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I had a Muse-related dream sort of. All it was was darkness and Undisclosed Desires was playing.


Sexaaaaay :LOL:


I think Matt was an ice fisherman in a parka in my dream... the streets were clear ice with orcas swimming under. Then my worst fear--giant wave of water on both sides of the street, and I got swept away. When the water cleared, and I was flat on my face on the ice, I look to the side and I see Matt in a parka flat down too with a fishing rod in his hand... the snaggle tooth suited actually really well for some reason with that old worn fisherman look. But anyway....:$

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i had a muse dream recently, that i actually remembered (ususally they're quite vague, but know i'm thinking of writing them down ^^) anyway,

i was with Dom on Primrose Hill, and we were together <3 :happy: we wanted to have a picnic but all this paparazzi started coming up the hill trying to bombard me with questions and taking tons of pics of us sitting there! but surprisingly i wasn't that phased by it, i just smiled a little nervously and dom smiled at me :D and so i said 'what?' and he said 'you're just taking this really well' we ran like hell from the paparazzi and met up with Matt walking his dog carring a box full of bananas and model zetas of varying sizes, and when he saw me he dragged me away from dom gushing about some secret hideout in chris and tom's attic :rolleyes: (where i assumed he was putting that box of stuff)

and dom was shouting after us ' what about the pasta?!!! Kate will eat it all!"

i know weird :stunned: hehehhe

not the craziest or most exciting dream i know, it was a good dream, which is why i remebered it! :happy: matt was wearing the clothes from the bliss vid and dom was in the resistance era

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i had a muse dream recently, that i actually remembered (ususally they're quite vague, but know i'm thinking of writing them down ^^) anyway,

i was with Dom on Primrose Hill, and we were together <3 :happy: we wanted to have a picnic but all this paparazzi started coming up the hill trying to bombard me with questions and taking tons of pics of us sitting there! but surprisingly i wasn't that phased by it, i just smiled a little nervously and dom smiled at me :D and so i said 'what?' and he said 'you're just taking this really well' we ran like hell from the paparazzi and met up with Matt walking his dog carring a box full of bananas and model zetas of varying sizes, and when he saw me he dragged me away from dom gushing about some secret hideout in chris and tom's attic :rolleyes: (where i assumed he was putting that box of stuff)

and dom was shouting after us ' what about the pasta?!!! Kate will eat it all!"

i know weird :stunned: hehehhe

not the craziest or most exciting dream i know, it was a good dream, which is why i remebered it! :happy: matt was wearing the clothes from the bliss vid and dom was in the resistance era


Primrose Hill? *twitchy eye* :stunned:

"(Jim stops and gets out the car, goes to a house in Emperor's Gate, through the door and to his room, then he puts the TV on, turns it off and makes some tea, says Modern Life is Rubbish) You're holding on for tomorrow! (Then Susan comes into the room, she's a naughty girl with a lovely smile says let's take a drive to Primrose Hill, it's windy there and the view is so nice, London ice can freeze your toes like anyone I suppose) You're holding on for tomorrow!"

So is this Primrose Hill place actually real in England? :erm:

It's in the song lyrics I just typed out above, you see, from a Blur song.. I was just wondering if it was a real place :$

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i had a muse dream recently, that i actually remembered (ususally they're quite vague, but know i'm thinking of writing them down ^^) anyway,

i was with Dom on Primrose Hill, and we were together <3 :happy: we wanted to have a picnic but all this paparazzi started coming up the hill trying to bombard me with questions and taking tons of pics of us sitting there! but surprisingly i wasn't that phased by it, i just smiled a little nervously and dom smiled at me :D and so i said 'what?' and he said 'you're just taking this really well' we ran like hell from the paparazzi and met up with Matt walking his dog carring a box full of bananas and model zetas of varying sizes, and when he saw me he dragged me away from dom gushing about some secret hideout in chris and tom's attic :rolleyes: (where i assumed he was putting that box of stuff)

and dom was shouting after us ' what about the pasta?!!! Kate will eat it all!"

i know weird :stunned: hehehhe

not the craziest or most exciting dream i know, it was a good dream, which is why i remebered it! :happy: matt was wearing the clothes from the bliss vid and dom was in the resistance era


awwwww! that's a cute and funny dream!!! you're so lucky!!! :)

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Were there any details? :eek:

That must've been most terrifying if he was trying to kill you!


