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Side info from the rehearsal:


- Matt was extremely nervous about The Globalist because it's tricky, could lead to it being played less

- Map will be played in Europe, though it wasn't specified how much (lel fak u america)

- Map and Fury were promised to be played in Norway

- Matt said the setlist won't change much during the start of the tour but will change up more later on


So, couple of bummers for the NA gigs there.


Why is that a bummer for the NA gigs? If I only go to one gig, why does it matter if it's the same set-list as the last?

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Why is that a bummer for the NA gigs? If I only go to one gig, why does it matter if it's the same set-list as the last?


Well, if you were planning on going to multiple gigs, some variety is usually preferred. It also means there's not much hope of change anytime soon if the sets start off naff.


Edit: It can also kill some of the fun if you know exactly what's gonna happen and what you're gonna get before the gig even starts.

Edited by Jobby
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Side info from the rehearsal:


- Matt was extremely nervous about The Globalist because it's tricky, could lead to it being played less

- Map will be played in Europe, though it wasn't specified how much (lel fak u america)

- Map and Fury were promised to be played in Norway

- Matt said the setlist won't change much during the start of the tour but will change up more later on




So there was a rehearsal in L.A. and Matt talked about what will be played in Norway, wtf? At least it sounds like the sets will become better again - for me CE, The Globalist and The Handler alone would be a nice excuse for some Madness/Starlight/insert another toilet break song here....

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So there was a rehearsal in L.A. and Matt talked about what will be played in Norway, wtf?.


This is confusing me too. Also why people were asking about Map of all songs. Bit of a prick move to not play one of the few songs in the overlap of single and fan favourite regularly everywhere.


Edit: Actually considering what Matt said about The Globalist I guess we can rule out full Drones every night.

Edited by ryanp16
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Have they pretty much ditched everything from Resistance and 2nd Law at this point? I don't think there was one good song on 2nd Law and seeing all the oldies comes back makes me want to go and see them live again.;


They're still playing Uprising at pretty much every gig, with Resistance being semi-regular. Eurasia got played a little while back and it looks like UD is gonna come back (yay :rolleyes:). As for T2L, they seem to be playing Madness and Unsustainble quite a bit with Supremacy and Animals at some gigs.

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This is confusing me too. Also why people were asking about Map of all songs. Bit of a prick move to not play one of the few songs in the overlap of single and fan favourite regularly everywhere.


It's sad that people actually have to request Map nowadays, in the same way as songs like Fury and Dead Star. People talk about Muse doing a lot of illogical shit (and they do), but dropping Map is one of the most genuinely baffling things they've done imo. It should at least be in rotation, if not a staple.


The annoying thing is, they only tend to bring requests back for one gig or a few at max, leading to fans requesting the same songs over and over. If just they kept stuff like Dead Star, CE, Bliss and Map in at least semi-rotation, which makes sense if people are requesting them consistently, we could actually use requests to get more overlooked songs like COD a chance.


Edit: Actually considering what Matt said about The Globalist I guess we can rule out full Drones every night.


Did Matt say The Globalist might not be frequent, or did the person talking to him just assume that?


You think it would get easier the more he does it.


Just to clarify: Matt didn't say the part about playing it less. That was more just speculation from me about it being a possibility, considering he's been known to shy away from tricky songs in the past through fear of fucking up on-stage.

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It seems some of the competition winners were Norwegian so that's that cleared up.


Remember when Ryoma-Kun spread rumors about Fury being soundchecked before the Norwegian stadium gig last tour? The prophecy is coming to pass.


We said the shit setlist from that night was revenge from fate. But now he was right all along.

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It seems some of the competition winners were Norwegian so that's that cleared up.


Remember when Ryoma-Kun spread rumors about Fury being soundchecked before the Norwegian stadium gig last tour? The prophecy is coming to pass.

That was my plan all along.


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Why is that a bummer for the NA gigs? If I only go to one gig, why does it matter if it's the same set-list as the last?


I agree, It doesn't, but it has affected bands mentality of choosing set lists when everything is just on line, video, set lists everything. Concerts don't feel isolated like they did once before.

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It'd definitely be a weird one. I'm hoping they were just testing out how it worked over the PA and that they're planning to use it somewhere else, though tbh I think it'll be weird no matter where they put it.


I think they'll just go with Drill Sergeant, or some kind of remix/reworking of it.


Tbh, they could do it as exit music with the house lights coming back up, Rammstein did it with Engel/Ohne Dich piano versions, quite a pleasant way to go after all the taking a bow......oh wait Muse don't do that. :happy:

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anyone know where to find the set list for Nov 11 show in LA?


Assuming you mean the rehearsal, if you'd read back you'd have found it but here:




Drill Sergeant + Psycho

Undisclosed Desires

The Handler

Isolated System

The Globalist



Other songs were probably rehearsed after people left but that was what the public saw.

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It was revealed the "drones" are actually helium balloons.


Seriously, how else are they going to do it safely, a motor packs in, electrical fault, it's still technically a drone.


Basically, imagine something that performs like this, except they will make it look like a Reaper/Hawk, etc.


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Seriously, how else are they going to do it safely, a motor packs in, electrical fault, it's still technically a drone.


Basically, imagine something that performs like this, except they will make it look like a Reaper/Hawk, etc.



I think as Jobby pointed out in another thread, it's still not completely "safe" - but yeah, obviously safER.


Honestly, I just think having lookalike military drones is a bit 'meh' - but that's maybe just me. Seems a little hokey.

Those cars in the video look stupid as hell, imo.

Whereas the regular drones used in, say, the DI vid would have looked cool, but probably put someone's eye out.

Not that the helium ones can't... you'd probably just have more time to get out of the way.

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