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As someone who isn't a fan of seeing bands more than once per tour i can't see how people could go over ten times etc. However with the sets its not just that they aren't changing it up on this tour, it's that alongside it out of their vast back catalogue they're bringing out the same 9 songs that have been on pretty much every setlist since the songs were written. Nothing else really gets a look in bar the very occasional gig. That to me seems like such a missed opportunity. Nothing to do with being an obsessive internet fan, just severe disappointment that one of the most exciting bands of my generation takes such a boring approach to what to play at shows. Yes they emphasise stage set up etc but they don't need gimmicks as a lot of their music should and is strong enough to wow an audience by itself. /view on the issue


The setlists haven't been incredibly surprising, we get it (oh and if you see them only once, the setlist works well.. so this is only about people who see them more than once in a tour, including me). So what? Get over it. If you focus on their live performance for a second instead of complaining over and over about the songs that have been chosed (and as someone said earlier, no matter what they choose people will always complain. IBTY is a perfect example of it) to enjoy the gig. So far, there is only a few people who disliked the stadium gigs. Their perfomances have been incredibly good. The stage set up only is a "plus", and I think it's very well thought (especially for people in the back). And as it has been said million of times, why should they remove songs like Feeling Good when they see that it gets among the best welcomes?

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The setlists haven't been incredibly surprising, we get it (oh and if you see them only once, the setlist works well.. so this is only about people who see them more than once in a tour, including me). So what? Get over it. If you focus on their live performance for a second instead of complaining over and over about the songs that have been chosed (and as someone said earlier, no matter what they choose people will always complain. IBTY is a perfect example of it) to enjoy the gig. So far, there is only a few people who disliked the stadium gigs. Their perfomances have been incredibly good. The stage set up only is a "plus", and I think it's very well thought (especially for people in the back). And as it has been said million of times, why should they remove songs like Feeling Good when they see that it gets among the best welcomes?


totally agree with everything you said.

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i think a lot of the squabbling comes from the access to information that we have these days.


we know every set list as they happen. Back in say 2001 for example were there complaints about the setlists being the same every night? i bet they were more or less. i havent checked that fact by the way!!!


we watch videos of the shows before we see them; we see hundreds of pictures before we see the show. i know this is largely through choice but it all makesus feel that we know the show already.


its not quite the same as reading a few reviews andthen seeing it for yourself.


(i would like to hear some oldies though!)


anyway should go as gates opened 45 mins ago and i have to get a spot where i can see the show froma different perspective :D

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Quick question: I think Muse have not been looking for fan-protesters for the gigs in Paris and Milan, right? Berne was an exception with regards to that?


Thanks in advance for the info.


Yes they did, there were protesters in Milan, and a friend of mine is a protester tonight in Paris.

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That was the bit I picked up on too. IBTY for me is a brilliant album song and that has nothing to do with a version of it ending up in Twilight.



Fair enough. My bad.:$

I like the song a lot but I would have just prefered to see a new song off a different album rather than another Resistance song, especially as they have toured almost this same set list once already in Europe (although I guess it is the Resistance tour continued). For those who have never seen them, yes, it makes little difference what they play, they will blow you away.

I will enjoy seeing them again whatever the set list is.

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Seeing as everyone is going against Mozza (or people that share his views in general), I'm going to stop lurking and support his view for a second. I've only been a Muse fan since some time in 2006. I've only had two opportunities to see them - at MyCoke festival in South Africa in 2007 and the second O2 gig last year which rocked thanks to MK Ultra and piano Cave. I'm seeing them again at Wembley and I know that even though I'll have a great time regardless because of the people I'm going with, it will be somewhat gutting if they play the setlist they've been playing at the stadium gigs so far.


It's not just the lack of variety between shows - it's the lack of musical variety OF the shows - going by the set and what I've read (I don't look at many photos, at least to avoid spoilers to some extent) it's not a rock gig but almost a theatrical performance that substitutes the musical thrills that a gig should have with flashy screens, UFOs, shiny trousers and various gimmicks. It's less about the music and more about the theatrics.


