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I Don't think it ruined SMBH at all! In fact I'm glad they put it in the movie, it was the best part! And I hope they put in another muse song in New Moon. So there!


Suck it up and stop complaining.





SMBH is still one of my fav songs, it being played in a movie isn't going to change that :rolleyes:

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I think only Australian viewers would know this, but I've heard Muse on Sports Tonight so many times!

I get excited everytime I hear it even though I hate sport haha.

Edited by geegee
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I heard Hyper Music in Top Shop, then realised that they were playing the whole OOS album. :) I wouldn't leave the shop...:LOL:


In Burtons in my city you can put on music videos. 8 Muse songs in a row. :D


+1 for dedication.

and which Burtons? i know i'm shopping form now on.:D

edit: Norwich. i'm there.

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I saw SMBH on my friend's iPod.


I was so proud of her. :happy: Then I played a load more Muse for her...she likes some OoS stuff. :yesey:




I always do that. Except with the difference that I just download Muse in their players, then they can listen to it anytime :awesome:


*is proud*

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