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Yeah I remember going into a fangirl mode once the mic appeared. That's when the long 11 hours in the rainy queue were worth it. :chuckle: (And I was laughing at that one drunken group of Swedes who I hoped were somewhere far away from the barrier. We had some mild fights in the queue.)


I know what you mean about it being worth it. We were the first in the queue at the Teignmouth gig, we got up at 4am and eventually got there at 5:30am. Totally worth it though, we had such good banter.

We had minor beef with people jumping the queue but Claire sorted them out.


And the guy at the entrance who wanted us to move because we needed to be searched by a female security: "listen mate I've been here for 8 hours and I ain't moving. If you want me to sign a disclaimer to allow you to feel me up then fine! :LOL:.


OMG I remember that. I had her search my bag before the gates even opened lol she checked a few others too. Rage.

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In regards to the music video for Resistance, I think it's pretty cool. I do feel a bit skeptical about these types of performance music videos though. I know it's only a music video, but I don't really like it with songs that are layered with instruments where it would have Matt at the piano in one shot and then he's playing guitar in another shot instantly. It sort of ruins the video itself for me.


If they were going for a performance of Muse playing live, I'd prefer it would be left to a live audio clip. However, as I will contradict myself here, who cares? Muse can do whatever the hell they want.

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Well, it's as I feared... they massacred the song. The radio edit is shitecakes compared to the original... they took the Best parts from it - the eerie/ synthy intro and outro and there's some weird tampering in the middle, too. All of that only cut the song down by about a minute in total... why can't radios just play 60 more fucking seconds?!


Oh well, I just won't listen to that version, lol (until Xfm bum it to death!). As for the video... yeah, it's lazy and I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of effort with recent singles, but it doesn't bother me overmuch. I just wish they actually did the song a bit more justice in general - with the edit and the vid. They should have just left Resistance alone and done something a bit more daring (and what a lot of fans actually want) like release MK instead. We all would have had much more faith in the future of Muse singles. As it stands, though... management/ band are being pants! Sort it out, yo! :noey:

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All the fans featured in the video, whether you ran, walked or cart-wheeled in, were wonderful! I loved that part.

But what happened the end? It felt as if they went, "Hmm, lets stop the song... now!":confused: No one waves goodbye or nuthin'.

It does seem like a "primer" as that review says, and not just of the show, but of the song itself. Like, "If you like these bits we stuck together, just imagine what the actual album track and an actual show are like!" I hope it works!

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I think the Uprising video is a good one. Reminds me of V For Vendetta. I love it. UD is cack tho.


Music videos based around live performances are nothing new for Muse tho. Butterflies & Hurricanes and In Your World for example.


However I wish they were a bit more creative with it like those two examples. I still thought it was pretty cool.

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Sing For Absolution is legendary for Dom's masterful Oscar-worthy performance. ( :LOL: )




bliss and sing for absolution are awful videos come on. good ones : Uno , Unintended, plug in baby, cause they are the ones that keep to the concept of the songs


Uno?? The one with the dodgy shirt and the earphone wire? :unsure::LOL:

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bliss and sing for absolution are awful videos come on. good ones : Uno , Unintended, plug in baby, cause they are the ones that keep to the concept of the songs


Unintended, another video known for Dom's masterful Oscar-worthy performance. ( :LOL: )

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Unintended, another video known for Dom's masterful Oscar-worthy performance. ( :LOL: )


I swear there's an interview where Matt says he thinks that's their worst vid (or one of 'em) and I remember him saying 'Dom's sitting on a bed trying to look all intense with these drum sticks in his hands... it was awful' :LOL: Wish I could remember which interview that was from, though (it was a a TV interview).

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I swear there's an interview where Matt says he thinks that's their worst vid (or one of 'em) and I remember him saying 'Dom's sitting on a bed trying to look all intense with these drum sticks in his hands... it was awful' :LOL: Wish I could remember which interview that was from, though (it was a a TV interview).


And it's all thanks to that bloody director who forgot Dom's drumset. :facepalm::LOL:

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I swear there's an interview where Matt says he thinks that's their worst vid (or one of 'em) and I remember him saying 'Dom's sitting on a bed trying to look all intense with these drum sticks in his hands... it was awful' :LOL: Wish I could remember which interview that was from, though (it was a a TV interview).

Kerrang 2004 Muse: Inside Trax

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just to interrupt the flow :p i never normally complain about anything of muse but that video for resistance is utter bollocks!!! I hate i hate it hate it....i was expectin somthin excitin and might have been better if they shot some footage in other gigs rather than just milan!! :rolleyes:

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Kerrang 2004 Muse: Inside Trax


Of course! ... Legend! :happy:


I looked it up on Youtube so I could watch it again... the audio has been removed for copyright reasons or some gay shit! :rolleyes: lol. They pretty much went through each of their videos, single by single for that interview, I remember... maybe they should do a new version of that for their most recent ones and continue to slate themselves, cos they're not getting a whole lot better at the vid making stuff (as this latest example has proven, lol!) :p

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bliss and sing for absolution are awful videos come on. good ones : Uno , Unintended, plug in baby, cause they are the ones that keep to the concept of the songs


I like the Bliss and SFA videos... and the Uno and Unintended ones are pretty bad in my view. Plug In Baby's alright.


Anyway, the Resistance video isn't terrible. But they do fanny around with trying to put in too much different clips in short spaces of time, and sometimes it makes the sync seem kinda dodgy. Also, I think including screaming crowd audio was a mistake when using the studio version of the song. And the second verse sounds so weird in the edit.

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bliss and sing for absolution are awful videos come on. good ones : Uno , Unintended, plug in baby, cause they are the ones that keep to the concept of the songs


bar Dom's acting I think they're pretty good videos tbh :p

personally I think their best videos have been Hyper Music, TIRO, Hysteria, SMBH for it's artistic side and KoC

Clunge's dp scares me :(

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