There's no balance between the genres they've explored over the years, and particularly the music which originally got many people excited about Muse is poorly represented, so it's no wonder some people will be left unsatisfied - I don't care if Feeling Good is in the set (I actually quite like it), or if they play a couple more cheesy songs at some point but I count at least 8 on a set of 21. That's a few too many. At the same time (as a person who's only seen them twice in 3 years) I count 0 songs on the set that I haven't seen before and actually want to see so it's only reasonable to be a little disappointed. And that's not for lack of such songs - Showbiz, Bliss, Space Dementia, Hyper Music, Citizen Erased, Micro Cuts, Dead Star, The Groove, Apocalypse Please, The Small Print, Assassin,... I could go on. All it would take is for two of those songs to get played and it would be a very memorable night for me, but apparently it's too much to ask. *That* is why I have beef with the setlist.

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it's not a rock gig but almost a theatrical performance that substitutes the musical thrills that a gig should have with flashy screens, UFOs, shiny trousers and various gimmicks. It's less about the music and more about the theatrics.


I just wanna answer to this: i don't see why they couldn't have a theatrical, OTT, etc stage set up? Of course, they have less freedom to change the setlists whenever they want, but it's not gonna stop them from being a GOOD live band! It has absolutely nothing to do with it! That's what annoys me, people criticize the UFO, etc, and yet complain about the setlist while both things have NOTHING to do with whether they do a good performance or not!


And they're now playing stadium shows, with thousands and thousands of people, some of which aren't first row (surprising, eh?) and this stage set up simply allows anyone that's in the stadium to have a blast, both musically and visually. Because they care about it, and i think they're right.

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Seeing as everyone is going against Mozza, I'm going to stop lurking and support his view for a second. I've only been a Muse fan since some time in 2006. I've only had two opportunities to see them - at MyCoke festival in South Africa in 2007 and the second O2 gig last year which rocked thanks to MK Ultra and piano Cave. I'm seeing them again at Wembley and I know that even though I'll have a great time regardless because of the people I'm going with, it will be somewhat gutting if they play the setlist they've been playing at the stadium gigs so far.


It's not just the lack of variety between shows - it's the lack of musical variety OF the shows - going by the set and what I've read (I don't look at many photos, at least to avoid spoilers to some extent) it's not a rock gig but almost a theatrical performance that substitutes the musical thrills that a gig should have with flashy screens, UFOs, shiny trousers and various gimmicks. It's less about the music and more about the theatrics.


There's no balance between the genres they've explored over the years, and particularly the music which originally got many people excited about Muse is poorly represented, so it's no wonder some people will be left unsatisfied - I don't care if Feeling Good is in the set (I actually quite like it), or if they play a couple more cheesy songs at some point but I count at least 8 on a set of 21. That's a few too many. At the same time (as a person who's only seen them twice in 3 years) I count 0 songs on the set that I haven't seen before and actually want to see so it's only reasonable to be a little disappointed. And that's not for lack of such songs - Showbiz, Bliss, Space Dementia, Hyper Music, Citizen Erased, Micro Cuts, Dead Star, The Groove, Apocalypse Please, The Small Print, Assassin,... I could go on. All it would take is for two of those songs to get played and it would be a very memorable night for me, but apparently it's too much to ask. *That* is why I have beef with the setlist.

But the problem with that is that last fall people were saying "They need to play MKU and IBTY, they're two of the best songs on TR, why are they skipping them?! If they just played them people wouldn't complain as much"


They played both last night... and now it's "They need to play Bliss and CE, why didn't they play them? People wouldn't complain as much if they just played those two".....


If they'd played them it would be "Those are overplayed, why can't they do Sing for Absolution and Showbiz?" (or whatever other two older songs they're not playing)


To be honest, I can't see it ever ending...

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But the problem with that is that last fall people were saying "They need to play MKU and IBTY, they're two of the best songs on TR, why are they skipping them?! If they just played them people wouldn't complain as much"


They played both last night... and now it's "They need to play Bliss and CE, why didn't they play them? People wouldn't complain as much if they just played those two".....


