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Bleeehhhh... you know those times when all your instruments need cleaning and re-stringing at the same time? Yeah, I need to do like 4 of my basses soon... ffs, gonna be a fun day :facepalm:


E: Also getting kinda pissed off by now because my DL-1 replica has been in a shop for few repairs for two or three months now. I can understand that they have their hands full of work but damn.

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The performance was fine, just that tone was terrible.


I've said this before and will say it again, it sounded like if I crank up all the pots of the FF in my DL-1 replica, run it through Mastotron and crank up the high ends of my amp. Which I've done for the lols but wouldn't exaclty use if I was Matt :LOL:

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New guitar day for me :D Been wanting a guitar for a long time to play drop tuned sludge/doom riffs, and I guess I finally broke down and accepted that Les Pauls are the type I need :LOL:


EMGs aren't ideal but for $250 including a hardshell case I honestly can't complain at all.:)







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I think they’ll come with the super fancy version of the new Vennart album, so probably won’t be available to order for a couple of months-ish.


Not proper #details, it was an IC big muff kit I painted yellow and put blue knobs on for the extra toan. I never got it working, probably put something in the wrong place :facepalm:. If I had any idea what I was doing I would’ve tried to make a big cheese clone for the other side of the infatuator as well though, since they sound utterly filthy together.

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That makes sense. Can't risk missing out though...




So it's a late 70s big muff paired with a big cheese clone? I actually got a late 70s big muff (not sure which one exactly) in a trade recently... but I don't know who's building clones of the big cheese.


You should build me one. At least if I miss out on the next batch of infatuators.







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