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If you don't like the song on the album just because of the distortion/messiness, it loses that live and just becomes a beefy-as-fuck rock song.


Re:losing distortion and messioness when played live: probably true.


However, as there are about 20-30 other Muse songs that don't get played that I'd rather listen to live, it's hard for me to care enough to root to hear the live versio to find out.

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Hyper Music is bloody annoying and vastly overrated. I kind of forget that it exists, as I've deleted the song, along with FG, from the OoS file on my mp3-player. Until I see the demands to play it live and become utterly puzzled over its popularity once more.


Hellz nah


Madness is the best song on The 2nd Law.


I wouldn't say the best but it's a damn good song for the reasons you listed in another post of yours.

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madness has certainly grown on me. I thought it would be a song I got sick of after a few listens but it has done the complete opposite


At a more slower pace I find that's happened to me - when it came out I hated it but after seeing it live I heard it a few times and I now rather like it. Even if it still took about 3 months to like. :chuckle:


Still hate Big Freeze though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I really don't understand the fuss around it. I mean, what's so special about it? It just bores me to tears.



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I already agreed on the riff part, but the strings, really? They're horrible, boring, Bond ripoff. And I'll take awesome chest vocals over falsetto any day of the week.

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