If they'd played them it would be "Those are overplayed, why can't they do Sing for Absolution and Showbiz?" (or whatever other two older songs they're not playing)


To be honest, I can't see it ever ending...




Exactly my thoughts.

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But the problem with that is that last fall people were saying "They need to play MKU and IBTY, they're two of the best songs on TR, why are they skipping them?! If they just played them people wouldn't complain as much"


They played both last night... and now it's "They need to play Bliss and CE, why didn't they play them? People wouldn't complain as much if they just played those two".....


If they'd played them it would be "Those are overplayed, why can't they do Sing for Absolution and Showbiz?" (or whatever other two older songs they're not playing)


To be honest, I can't see it ever ending...


I was thinking about that, a few days ago people were complaining because they weren't playing MK at the Stadium gigs; they played it yesterday, and now people complain because they dropped MOP in it's place... yeah, I know, people want both :rolleyes:

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i think one of the things ppl want more is for muse to mix up their setlists more than they have been doing in the past. that would automatically mean that they play "rarer" songs more. then for your specific gig, just be happy w what u get.


but otherwise, yes, some ppl want one specific song. others want another. etc.

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With regards to nikite's point, by all means, keep the over-the-top stage, I have nothing against it. But Muse seem to be so obsessed with the level of production that the fact that they don't have special visuals for a particular song seems to discourage them from playing it - that's what I hate.


Dead-duck, point taken, but I wasn't one of those people. I love MK and the fact that they played that and Cave at the O2 actually made the gig for me - wouldn't have been nearly as special if it was Feeling Good and Unintended. My beef is not whether or not they play particular songs, but the fact that having seen 2 gigs in 3 years, I can barely hope to see any new songs from my Muse favourites (in total I've seen 3 more different songs than there were at the O2, namely FG, B&H and TaB).

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Seeing as everyone is going against Mozza (or people that share his views in general), I'm going to stop lurking and support his view for a second. I've only been a Muse fan since some time in 2006. I've only had two opportunities to see them - at MyCoke festival in South Africa in 2007 and the second O2 gig last year which rocked thanks to MK Ultra and piano Cave. I'm seeing them again at Wembley and I know that even though I'll have a great time regardless because of the people I'm going with, it will be somewhat gutting if they play the setlist they've been playing at the stadium gigs so far.


It's not just the lack of variety between shows - it's the lack of musical variety OF the shows - going by the set and what I've read (I don't look at many photos, at least to avoid spoilers to some extent) it's not a rock gig but almost a theatrical performance that substitutes the musical thrills that a gig should have with flashy screens, UFOs, shiny trousers and various gimmicks. It's less about the music and more about the theatrics.


There's no balance between the genres they've explored over the years, and particularly the music which originally got many people excited about Muse is poorly represented, so it's no wonder some people will be left unsatisfied - I don't care if Feeling Good is in the set (I actually quite like it), or if they play a couple more cheesy songs at some point but I count at least 8 on a set of 21. That's a few too many. At the same time (as a person who's only seen them twice in 3 years) I count 0 songs on the set that I haven't seen before and actually want to see so it's only reasonable to be a little disappointed. And that's not for lack of such songs - Showbiz, Bliss, Space Dementia, Hyper Music, Citizen Erased, Micro Cuts, Dead Star, The Groove, Apocalypse Please, The Small Print, Assassin,... I could go on. All it would take is for two of those songs to get played and it would be a very memorable night for me, but apparently it's too much to ask. *That* is why I have beef with the setlist.


Sad to say, but I have to agree with this.

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But the problem with that is that last fall people were saying "They need to play MKU and IBTY, they're two of the best songs on TR, why are they skipping them?! If they just played them people wouldn't complain as much"


They played both last night... and now it's "They need to play Bliss and CE, why didn't they play them? People wouldn't complain as much if they just played those two".....


