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Umm when HAARP came out last year, at JB HIFI (in australia) they had the album playing on the speakers across store and on all the TVs (or most), the videos were playing on them. Twas a brilliant day to be a Mmmmusseeyyy fan*atic*!!


Mm, that's like when I was in Comet (an electricals store in the UK) and we were shopping for TVs. Then TIME IS RUNNING OUT CAME ON and I was v.happy with about 20 Matts in the room :happy: Everyone in the store was like :wtf: wtf is wrong with her? But I was VERY excited :D

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I was watching this BBCTHREE show called Being Human last night...and at the end of the second episode, what do I hear....'Controlling my feelings for so long'...OMG I nearly screamed, what a blast from the past!! Showbiz rox :D


Yeah in the beginning drum bit I thought "my ears must be deceiving me" and then I realised, squealed and pointed wildly at the screen while my mum went :erm: and then laughed. They cut it off right before it got into it! Idiots. Would've been better to get to the crescendo and have some big unveiling or killing :p

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I was watching this BBCTHREE show called Being Human last night...and at the end of the second episode, what do I hear....'Controlling my feelings for so long'...OMG I nearly screamed, what a blast from the past!! Showbiz rox :D


Feeling Good on a Film 4 advert promoting The British Connection week.


Daww I usually spot the Film 4 ads.... I'll have to look out for it. I'll never for get the first time I heard Forced In yeaaars ago, twas during a Film 4 ad for weird/dark films lol and I was like 'hmmm this song sounds interesting' and for some reason subtitles were on and it mentioned that the song was by Muse so I was very excited lol. :rolleyes:

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I love Sweden, only time I have ever heard a Muse song was in "Swedish Idol 2008" in the background once, Starlight ofc.


Otherwise, Muse is being dissed to hell in Sweden.


I've heard them like 2 times on the radio, Supermassive and I don't remember what more.. and there is a book called "1001 albums you should listen to before you die" and Black holes was in there. :)

Also, they showed Muse on Later with Jools on Kanal 9 I think, and also some songs from V Festival (!!). Don't remember which channel though..


But yeah, you're totally right, Sweden is not really into Muse. Weird thing is that the concert they played at Cirkus back in 2003 was broadcasted on P3, while the concert back in 2007 didn't get any credit at all, "just" a five plus review on the Internet.

However, they're getting bigger. I hope the new album will be the break-through...

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I love Sweden, only time I have ever heard a Muse song was in "Swedish Idol 2008" in the background once, Starlight ofc.


Otherwise, Muse is being dissed to hell in Sweden.


When they were about to release BH&R Åhléns had ads on TV for the album, showing the cover and playing SMBH and Starlight, which always made me ridiculously excited. But yeah, you're right - in Sweden most people prefer cheesy, idiotic pop.


Starlight, SMBH and KoC were all played a bit when they released BH&R and I do remember some airplay for Hysteria and SS, albeit not much.

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When they were about to release BH&R Åhléns had ads on TV for the album, showing the cover and playing SMBH and Starlight, which always made me ridiculously excited. But yeah, you're right - in Sweden most people prefer cheesy, idiotic pop.


Starlight, SMBH and KoC were all played a bit when they released BH&R and I do remember some airplay for Hysteria and SS, albeit not much.


I don't remember that, I wasn't into Muse back then. I was just listening to Absolution in my bedroom, not knowing anything about the band at all.


I do think that a lot of people in Sweden is into Muse now, especially since their gig at Hovet back in 2007. I know loads of people was actually chocked how good they were, and I've talked so much about that concert that my friends, who's not really into Muse, want to see them live just to see if it's as good as I've told them...

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^^ OMG sameee I was at some indie bar called the Roxy on saturday and they played TIRO!! :D I never bother requesting Muse when out 'cos they never EVER get played anyway, but when I heard TIRO I was actually screaming 'omgggg omg OMG they're plying MUSE!!! They're Playing MUSEEE!!!!!!!!11!!1!!:D' Being in a somewhate drunken state I repeated that like 20 times, but it was the highlight of my night! That DJ was awesome simply for playing that one song lol! They played SMBH and TIRO at the student bar in Kent a couple of years ago too (I did request one song, but they played 2!! lol) I go a little bit nuts when I hear them to my friends' horror!:$:rolleyes: but still..yayyy! :happy:

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