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I could be wrong, but a video of them playing live is really really boring. Infact, all 3 videos haven't been 'great'. BH&R had much more variety.

A video of them playing live would be great...if the audio was live. But the Studio Version on a regular video, no thanks.

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I know what you mean, but they haven't really had much time to film a video lately, so I'll let them off I suppose.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. I was hoping for a video that would depict a 1984-ish story (a la Knights of Cydonia)...but now all we get is this. Maybe we can have another version like Hysteria where the band doesn't appear at all? But I s'pose they're trying to get themselves recognized around the world and they'd want themselves to be as, uh, visible as possible.
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First there's moaning about setlists, and now that they make the setlist their priority you moan about the video although the video had to be sacrificed in order to be able to concentrate on working properly on the tour.


oh boo hoo people like to complain. Get over it.


I personally don't care about the video seeing as I don't have any music channels.


But Muse videos generally aren't good, it's not what they do.

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I'm trying to view the clip on my iPhone and it very frustrating because I can't watch the video. Adobe flashplayer isn't supported by apple products. What a rip off. I don't have access to my computer at the moment. Was the clip any good and is it anywhere else online then on MTV? Life sucks...

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oh boo hoo people like to complain. Get over it.


I personally don't care about the video seeing as I don't have any music channels.


But Muse videos generally aren't good, it's not what they do.


well, the use of the word moan does imply that there is sound involved in what we're saying.


i don't "moan" about muse ever...on the boards :p


but...i do kid ;) quite a bit.


and while i find fault with kirk productions, i still do like them. they are better than nothing, for example :p


i dunno about the video though, is it synched so that it looks like the band is playing the song even though it's not a live track?

if so...well that's just tacky.


having live concert footage documentary style for a video however can be cool. :yesey:


guess i better watch this clip again :chuckle:

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I was expecting something a bit more entertaining from the video for this song, something abstract like with Bliss, for example. It's not bad though - but what strikes me most of all is how much it reminds of me of Michael Jackson videos, like Dirty Diana and Give in to Me where he's performing live. :stunned: that's bad.

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