If they'd played them it would be "Those are overplayed, why can't they do Sing for Absolution and Showbiz?" (or whatever other two older songs they're not playing)


To be honest, I can't see it ever ending...


Exactly. There were people moaning about Bliss and Citizen Erased being top of every set poll so I daresay if one of them had turned up at every gig there would still be moaning, with people wanting Showbiz, In Your World, Assassin... etc


We could be having rotations from 30 songs night in night out with no song safe and still people would be moaning.

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Hey everyone!!

Just want to this magic show yesterday at the Stade de France!

That was the first time that i see them on a gig.... I'm still shacking my heart's still beating very fast!!!

One of most beautiful moment in my life!!!!!

Today there's the second shot, i so want to go back there and buy a ticket !! :LOL:


Is there any french people who were at the show yesterday????

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I think the problem is that firstly they wern't playing the songs people wanted in the first place and having little variety. Then when they did play it they replaced a popular song. Now people were thinking surely at the stadium shows they would get all of these songs due to a longer setlist which has been proved wrong so far. And also the fact that they made these setlist polls with a view to playing what the fans wanted. They have the results and it shows how popular Citizen Erased and Bliss are so people want them to be staples and will miss them when they aren't played as Muse gave people thew oppurtunity to air their views and still they didn't play those songs. Also people can believe that Muse might take the easy way out of the setlist polls if there are obscure songs that they haven't played for a while (Showbiz, Spiral Static etc) and its an oppurtunity for the fans to see these uber-rarities played and they could just escape this by playing Citizen Erased and Bliss on alternate nights. You will never beat the moaners! :chuckle:



Anyway how was the atmosphere last night? Were Muse and the crowd into it? :happy:

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But the problem with that is that last fall people were saying "They need to play MKU and IBTY, they're two of the best songs on TR, why are they skipping them?! If they just played them people wouldn't complain as much"


They played both last night... and now it's "They need to play Bliss and CE, why didn't they play them? People wouldn't complain as much if they just played those two".....


If they'd played them it would be "Those are overplayed, why can't they do Sing for Absolution and Showbiz?" (or whatever other two older songs they're not playing)


To be honest, I can't see it ever ending...


Exactly. There were people moaning about Bliss and Citizen Erased being top of every set poll so I daresay if one of them had turned up at every gig there would still be moaning, with people wanting Showbiz, In Your World, Assassin... etc


We could be having rotations from 30 songs night in night out with no song safe and still people would be moaning.


agree and agree.

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But the problem with that is that last fall people were saying "They need to play MKU and IBTY, they're two of the best songs on TR, why are they skipping them?! If they just played them people wouldn't complain as much"


They played both last night... and now it's "They need to play Bliss and CE, why didn't they play them? People wouldn't complain as much if they just played those two".....


If they'd played them it would be "Those are overplayed, why can't they do Sing for Absolution and Showbiz?" (or whatever other two older songs they're not playing)


To be honest, I can't see it ever ending...


I think some of it is about the type of rock. Some people will complain until they do a setlist which is highly concentrated on the harder rock songs. In actual fact the set is quite balanced it's just that those who want them to do harder rock songs will see any of the softer songs as a let down. Saying that, if they did do a set of harder rock songs, no doubt there would still be complaints that they didn't play this or that song.


They just can't please everyone, so they might as well follow their own intuitions and if you look at the majority of the reactions, on twitter, for example, they don't appear to be doing too badly at all tbh.

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I think they're some right sad bastards on here. I'm sorry, but anyone who was actually AT the gig yesterday must be a complete muppet to not have been blown away from it. I'm an old time fan from the first album onwards, but everything about yesterday was incredible. The insane visuals and light shows, the constant flow of energy from tune to tune and the sound was fantastic, much better than Wembley 2007. The audience were rocking too! I don't care about what songs they play, I love pretty much love everything they do. Do I go as a fan of one song or a fan as Muse. I go as the latter.


Brilliant gig, perhaps the best Muse gig I've been too and I've been to a few. PS I had VIP passes and hanged out and ate oysters and shrimps with the tour and production managers. Ha!

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