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True, but GNR were never in it for the money, they were offered millions of dollars to reform (I think the deal was $25 millions), meaning Axl+Slash+Duff+Izzy+Matt(or Steven), and they rejected the offer. Axl always pushed the Chinese Democracy further, never caring about the money he'd make if he'd put it out.


True about TIRO, or New Born, or Plug in Baby, or especially Starlight, and all of the other songs they've been playing for years in their boring setlists, I don't believe they're really still having that much fun playing them (if any fun at all).


With GNR it's different


If Axl can choose between making 5 million dollars whilst touring with people he hates or having the possibility of making maybe a bit less or maybe even more if he tours with a bunch of new people he doesn't hate he's definitely not going to have a hard time making a choice. What Axl did was quite clever in a way. With postponing the album for so long the album already got sooooooooooo many free publicity it really couldn't go wrong anymore. Everyone around that time knew Chinese Democracy was coming out and lots of people bought it just for that. It wasn't even that good but it still didn't perform that bad in the charts. If he had released the same album 10 years before it would have failed miserably I'm pretty sure.

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Quit arguing please, and especially gtfo with the personal insults.


Gem has been after Escape being played for years and years, and there is a hardcore of fans on this messageboard who are with her. When she heard that Chris wanted to play it she used the opportunity to try and get Muse to see that there was a section of fans that would love to hear it live. I don't get why the fact that she's a moderator has anything to do with it, tbqh. She's posted it as a fan, the fact that she's a mod is irrelevant.

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Quit arguing please, and especially gtfo with the personal insults.


Gem has been after Escape being played for years and years, and there is a hardcore of fans on this messageboard who are with her. When she heard that Chris wanted to play it she used the opportunity to try and get Muse to see that there was a section of fans that would love to hear it live. I don't get why the fact that she's a moderator has anything to do with it, tbqh. She's posted it as a fan, the fact that she's a mod is irrelevant.



No I don't "gtfo", no need to be rude here, I didn't insult anyone. I know Niall and I appreciate him very much, we're both hardcore muse fans and I did collect muse objects for quite a while.


I'm just saying this isn't fair this is sticked on the forum, it should be a regular topic, then if fans want to help, they'll help, it isn't fair that because Gem likes Escape and she's mod here she sticks it. Because if say I want to do the same stuff and ask for Exo-politics, my topic will maybe sink very fastly as it won't be in evidence like this topic. But anyway I think the best thing would be a poll, like Matthew suggested when he answered the fans questions last year.

So I won't help this cause, because it doesn't seem fair to me. End of debate as far as I'm concerned, do all as you will, I forgot how it played over here, it's ironic how these forums have worked for quite a while when you know what Matt dislikes and fights for in his latest songs ;)

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No I don't "gtfo", no need to be rude here, I didn't insult anyone. I know Niall and I appreciate him very much, we're both hardcore muse fans and I did collect muse objects for quite a while.


I'm just saying this isn't fair this is sticked on the forum, it should be a regular topic, then if fans want to help, they'll help, it isn't fair that because Gem likes Escape and she's mod here she sticks it. Because if say I want to do the same stuff and ask for Exo-politics, my topic will maybe sink very fastly as it won't be in evidence like this topic. But anyway I think the best thing would be a poll, like Matthew suggested when he answered the fans questions last year.

So I won't help this cause, because it doesn't seem fair to me. End of debate as far as I'm concerned, do all as you will, I forgot how it played over here, it's ironic how these forums have worked for quite a while when you know what Matt dislikes and fights for in his latest songs ;)


Yes it is all a conspiracy theory. We are trying to establish ultimate control through the use of sticky threads. ;) Gem has wanted this for years and years. The fact that it is sticky just means it's getting noticed perhaps more easily, but if the FAQ is anything to go by people don't pay attention to stickies anyway. Stickying this thread doesn't mean that Escape is going to get played, Gem and Niall and the others have just been campaigning for this for a while, they have organised a petition, and they just hope that someone notices to say to Muse that some people on a messageboard would like Escape played.


I think she was referring to me calling you a knob though although I didn't really call you a knob. I was referring to people who are feeling too good to hear Starlight, Plug In Baby and TIRO on a gig.


Yes, I was.

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I think "Escape" and "Hate this and I'll love you" are brilliant tracks. They both use that same odd but awesome chord progression.


Having those 2 tracks towards the end makes the album "brilliant" / "wazzle" rather than just "very good"!

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Oh I missed me getting dissed. But you know what, I don't care. It's a sticky, deal with it :chuckle: I'll take it down soon... I do agree with wanting Exo-politics live though. AND this isn;t about me. We did a campaign to get Escape played live years ago (very late in the day albeit) but LOADS of the members were behind it. That's the reason this is a sticky... For all those who showed their support and all the fans who wanted it. It's for everyone, not just me.


Done my bit to try and get this played, my first ever twitter post...


Hope this happens even if it's just a one off or something, one of my favourite Showbiz songs :D


Bloody hell, hello you! Glad you joined in :D





Chris was on @musewire this afternoon saying that they're rehearsing and also with them looking to play a small gig in Tiengmouth, a perfect time to play retro and old tracks, yes?!?!


