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Madness (post guitar solo) is one my favourite things they've ever done. Agreed about the current live version though, it's a shadow of its former self and needs dropped immediately.

This. The first two and a half minutes (including the shite solo) are just terrible.


After that though, utterly wonderful stuff. One of Matt's best ever compositions and vocal performances.

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Neutron Star Collision.


And Mercy.


Ah, shit. Okay, I'll give you NSC :chuckle: Always forget about it with it being a non-album single and...generally pretending it didn't happen.


I don't mind Mercy too much though, think I'd put it in the 'meh' category as opposed to completely guff. Seeing it live might've boosted my opinion of it as well 'cause it is surprisingly good.

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I'd say Mercy is their worst pop song ever. Forgettable piano melody, a verse that switches between decent and annoying, and then the mother of worthless choruses. Honestly the worst chorus they've ever done, with nothing going on in terms of melody. I mean some people complained because the bridge to Dead Inside was the infamous 4 chord sequence, but that Mercy chorus is just dull, mediocre and cliche on a level that Muse have never reached before.


Apparently I'm even passionate about my dislike for that song, which says a lot becaus so rarely find any music outright bad.

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Simplicity can be a strong tool in the right hands. I think the piano melody is simple, but sounds nice enough. There is something about the rhythm and the flow of the vocals in the verses, what I like.

Mercy's chorus is boring, Strangely, it doesn't detract from the song for me. An unimaginative

chorus, at least it succeeds in sounding triumphant. :chuckle:

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I'd say Mercy is their worst pop song ever. Forgettable piano melody, a verse that switches between decent and annoying, and then the mother of worthless choruses. Honestly the worst chorus they've ever done, with nothing going on in terms of melody. I mean some people complained because the bridge to Dead Inside was the infamous 4 chord sequence, but that Mercy chorus is just dull, mediocre and cliche on a level that Muse have never reached before.


Apparently I'm even passionate about my dislike for that song, which says a lot becaus so rarely find any music outright bad.


Yeah...I can't really disagree with much of that, especially the chorus :chuckle:(I do quite like the verses though)


Not to mention the super pointless and half-arsed breakdown/bridge as well.


Wait, no, stop convincing me dammit :supersad:


I guess it's flaws are mainly just down to being generic, which is what separates it from being actively bad for me I think.

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Mercy might be in their top 5 worst songs yet.


It's not offensive enough for that.


But it so totally is. It's shite. Bublegum generic melody sounds like a song for pre-schoolers.Total mismatch with lyrics pleading for Mercy. Unbelievable it was given such a prime spot on the tour. Mercy << Starlight.

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Mercy might be in their top 5 worst songs yet.


Naaah, I wouldn't even put it in the top 5 worst from T2L and Drones.


They are Pop these days though?


I don't think they know what they are these days :chuckle:


Their pop work is generally damn solid though imo, it's just live where a lot of it falls flat. Don't see owt wrong with voting for it.


Unbelievable it was given such a prime spot on the tour.


Is good live tho mang. Think it was the main highlight of the latter stages of just about every set I've seen on this tour.

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I skip Mercy on the album as well as Revolt and Aftermath when the chorus starts...


What is so great about Mercy live? The confetti and streamers. When I saw it live I was waiting for it.


Muse is still a rock-band if they want to be one. But I didn't understand Matt when he said in an interview "We became a metal-band at Download!" And laughed about it..correct me if he used other words. Is he ashamed of being more of a rock-band? Maybe he feels too old for it, like dying his hair red again, he said so in another interview...:LOL:


Worst pop-songs? NSC and Big freeze...

Edited by Claudia O.
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