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It's not a muse dream as such but more a dream about a dream . basically in my dream i was getting into bed and was like wtf? cause i knew subconsiously that i wanted a muse dream and i was trying to convince my brain to let me have one but it didn't work.

then there were spiders on my bed and it all went a little weird and my alarm went off.

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I had a dream the other day that I was at the Royal Albert Hall (which Im getting way too excited about by the way) but it looked nothing like it actually does. As Im going to be sitting in the circle I dreamt the seats were all really steep and really high up, the hall itself looked like some shabby old school hall, and the standing crowd had to watch from underneath the floor through grates (wtf).

Anyway Muse came on and I could barely see them and starting freaking out, then I woke up and thought it was real. I got upset - yes I am very strange.

Had another dream ages ago that I met Matt on a roundabout, we had a chat it was random ha ha.

I always feel very disturbed after dreaming about people I dont know lol.

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I had a brief one last night... as soon as i woke up, i thought "POST IT ON THE MESSAGE BOARD!!" lol



So basically this dream was brought on from watching HAARP yesterday (for the first time).



I was at my school (but for some reason looked nothing like it) and the teachers announced that Muse were touring the schools in England and were expected at my school any minute, so we needed to get a chair and put it at the front of the stage, I wanted to be at front, I was driving my friend crazy "I THINK I'M GONNA CRY!! THIS IS SOO AMAZING!! THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME" so then we got seated and a class of 4 year olds sat in front (for some reason..) and i got abusive "I WANTED TO BE AT THE FRONT, I'M A MASSIVE FAN, THESE KIDS DON'T KNOW MUSE" And I tried to move my chair forward.




They put some video up on the screen and before showing it said "There will be a q&a session after the gig" and i turned to my friend and said "I need to ask dom where he got his trousers!! i'd pay 1000 pounds to get my hands on em, cant find em ANYWHERE" then they showed the vid of some emo girl and how muse changed her life, I saw Dom down a corridor and yelled out to the teachers "GET MUSE ON, GET MUSE ON" hoping everyone would join in.... but they didn't.

then i woke up.



wow... writing that out seemed soo much longer than the actual dream...:$

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I had a quite cool one the other night, where I was at wembley again, except the seats had been moved so they were right under the stage, and only a few people were on them. And then for some reason the stage caught on fire (take a bow? :D) which ended pretty quickly and then we all got on stage and got autographs and stuff.

it was weird o.0

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I had a horrible nightmare not long ago :(. Me, Matt, Dom and Chris were all hanging out like best friends getting pissed and doing crazy things, sounds good so far eh? But not for long, Matt started getting hostile and shouting at me then Dom and Chris joined in. Matt grabbed his guitar, dom picked up his drum sticks and chris got his bass and they all started hitting me with their instruments, somehow they managed to play hysteria while they were attacking me which was strange.

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Matt and Dom were hanging out in what looked like the outside scene on the set on KOC.


Dom was singing a tune, then ran over to the piano.

Matt ran over too.

They had just created a new Muse song!! (AND I WITNESSED IT!!) lol


Then me and my brother fly off to the Moon...


Come back and the cast of Shameless are picking on Dom (

---"You're just gonna go home to your wife... you lame excuse for a man"

Dom " I don't have a wife!"

--- "So you must be gay then!! ERGH!! You're a queer!!"

then they start to fight, I yell "Shut the fuck up"

and a dog bites me.


I turn around and Matt is hanging from his feet in a tree... ODD!!






Chris wasn't in it because yesterday I was rantin about how he's never in interviews to my mum!! :p

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Matt and Dom were hanging out in what looked like the outside scene on the set on KOC.


Dom was singing a tune, then ran over to the piano.

Matt ran over too.

They had just created a new Muse song!! (AND I WITNESSED IT!!) lol


Then me and my brother fly off to the Moon...


Come back and the cast of Shameless are picking on Dom (

---"You're just gonna go home to your wife... you lame excuse for a man"

Dom " I don't have a wife!"

--- "So you must be gay then!! ERGH!! You're a queer!!"

then they start to fight, I yell "Shut the fuck up"

and a dog bites me.


