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Hyper Music is bloody annoying and vastly overrated. I kind of forget that it exists, as I've deleted the song, along with FG, from the OoS file on my mp3-player. Until I see the demands to play it live and become utterly puzzled over its popularity once more.


Madness is the best song on The 2nd Law.

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Until I see the demands to play it live and become utterly puzzled over its popularity once more.


Madness is the best song on The 2nd Law.


The bass. The song is simple and energetic. The chorus is great.


You can think so of course. But I'd like to know why you prefer Madness to Panic Station, Survival, Animals, Supremacy or even Explorers. :p That said Madness grow on me. It's one of the better Muse pop songs.

Edited by Strangeseas
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The bass . The song is simple and energetic. The chorus is great.


You can think so of course. But I'd like to know why you prefer Madness to Panic Station, Survival, Animals, Supremacy or even Explorers. :p


The excessive distortion ruins the whole song. It sounds messy and I don't even like the bass, even though I do get why people do.


The reason I've come to love Madness is that it's such a grower and is built up in a genius way using restraint and, dare I say, taste, quite unfamiliar to Muse. I don't know why people dismiss the beginning as boring, I think it clearly going somewhere (building up), however this may reveal a difference in tastes (many Muse fans seem to prefer that 100% turbo-emotional/"big" sound for everything - I love the OOT-ness of Muse, as well, but balance is always good). Animals is a close second on the album, it shows similar subtlety as Madness (as much as you can use the word "subtle" for a political song with the line "kill yourselves" :p ). I do like PS and Survival, it's not about that. Explorers is pretty terrible though.


Way too long, but I feel Madness needs to be defended on this board :)

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The excessive distortion ruins the whole song.


Way too long, but I feel Madness needs to be defended on this board :)


The distortion ruined the song for me too, in the beginning. But it grew on me and now I love the song. It's not even that distorted compared to other bands/genres. With a good sound system it's more than enjoyable.


And yeah, Madness is one of my favourites too. Same level as Survival and Panic Station for me.

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The excessive distortion ruins the whole song. It sounds messy and I don't even like the bass, even though I do get why people do.


Distortion is the charm of OoS. But I get that it's just to much for you. :chuckle:

If you mean the distortion at the beginning, it's there for the flow of the album.


The reason I've come to love Madness is that it's such a grower and is built up in a genius way using restraint and, dare I say, taste, quite unfamiliar to Muse. I don't know why people dismiss the beginning as boring, I think it clearly going somewhere (building up), however this may reveal a difference in tastes (many Muse fans seem to prefer that 100% turbo-emotional/"big" sound for everything - I love the OOT-ness of Muse, as well, but balance is always good).


Yes, Madness is certainly a grower.

A lot of Muse fans just like OoS and Absolution era Muse the most. And that equals beefy bass, a lot of distortion and heaviness (Heavy in comparison to other Alternative rock bands).

I think Muse excels, when they are emotional, experimental to an extend and "heavy/expressive" (CE, Megalomania, SFA, B&H, RBS, TAB, CoD).

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Hyper Music is bloody annoying and vastly overrated. I kind of forget that it exists, as I've deleted the song, along with FG, from the OoS file on my mp3-player. Until I see the demands to play it live and become utterly puzzled over its popularity once more.


If Hyper Music gets demand to be played live, it's because it's an amazing live song. Easily one of the best songs I've seen them play. If you don't like the song on the album just because of the distortion/messiness, it loses that live and just becomes a beefy-as-fuck rock song.

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