I can vaguely remember being in a pitch black room, tied up. Then a light came on and I could hear footsteps. Matt stepped into the light, that was the most vivid part of the dream, because his eyes were shining like crystals. Then he said something incomprehensible, cocked a gun and pointed it at me. Then I woke up just as heard the trigger go.


Pretty scary :stunned:

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I dreamed I was the new guitarist for muse as Matt wanted to do more piano and stage attics. We played a song I wrote at Wembely and when we got backstage Matt said I played great, which means a lot to me as I don't get to many compliments on my playing. I woke up just before we got to the groupies :(

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Guest Bliss272
I dreamed I was the new guitarist for muse as Matt wanted to do more piano and stage attics. We played a song I wrote at Wembely and when we got backstage Matt said I played great, which means a lot to me as I don't get to many compliments on my playing. I woke up just before we got to the groupies :(


That's so cool! I'd be so happy if Matt complimented my guitar. Lucky you! :) Maybe it's a sign you'll be the next Jimi Hendrix?

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I dreamed I was the new guitarist for muse as Matt wanted to do more piano and stage attics. We played a song I wrote at Wembely and when we got backstage Matt said I played great, which means a lot to me as I don't get to many compliments on my playing. I woke up just before we got to the groupies :(


ahahahaha! :LOL:

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I can vaguely remember being in a pitch black room, tied up. Then a light came on and I could hear footsteps. Matt stepped into the light, that was the most vivid part of the dream, because his eyes were shining like crystals. Then he said something incomprehensible, cocked a gun and pointed it at me. Then I woke up just as heard the trigger go.


Pretty scary :stunned:


Well that is quite.. freaky :stunned:


'Cept he seemed pretty well-behaved in someone else's dream recently so..

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Having had a rather surreal dream the night before last night (a composition of Top Gear, time-travel, dream-within-a-dream, arenas changing size and then the stage eating Green Day and trying to destroy London), I had another one last night.


I had a dream I was at Matt and Kate's wedding. Randomly it was being held in a field in my home village and the only people I made out were the happy couple, some guy who I think it was implying was in MGMT and someone in my village, although I may've seen Dom and Chris in the background.


Also Matt kept changing costume - at first he was wearing his stadium tin foil suit, then when he was actually getting married he was wearing a white suit, then during an after party he was wearing a red trenchcoat and black shirt with his white suit trousers. I was asking Kate if she was confused by Matt changing his clothes seemingly every minute, then these heilcopters with 'News of the World' on this side dropped down to us special wedding newspapers.


Then this evil bald wizard who looked like a bouncer tried to track us down and threaten the privacy of the event as he had hacked a phone to find where we all were. He then tried to beat me up so the next part was him chasing me into the forest. I tried to give him the slip but wrongly gloated so he tried chasing me again, although because he'd gone through a river he was slower. Then I found Matt (who was now wearing a pair of blue chinos and a t-shirt out of my wardrobe) and us and the MGMT guy fought off this one to get a flying gas mask thing out.


The MGMT guy accidentally set the platform on fire but Matt with his wizard wand put it out and we got a lift with Kate and one of her friends already on and we moved onto to nothing, but then we apparted to my house and then the dream ended.



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I can vaguely remember being in a pitch black room, tied up. Then a light came on and I could hear footsteps. Matt stepped into the light, that was the most vivid part of the dream, because his eyes were shining like crystals. Then he said something incomprehensible, cocked a gun and pointed it at me. Then I woke up just as heard the trigger go.


Pretty scary :stunned:

Well that is quite.. freaky :stunned:


'Cept he seemed pretty well-behaved in someone else's dream recently so..

