracked me up. :LOL:


The whole thing made me lol, thanks for sharing :chuckle:

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Yeah! First Muse dream in months! :dance:


So, this dream was basically clips of random things happening (working for the CIA, eating cafeteria food of epic porportions, etc.). The first part was about a board member (the_invincible_dude, this means you, though in the dream your real name was Jackie :LOL:).


So 'Jackie' was telling me all about her amazing vacation in Italy, making me extremely jealous. She invited me along. When I got there, she was on a tower thing with bungee cords attached, flinging herself into the air with the help of the hot, shirtless instructer :eyebrows: I sat on the beach, looking at a sparkly rainbow in the sky and my old music teacher appeared and took a picture of me :wtf: Then Pompeii erupted :stunned: It destroyed a nearby village and a skeleton starting dragging itself around, following me :eek:


Scene change. Me, some friends, and another party were all invited to Matt's house. It was big and gorgeous, and we were all running around excitedly, exploring while Matt was out getting something :LOL: We gathered in the bedroom and looked through his closet, which had all of his insane outfits in it - garish red suit included. On one shelf there were at least seven pairs of the same blue light-up glasses :chuckle: There were loads sexy dresses and such, and I remember saying 'God, I hope these are Gaia's... :pope:' . We heard Matt opening the front door, so we took off the clothes we had tried on and ran downstairs to the den, watching TV like nothing had happened.

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