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Okay guys, here's the poll.


Vote away and try to spread it around to other sites :) Saw someone suggest not to bother putting an 'other' option as it'd most likely lead to pretty much wasted votes so went with that. Hopefully y'all are happy with the list though, it's not a bad set of songs tbf.


Again, this may well fail but it's worth a try.


Edit: Ah, shit, looks like I fucked up an option. Basically, you can only vote once, if you go back and try and vote again I think it removes your other vote. Sorry! :( Should still work out okay in the end though.

Edited by Jobby
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Thank you Jobby. However it seems that one can vote as many times as one wants, so I fear people might vote 875397528 times for their favourite ones.


Yeah, I fucked that bit up, sorry. I've never done one of these before :chuckle:


Luckily, I think it removes your last vote if you do it again though, so it effectively just changes it? That's what it's doing with me anyway. So it should still work out alright.

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Someone on reddit: Everyone tweet #StockholmForPhilly

Someone else; "Can't you like, i don't know, enjoy the show whatever songs they will play and not push it every time? I don't think those tweets are making any diffirence, except annoying them."



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Delighted to see CoD storm into an early lead. That was the best thing I saw by miles on the BH&R tour. Incredible live.


Surprised CoD is pushing ahead so early.








Edit: thought Showbiz would be doing a bit better ngl

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I went for SFA, was going to go for Showbiz but I really don't think he could do it justice, would rather pick a track he might actually be able to sing. MM and Futurism would be my next choices


I reckon he'd do alright, his voice has come along well over the last few weeks. Plus, if he really needed to, he could just take it down a semitone.


Edit: surprised MK Ultra's got so many votes, I mean damn

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What do we do if second place is a tie?


Hope that doesn't happen...? :chuckle: Blegh, I really should've thought about that. God knows, go by whichever's the most realistic maybe (e.g. at the moment, it'd be Assassin)? Could probably do with better suggestions on that though.


also COD right now:



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