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I like the song.


The choruses sound amazing, the ending is beautiful. Love the drums. Matt´s voice is :stongue:

I´m not keen on the verses though. The lyrics are cheesy yes, but knowing Matt´s reasons to write them, they sound very very honest and meaningful so I can take the cheese :p


It´s not the over the top epicness of Muse but it is still a nice powerful song, so yay for new music!

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i love your sig...but i think another nickleback might be forming soon :shifty:


I wish it would be fucking dropped. Honestly, both sections of the board are brilliant in their own aspects and provide crucial integrity to it and everyone that uses it.


Just post where you want to post, who gives a fuck.

sense...your post has it :awesome:


I dislike the song, because I am from Banter. I dislike you all, because I'm from Banter.

i'm not from banter. you dislike me?? :supersad:




I think NSC stands for never satisfied cunts, ie. Banter people olol

ah...that's just fun for anyone who doesn't like the setlist this last year :yesey:

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Oh and banter appears to have a collective consciousness whereby we have all agreed that we don't like it.


Incorrect sir. Because of the nature of Banter, theoretically anything can be discussed, thus potentially creating more differences and clashing opinions.

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Can't keep up with this thread, its moving too fast. However, does anyone else think the piano ending sounds like it could fit a James Bond theme? Ignoring the fact Muse and James Bond themes have been discussed, debated and suggested for a fair few years now.

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Thanks Gigapoodle.


To me this(at least musically) feels more of the type of thing Matt was reaching for in Guiding Light and lost it somewhere along the way.


Probably true. Guiding like took months for me to like, but now I do like it, ya. Guiding Light seems like a song that he tried to put emotion into but he had too much fun with all of the cool little bells and whistles that he learned in the studio :LOL:


NSC seems more...constructed, if you will. Ya, there's about 4 different kinds of styles going on in this song, but...I dunno how to describe it :$

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This was a massive tune in the UK last year =


Listen to that bassline ;) lots of pop here now has Grime, Dubstep, Bassline influences and American stuff finding it's way here is very clean in comparison.


Oh, I know! The American pop music is very polished, yes, and the English electronic underground has definitely gained clout on the airwaves there.


But I was speaking historically. Starting in the 80s, there has been a definite trend for Americans to really go for guitar rock. Especially guitar rock with what we call "balls",

Which basically means pounding power chords until your arm give out. And shit loads of bass and mid-range heavy distortion.


English rock, at least of the indie variety that makes its way over here, has a much more balanced approach, using what I guess you could only call "the brit method", which is to have a melodic bassline, and using guitars as textures, instead of solely for attack, which balances with the vocal delivery.

... hell... Just listen to The Arctic Monkeys, or The Fratellis, or even fucking Coldplay and what not. NME bands I guess.




Of course this is all flexible. I'm probably even inaccurate.

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Can't keep up with this thread, its moving too fast. However, does anyone else think the piano ending sounds like it could fit a James Bond theme? Ignoring the fact Muse and James Bond themes have been discussed, debated and suggested for a fair few years now.


Yeah I thought that, could fit well.

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It's more daring and different than just about any pop/rock music out there today, and it's another one of their "let's throw 4 genre's in for the fun of it, fuck anyone who doesn't like it" - for that reason alone I love it.


More Rachmaninov is never a bad thing either.


Haters are gonna hate, but it's their loss.

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Incorrect sir. Because of the nature of Banter, theoretically anything can be discussed, thus potentially creating more differences and clashing opinions.


Banter is the frontline of discussion.


Main muse is the Headquarters where we all sip tea and talk about how we are winning the war.

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I have been a muse fan for years and have defended pretty much of their decisions, BUT i can safely that not even the solicitor that got OJ simpson off could defend this song. Absolutely terrible. Wouldn't surprise me if they play a queen medley during the encore at wembley. Please muse, start making good music again.


Amen to that. I listened to this at work and honestly freakin laughed out loud when I saw it on You Tube with the lyrics. I was almost embarrassed that I was listening to this song. I never thought that Guiding Light could ever look like a Slayer song but congrats to Neutron Star Collision for doing that.


I have always hated when no matter what kind of garbage a band released no matter how bad the song, someone would say "Aww man this is great. I don't care how different it is."


And stop with the "this is progression...get over it...who wants a band to stay the same?" argument. This isn't progression. These lyrics are 3rd grade material.


To think that some of their B-Sides never made albums yet this gets a major release is really sad.


I am very afraid at how their next album is going to sound. The Resistance took quite a while to grow on me (for the most part) and I love it now, but if they are going to succumb to pleasing the "pop" crowd with this kind of stuff, then I am not looking forward to their "progression".


To the people saying this song is great, please know that it is ok to criticize your favorite band, no matter how good they are.

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