I turn around and Matt is hanging from his feet in a tree... ODD!!



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Last night I dreamt Chris was playing a gig all by himself. He somehow managed it miracously but not even that but you could request the songs. For some reason I requested Apocalypse Please and MOTP which wouldn't be my first choices but good enough.

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Right, right, just had a Muse dream and have rushed here before I forget it....ok so for some reason Muse are round my house (but its not my house) and I want to go downstairs to the kitchen and meet them but im still in my pjs and have no-make-up on, I kept checking the window to make sure their blue mini cooper hadn't gone outside when my mum calls me and my sister for toast, I grab some laundry and take it downstairs, as I get downstairs she shouts from the kitchen if I want cheese on it, and i said no, then she was like, oh he put cheese on it, and I could hear Chris going its ok I'll eat it, I can make some more, and I was going no its fine I can still eat it, then my mum and Chris came into the hallway where I had been hiding (still in pjs and no make-up), for some reason my mum had the scrapped off cheese in her hand?! and they were all laughing at Chris because my mum gave him a lovebite! :wtf::LOL: I asked to have a look and Chris showed me by which time I had full view of the kitchen to see Dom sat down at the table reading a newspaper looking up to acknowledge me and Matt who was drinking some tea, he stared at me for a while like he was trying to work me out so I tried to smile back but felt embrassed coz I had just got out of bed, so I quickly went off to get dressed so I could speak to them properly but I woke up before I could of gone back...

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I had a dream on Sunday that I had Matts baby and it had Doms head:stunned: is it my guilt showing for liking both of thoes boys?, or just a result of just too much time perving on the pornogenic/cave threads?


whatever it is it didn't half freak me out:(

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I had a dream on Sunday that I had Matts baby and it had Doms head:stunned: is it my guilt showing for liking both of thoes boys?, or just a result of just too much time perving on the pornogenic/cave threads?


whatever it is it didn't half freak me out:(



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Me and a friend of mine (who doesn't even know who Muse is in real life :rolleyes:) got to go to a Muse concert. We ended up in the front row. While we were making our way to the front, though, we spotted Matt right in front of us. I think he was all in black. He was VERY short. He's only about an inch shorter than me, but in the dream he seemed about four inches shorter. Anywho, I started talking to him and we sat down on the floor and kept talking. He was suddenly in a Superman costume. I asked him if Dom was gonna wear his Spidey outfit, too. He said, "No, he's wearing his tomorrow night." So we kept talking about whatever, can't remember exactly what, but he gave me his MySpace at one point. Not that official one, though. His "personal" one, I guess?


Anywho... I asked him if they were going to play any older songs like Muscle Museum or Space Dementia. He said he was going to play Muscle Museum. I did that whole "OH MY GOD, REALLY? Thank you so much, that's my favorite song!!!" thing. (MM's been my favorite Muse song for a few weeks. :p)


So then he had to leave to go on stage. He was walking up the steps to the front of the stage (such a dramatic entrance :rolleyes:), and I asked him if I could come talk to him after the show. He said probably not because he had a lot of homework to do. :stunned::erm: (It didn't seem strange during the dream...) So I asked him if I could send him a message on his MySpace later, and he said sure and walked on stage. He announced that the first song they were going to be playing was called "(I can't remember the first word) Black Intro."




And then another dream started, but it was the beginning of that dream I just described. So me and my friend got the tickets for the concert. I think we won them or something. I don't remember. But we had to pick them up at the show. My dad drove us to wherever the concert was being held. I remember the concert started at 8:40PM, and I looked at my watch on the way there, and it was 8:25PM, so I was freaking out cause we were running late. So when we got there, we went to pick up the tickets from some lady. She had to scan me and my friend's hands to see if we were best friends. If we weren't, we couldn't get the tickets. So she held up both of her hands, and I put one hand on her right hand and my friend put her hand on the lady's left hand. Something popped up on some screen saying we were close friends, but not best friends (I haven't even talked to that friend in months in real life :rolleyes:), but the lady said that was alright, so she gave us the tickets. We went inside the place and got lost a few times looking for the stage, so we had to stop and ask one of my neighbors, who was just standing there.



