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I tried being a member on the Nine Inch Nails forum.


Imagine this forum, +10 years. :p


Doesn't Trent Reznor actually reply to people's posts in there too? That's some scary shit. :LOL:


I *think* I like the new song, but who's to say? Thirty seconds isn't enough. And even if it isn't everyone's cup of tea, this "selling out" nonsense is getting kind of ridiculous. Lets not become like Green Day fans, please.

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I tried being a member on the Nine Inch Nails forum.


Imagine this forum, +10 years. :p


It's bad, but nowhere close to what it used to be. (ETS) It was WWIII when awithateethah was released. Most people are satisfied with Trent's new music.

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It's bad, but nowhere close to what it used to be. (ETS) It was WWIII when awithateethah was released. Most people are satisfied with Trent's new music.


Yes but whereas we have people here which wish we still had the muse of 7 or so years ago, the Nin forum has people wishing we still had the Trent of 15 years ago :LOL:


epic refusal to move on :p


but there is still a lot of trolling and elitism on there, moreso than here. We think the banter/mainmuse disputes are bad, try having a forum with dedicated sub sections for each album, with it's own dedicated fanbase :LOL:

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I don't like the clip.


Oh and the name is crap. Sounds like someone went oooh Stars? Neutrons?




I also don't like the name really, but just so you know, a "neutron star" is a real thing - google it. it's not just "neutron" + "star" combined separately.

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Well, you should feel sorry for me while listening to UD and telling yourself it's just an 'experimental track'.

It's a good song:)




Well. . .At least it's catchy. . .but so is Kesha's "Tik Tok". . .

Don't lie to yourself.

If the chorus is this, the whole is about vampire love and dying together. Do you expect Matt to dye his hair red inbetween choruses and start playing heavy D chords? No, that won't happen (unfortunately). Like it's been said, to be honest, I feel a bit embarrassed about being a Muse fan now.


What, you mean that thing called rock music? As opposed to the shit every major label feeds 13 year old girls these days called ''rock music''.....


I actually prefer (and I thought I'd never say something like this) YouMeAtSix recent single compared to it.




Again with the 30 second stuff...that probably was the best section of the song, it always is with the 30 second previews, and a song like this doesn't go very far beyond verse chorus verse chorus....


Oh no but I guess I am completely wrong, make up an excuse for this songs apparent imminent failure....so when we hear it in full, what will be the excuse?




This song is the worst piece of shit I have ever heard in my life. Wow.


Why don't you just leave. No one force you to stay or listen these songs:rolleyes:

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Lol!!! :LOL:


I wonder if Florence, Bat for Lashes and Beck's fans are upset about their contributions to this soundtrack...I'm looking forward to hearing their songs almost as much as the full version of NSC :D


Doubt it.


Not sure why Muse get so much hate for contributing songs to the soundtrack. As an Editors and Radiohead fan I wasn't pissed off that Editors and Thom Yorke have had songs on previous Twilight CDs.


If the song is good i'll like it, if it's not I'll not like it because it's rubbish and not because its on some shit teen craze film

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They're the same band but they're just producing different music :shifty:


Much like Queen did. It was one of the things I loved about them - you never knew what to expect next. Never thought I'd find another band than excited me like that but I have & I think that's pretty lucky in one lifetime.

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PML, how old are you? 'i feel embarrassed about being a fan of___' ?? wtf, you either like something or you dont! dont you have balls to stand up for what you like or you feel the need to be accepted by others in order to truly enjoy something? :LOL:


100% agreed.

That's what happens when you get a lot of immature people on the board. Those of us who've been around for many years couldn't give a flying f*ck about what other people think. We have the courage and maturity to think "I like this band and if there's an occasional song that makes me wince then so be it". I love many bands that have had long and varied careers but I could never claim to love every single song they did. It'd be weird if I did. I grit my teeth a lot reading this board because there are so many childish comments made on it, but this is really getting to me. If you don't like the direction Muse are going in, go and find someone else to listen to who just churns out the same crap album after album and leave us to enjoy people who can keep surprising us.


As soon as I heard that clip, I knew there'd be a stack of snobs on here lining up to say how awful the song was. Unfortunately, I wasn't disappointed.

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Much like Queen did. It was one of the things I loved about them - you never knew what to expect next. Never thought I'd find another band than excited me like that but I have & I think that's pretty lucky in one lifetime.


Agreed 100%.

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I'd feel a bit embarrased if they made a song like this:




Would explain the synth and keytar love.


Even more experimental, Chris and Matt should have a rap battle like this:




Flight of the Conchords ftw :D


I'm liking the song so far, I hope there is more to it than this though....

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Much like Queen did. It was one of the things I loved about them - you never knew what to expect next. Never thought I'd find another band than excited me like that but I have & I think that's pretty lucky in one lifetime.


Exactly. +1

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Everyone has their own musical taste and everyone either likes where muse is going or not. And if all your doing is saying and whining "Im ashamed of being a muse fan" Then Get The Fuck Outta Here.


Like this. + 34540984098750928572095

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I always thought Queen were a pile of shit, mostly. Freddie was lovely though :awesome:.

Unfortunately the latest offerings from Muse can't even compete with that god-awful band, one of the worst in British Rock History.


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I hate how every time a new song is released, people get so pissed off when a lot of people don't like it. I think it's rather meh, depending on how the rest of the song is it could be good, it could be bad. But people have the right to say that they don't like/hate the song, just like those who think it's good have the right to say they like/love it.


Also I don't like hearing "GTFO if you don't like it" over and over again. :rolleyes:


Yay, now I'm waiting for people to find flaws in my argument.

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I always thought Queen were a pile of shit, mostly. Freddie was lovely though :awesome:.

Unfortunately the latest offerings from Muse can't even compete with that god-awful band, one of the worst in British Rock History.



Are you being serious. :stunned:

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