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Yeah! :LOL:


We killed the bastard who made our simple "sun and tree worshiping" days to a Catholic, Neo-European life... wait, is that a good thing?


I guess your the first to noticed :LOL:


But since thats the past,


The Philippines is the country were people who wanna be drummers take lessons at the pic below...




Pity they can't do that on the real thing. It just feels different and causes blisters.



And 12 is not much of a Filipino thing... That I know of... umm... no, nothing comes to mind. Hey alyssa_, is 12 a Filipino thing? :LOL:

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The Philippines is the country were people who wanna be drummers take lessons at the pic below...




Pity they can't do that on the real thing. It just feels different and causes blisters.


Hahaha :LOL: Yeah I know! Tell me about it! we have them and the sticks are like miniature logs!!! :LOL:


And 12 is not much of a Filipino thing... That I know of... umm... no, nothing comes to mind. Hey alyssa_, is 12 a Filipino thing? :LOL:[/qupte]


It is in MY mind! :LOL:

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The Philippines is the country were people who wanna be drummers take lessons at the pic below...




Pity they can't do that on the real thing. It just feels different and causes blisters.


Hahaha :LOL: Yeah I know! Tell me about it! we have them and the sticks are like miniature logs!!! :LOL:


And 12 is not much of a Filipino thing... That I know of... umm... no, nothing comes to mind. Hey alyssa_, is 12 a Filipino thing? :LOL:


It is in MY mind! :LOL:

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hey adam and everyone have you seen this?



he is clearly a well trained drummer who has a bit of trouble keeping in time on occasions but listen to how he plays these songs.. he improvs alot of things


just listen to how he does assasin.. the second of the two (1st is map of) especially right at the end.. its crazy sick

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hey adam and everyone have you seen this?



he is clearly a well trained drummer who has a bit of trouble keeping in time on occasions but listen to how he plays these songs.. he improvs alot of things


just listen to how he does assasin.. the second of the two (1st is map of) especially right at the end.. its crazy sick


yeah ive seen him.


he's very good but plays them completely wrong haha


i learnt quite a bit from his assassin video :yesey:

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he looks scary like he would beat you up if you were there when he did them.. he almost looks angry.. it must be the key to good drumming.. just be dead pissed off and you play better haha


I see he has a range of vids on youtube under "xeviworld"...actually he seems quite a nice helpful chap :) probably just turns psyco when behind the drums :)


I don't think he is playing anything "wrong" ...he is just improvising...which is the term I use when I can't play something exactly heh heh.


Anyway chaps...getting better on repetitive bass playing (single pedal only.... ahem) but still struggling after a minute or so and can't decide whether heel up or down is better / less painfull / or easy to keep going. Any thoughts as to how to keep practicing there and to nail it. Typical rythm would be like 3 beats then no beat at fairly brisk pace...e.g. Foo fighters "times like these".


As always...yr advice appreciated....

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Anyway chaps...getting better on repetitive bass playing (single pedal only.... ahem) but still struggling after a minute or so and can't decide whether heel up or down is better / less painfull / or easy to keep going. Any thoughts as to how to keep practicing there and to nail it. Typical rythm would be like 3 beats then no beat at fairly brisk pace...e.g. Foo fighters "times like these".


As always...yr advice appreciated....


I find it easier to do singles like you described heel up, as you can suspend your ankle and just use your toes, whereas heel down seems to put more strain on the front of the ankle. Foo Fighters are a good band to play along with to develop constant singles, "Hero" especially.

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I find it easier to do singles like you described heel up, as you can suspend your ankle and just use your toes, whereas heel down seems to put more strain on the front of the ankle. Foo Fighters are a good band to play along with to develop constant singles, "Hero" especially.


Thanks...yeah I too find heel up is easier on the ankle but the downside is that it tends to push my balance off over to the left whereas having the heel down gives you more of an anchor to the floor. I shall persevere though on the heel up.

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Taylor Hawkins is the king of 8th bass notes.

He loves it, and its great for foo fighters.

My advice is keep your back down, it might be a little hurty at the beggining, but majority of the time, it'll be good.

By down, I dont mean flat, keep it like 2cm off the ground, but dont make it like Tyrannosauras feet, you can actually hurt yourself.


Here, i have a great song to practice that with.

A aussie band called Divisions has a song called Witching hours,

Its on their site, The chorus is the same format.

Go to their myspace: http://www.myspace.com/divisionsmusic and listen to it.

If you need the song add me on msn, and ill pass it along.


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i used to use vater religioulsy - until i went to get some more and they had run out.....


so yeah, i got promark 5bs and i really like em - slightly more defined than the 5as I used to use and so far *touch wood* theyve been a bit stronger and less likely to break!


promark ftw! :D

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Yeah I usually get Vic Firths or Vaters...


Not sure why I never tried Pro-Mark, they're sweet! haha.


Apparently Dom uses Pro-Mark Marco Minneman 721's or something too, haha. 721's thickness is about inbetween 5B's and 5A's... I might try that out too. :rolleyes:


edit: Actually MM 721's have 3 or 4 different thicknesses.... grr.

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Apparently Dom uses Pro-Mark Marco Minneman 721's or something too, haha. 721's thickness is about inbetween 5B's and 5A's... I might try that out too. :rolleyes:


edit: Actually MM 721's have 3 or 4 different thicknesses.... grr.


who told you that? lol

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Carbosticks are great. They sound and feel pretty much like wooden ones but last quite a while longer. Also, you don't get all those annoying chunks of wood everywhere, just some fine, powdery dust.


yeah...they just fuck up your hands and cymbals instead

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