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i had one a couple of nights ago. i was in the city and i saw a TopShop (there arent any in Melbourne) so thought that i'd go check it out. all of the clothes were really awful, and there was a Muse tshirt, which looked like something that was either from supre or something that a prostitute would wear. i think that there was also a Does It Offend You, Yeah? tshirt as well. but anyway, i took a picture of it on my phone. then the dream changed into my brother starring on Scrubs, but there was no more muse :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream a couple of nights ago.

I went to their gig with one of my friends. After the concert we went backstage to ask them to sign our cds. Matt was really nice, we were talking a lot and he asked me to stay with us for the night :D Chris was very friendly too, but when I asked Dom to sign my bhar cd he said no, and left. :stunned: Then I went back to Matt and he grabbed me and carried to a field. hehehe and I remember we were playing some strange game, we had to run on the grass without shoes and catch something.... :LOL: Finally they had to go, Matt hugged me, gave me his phone number, and they left..




(sorry for my English... :$)

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I had one the other day. It was my birthday (oddly enough, I dreamed this on my birthday :LOL:) and I was at some building with some random guy who knew Muse. He told me they might be coming to that building for my birthday to practice or something. They came, along with Gaia and Kirkitude. We went into some Amazon type forest, and Gaia went in the water and grabbed a HUGE snake, and some of the guys went in there to help her get it out, but all these weird bugs popped up... Later, we were in that building again and we were all sitting at long tables. Me and Gaia were sitting together and Matt was sitting at the far end of another table, facing my back. I was joking around with Gaia and said something like "Yeah, you're narcissistic because you're wearing green!" (She had a lime green shirt on) Then Matt called to me and said "You must be narcissistic, too, cause you're wearing green, too!" And I looked down and I was. Then Matt looked at his shirt and said "Oh, wait. I am, too!" and started laughing. :unsure: Then we went outside and I was walking with Gaia and one of my friends. I was talking to my friend about Muse being there, and she was like "Muse was here? What?" And that was it...

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I had a dream I snuck into a small theater where Muse was playing after standing outside the venue in agony for KoC and Hysteria... :LOL:


Then Matt picked up a pair of drum sticks and started dicking around with another drum kit on stage and everyone laughed, but then he started soloing and starts a drum duel with Dom, and I think Chris jumps in there somewhere. :LOL: 'Twas fucking great.


How fucking awesome would it be if all three of them messed around with a drum set at one point in a set? :eek:


Sorry, I'm a drummer, and that would just be purely orgasmic. :LOL: I don't care if Matt sucks... :LOL:


Then one of the security guys started checking tix and I begged him to let me stay and I did. Then a whole backing choir + orchestra came on stage and I woke up. :supersad:

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I had a dream where Matt was cooking for me... he put something in the microwave, but he left a metal spoon in the dish and I couldn't decide whether it would be rude to say something or not, because after all he was cooking for me...

After a moment's indecision, I realised that it's very dangerous to leave metal spoons in the microwave, so I nudged him and said "You idiot! You've left a spoon in the microwave!"

He got really offended and still didn't stop the microwave.

Then I woke up... so I'll never know if we died in the resulting explosion (which is what I was expecting)

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I had a dream where Matt was cooking for me... he put something in the microwave, but he left a metal spoon in the dish and I couldn't decide whether it would be rude to say something or not, because after all he was cooking for me...

After a moment's indecision, I realised that it's very dangerous to leave metal spoons in the microwave, so I nudged him and said "You idiot! You've left a spoon in the microwave!"

He got really offended and still didn't stop the microwave.

Then I woke up... so I'll never know if we died in the resulting explosion (which is what I was expecting)


:LOL: That got a good lol out of me.


I had another Muse dream last night. I can't remember most of it, but I know at one point me and a couple friends were driving to a Muse gig and we got lost but eventually made it there... and then later I had to walk through this marshy-type yard in order to get to my dad's house, but I didn't want to because I wasn't wearing shoes. I think an alligator popped up around that time. And there was this other part where I was in a house with some chick in a wheelchair, but she left and didn't come back for days, which freaked me out for some reason.

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