For Christ sake he's a father! Don't scare the kid!

Having had a rather surreal dream the night before last night (a composition of Top Gear, time-travel, dream-within-a-dream, arenas changing size and then the stage eating Green Day and trying to destroy London), I had another one last night.


I had a dream I was at Matt and Kate's wedding. Randomly it was being held in a field in my home village and the only people I made out were the happy couple, some guy who I think it was implying was in MGMT and someone in my village, although I may've seen Dom and Chris in the background.


Also Matt kept changing costume - at first he was wearing his stadium tin foil suit, then when he was actually getting married he was wearing a white suit, then during an after party he was wearing a red trenchcoat and black shirt with his white suit trousers. I was asking Kate if she was confused by Matt changing his clothes seemingly every minute, then these heilcopters with 'News of the World' on this side dropped down to us special wedding newspapers.


Then this evil bald wizard who looked like a bouncer tried to track us down and threaten the privacy of the event as he had hacked a phone to find where we all were. He then tried to beat me up so the next part was him chasing me into the forest. I tried to give him the slip but wrongly gloated so he tried chasing me again, although because he'd gone through a river he was slower. Then I found Matt (who was now wearing a pair of blue chinos and a t-shirt out of my wardrobe) and us and the MGMT guy fought off this one to get a flying gas mask thing out.


The MGMT guy accidentally set the platform on fire but Matt with his wizard wand put it out and we got a lift with Kate and one of her friends already on and we moved onto to nothing, but then we apparted to my house and then the dream ended.




Hmm... News of the World... I wonder what part of this dream was based off of :p


Hey by the way, was the person who wanted to make Muse word searches and stuff on this thread?

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Back in the day, when I sucked with my muse knowledge and only knew one of their songs, I thought Chris was Dom and Dom was Chris. I know, I suck. But then I had a dream where I went out in a golf cart with Muse, and the two introduced themselves by their real names... As soon as I woke up, I googled it and found out my dreams know more about Muse than the conscious part of my brain. I was scared.

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Back in the day, when I sucked with my muse knowledge and only knew one of their songs, I thought Chris was Dom and Dom was Chris. I know, I suck. But then I had a dream where I went out in a golf cart with Muse, and the two introduced themselves by their real names... As soon as I woke up, I googled it and found out my dreams know more about Muse than the conscious part of my brain. I was scared.


Well... at least it helped you figure out which one was which :)

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I maybe over a month late in responding... but what the hey.

What a fascinating dream... it sounds like something I would have. That means there may be some interpretation there (related to Muse or not).


How very very strange yet quite fascinating at the same time ;)

... :LOL:

Might be open to interpretation... but then it might not be. I just view my dreams as weird.


Certainly the appearance of both Muse and my cousin's band is joining the dots - they are called 'Hey You Crazy Kids' after that performance so I guess my smartish brain connected the two together to them actually supporting Muse.

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I just had a muse dream!:) First i saw that Chris was playing football in my school and i asked him an autograph and in the begging he was a little bit mean but then he was cool and he was smiling at me!! Then i saw that the boy i like in reality was actually Matt and he wanted to be with me but i was trying to avoid him because of Kate and Bingham (btw i hate this name!). Then i woke up..:(

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I just had a muse dream!:) First i saw that Chris was playing football in my school and i asked him an autograph and in the begging he was a little bit mean but then he was cool and he was smiling at me!! Then i saw that the boy i like in reality was actually Matt and he wanted to be with me but i was trying to avoid him because of Kate and Bingham (btw i hate this name!). Then i woke up..:(


Just call him bing. Like Bing Crosby

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I was at Mock Trial Camp for the past week, and I was afraid the baby would be born while I was gone. I was informed that I wouldn't have any cell service, so I would be in the dark all week. Thankfully I had a little cell service, so I was able to receive text messages from bruce57 and Matt's tweets. It was kind of strange though because I just missed the baby post on Sunday before I left, but that night I dreamed that they had a son :stunned:

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