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Are your family appreciative of Muse?

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And then they'll play Guiding Light, Resistance, Undisclosed Desires and Neutron Star Collision.


Yeah....and she likes heavy rock/metal music like Metallica. Although she does like the end of Micro Cuts and the end of Stockholm Syndrome.

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my children love muse!! they have been brought up listening to my albums and love them all, especially my son who has been inspired by the bands we enjoy and is now a keen guitarist and taking GCSE music at school. I took him along to his first proper concert at the age of 11 to see muse at Teignmouth and what a first concert that was :)

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my children love muse!! they have been brought up listening to my albums and love them all, especially my son who has been inspired by the bands we enjoy and is now a keen guitarist and taking GCSE music at school. I took him along to his first proper concert at the age of 11 to see muse at Teignmouth and what a first concert that was :)



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my children love muse!! they have been brought up listening to my albums and love them all, especially my son who has been inspired by the bands we enjoy and is now a keen guitarist and taking GCSE music at school. I took him along to his first proper concert at the age of 11 to see muse at Teignmouth and what a first concert that was :)


Can you be my mom? :awesome: :awesome:

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Most of my family dont really like muse..but i got my mom to love them..After i came back from the san diego gig i showed my mom on youtube her fav song ruled by secrecy i left the room and as soon as i got back she was crying :stunned:


Ohhh, I wish my mum could get so emotional about them. However, I'm not complaining. Sometimes she comes into my room and says nice things about them. Like "oh, I like this song". "OMG, is this really him singing like that?" :D


Besides my brother is close to become a Muser - it's a matter of time. Or rather one badass live show. I hope to take him next year to one;)

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Sighhh...I've tried. My parents are hopeless. They like The Lawrence Welk Show (pity me!) My sister and I have always had different tastes in music. She says she doesn't like Matt's voice. My son (who just turned 6) LOVED Undisclosed Desires for a while. Mostly because of the video. :LOL: He went through an Iron Maiden phase which was AWESOME! But not anything interesting lately. My daughter is only 4 and seems to like Young the Giant. :happy: Thankfully, my husband loves Muse! So, it's not a complete lost cause!

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I plan to marry a pwoper muser one day... which will be hard because all girls are obsessed with pop:vomit:


Well, that's quite the big assumption, don't you think? There's loads of girls on the boards let alone the world. I don't say 'It will be hard to marry a muser due to the fact that all guys are obsessed with jazz' do I? Just sayin'.


Anyways, brother now likes PiB and SS, older sister still kinda meh on them, parents don't really care as long as its not too loud and I'm not breaking anything from it, but my little brother and sisters love it :happy:

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>Mum decided she likes Starlight, Uprising and Resistance

>Tell her how bland they are in comparison with Muse's better work

>Say Origin of Symmetry is probably my favorite album by them

>Looks at the CD case.

>"Oh, I love Feeling Good"




:facepalm: It's a step in the right direction?

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I plan to marry a pwoper muser one day... which will be hard because all girls are obsessed with pop:vomit:


THIS IS NOT TRUE. You just have to look more carefully and you will find many girls who are obssesed with other generes of music. Really.

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My mom doesn't like it but we have such polar tastes sometimes it's not much of a surprise. She teases me about my Muse obsession all the time, but she doesn't care what I listen to as long as I don't blast it. She's not big on going to concerts or anything like that, so I've never seen a band live, but I'm going to make Muse my first concert experience.


I think if she was younger she would like it. When I was a little kid, 5-10, she would've been 25-30, we used to listen to everything from Nirvana to Bach together. Now that's she's gotten a little older she isn't as open to everything. I hope I don't get like that :LOL:


My dad isn't really into music in general and we don't talk about stuff like that, so I have no idea how he feels.

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I plan to marry a pwoper muser one day... which will be hard because all girls are obsessed with pop:vomit:


I'll marry you :awesome:


well, my older brother listens to muse casually, (but his favourite song is NSC so :erm:) aand my little bro loves MotP, Resistance (because he plays the beginning on piano) and Assassin :awesome:


BUT my parents have never listened to them, or english music in general :noey:

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