Please sign http://twitition.com/t3ogn and get twittering #playescapelive !!!!!

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Join the Escape Uprising :D atm I am tweeting them once a day (they are called did you know)




Read the first post.


I read the first post long ago and only commented in the other day XD

It wasn't really a question you know.... :stunned: (like, I also said in my comment about cave, and I know Matt has problems singing it... but what a shame)



but yeah, it would be fun if they played Escape :D

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I need to read this thread so don't know whether this has been discussed but having been listening to Escape, and I agree it's an amazing song - I felt weepy listening to it :$ - I was really tired at the time. After reading "Out of this world" which gave a hint of what it could be about (Matt's parents breaking up) after which I developed an additional interpretation. I just wonder whether maybe it's the sort of song that Matt won't want to revisit - reopening old wounds and all that.


No one's answered! Spooky!

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I need to read this thread so don't know whether this has been discussed but having been listening to Escape, and I agree it's an amazing song - I felt weepy listening to it :$ - I was really tired at the time. After reading "Out of this world" which gave a hint of what it could be about (Matt's parents breaking up) after which I developed an additional interpretation. I just wonder whether maybe it's the sort of song that Matt won't want to revisit - reopening old wounds and all that.


No one's answered! Spooky!


Perhaps, but I'm sure he'd still want to perform it for the fans, if it is an emotional song for him then it would make for a great performance...unless he breaks down and cries... and tells everyone to get out. ha.

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Perhaps, but I'm sure he'd still want to perform it for the fans, if it is an emotional song for him then it would make for a great performance...unless he breaks down and cries... and tells everyone to get out. ha.


:LOL: That's not actually what I meant. It's just that I think sometimes things are best left in the context of the time. It was obviously powerful and meaningful at the time but may not be now - and there's the possibility it could even be uncomfortable. To me (if it is indeed as suggested in "out of this world" about family break-up which it may not be) it's a song from a young man with a lot of bitterness towards his father, possibly seeing what he considered, as a child, to be failings in his father as (at time of writing song) failings he also has "you and me are both one and the same and it's driving me mad!" Though maybe I'm looking too deep. In contrast anyway, grown-up Matt does a tribute to his Dad's single in KoC.


I think the band will want to do what inspires them, and I'd rather that than they do requests really, because I think that is what produces the best performance but I'm not criticising anyone for asking for it. It just occurred to me that if they don't perform it, as with any of the old songs, it might not be because they don't care what fans want, but because it doesn't feel right to them. It will be nice however if they realise songs they think are underated are actually popular. I'm sure I'd be just as willing as anyone to listen.:)


Sorry bit of a long post!

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:LOL: That's not actually what I meant. It's just that I think sometimes things are best left in the context of the time. It was obviously powerful and meaningful at the time but may not be now - and there's the possibility it could even be uncomfortable. To me (if it is indeed as suggested in "out of this world" about family break-up which it may not be) it's a song from a young man with a lot of bitterness towards his father, possibly seeing what he considered, as a child, to be failings in his father as (at time of writing song) failings he also has "you and me are both one and the same and it's driving me mad!" Though maybe I'm looking too deep. In contrast anyway, grown-up Matt does a tribute to his Dad's single in KoC.


I think the band will want to do what inspires them, and I'd rather that than they do requests really, because I think that is what produces the best performance but I'm not criticising anyone for asking for it. It just occurred to me that if they don't perform it, as with any of the old songs, it might not be because they don't care what fans want, but because it doesn't feel right to them. It will be nice however if they realise songs they think are underated are actually popular. I'm sure I'd be just as willing as anyone to listen.:)


Sorry bit of a long post!


I never quite grasped the true meaning behind this song until you pointed out the family break-up. That meaning really does fit in with the lyrics, and it made me recognise and appreciate the level of emotion in this song. It really is quite sad. I also think this song would really change the atmosphere of the concert, where would it fit in? Too sad for a starter, would change the mood drastically if it was inbetween, would leave the audience going home depressed if they played it at the end. To be honest I'd probably cry and hug the person next to me...whoever that may be.

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I'm going to show my support for Escape. 'Hardcore fans' or not, it's an awesome track.


I've scribbled my signature on http://twitition.com/t3ogn and will tweet in a bit. My only concern is that the band have started rehearsing already, so they'll probably know the sort of setlist they'd be doing...


Sod it, lets push them to knock something out the setlist to play it :D

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I'm going to show my support for Escape. 'Hardcore fans' or not, it's an awesome track.


I've scribbled my signature on http://twitition.com/t3ogn and will tweet in a bit. My only concern is that the band have started rehearsing already, so they'll probably know the sort of setlist they'd be doing...


Sod it, lets push them to knock something out the setlist to play it :D


I've signed the twitition... But we're only 115 !! It's not worthy compared to those thousands of gigtix sold:shifty:

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I think we should try to get Escape to chart like Muselive did with Citizen Erased in 2007.

They got it up to 122, we could def. get Escape up to 110.

Then Muse will pay attention.


Well, we're already at 114... Just spread the word, and we'll reach 122 in no time.

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