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I think you mean M...




Well, all I can say is that I'd imagine "910025" is the serial (making it a 1991?), and that other number is the model. Makes sense because ST = strat, probably.




From what I gather, they're korean made


for what it's worth, there was one on eBay that sold for £105, but I imagine it's worth a bit more.

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Wow, sad times. Guess the world moves on, even in NYC.




So potentially I'm going to be in a covers band, doing 'indie' tunes on rhythm guitar. I currently use a DSL15C, but I'm thinking it might be a bit too RAAAWK, there's so much gain on tap. The clean channel does a nice crunch, but it's a bit dark sounding compared to the red channel, especially noticeable switching between the channels.


I'm thinking that maybe I could get the old Flextone II out of retirement. I need to get a footboard to use it, but I think that it might be better suited for this gig.


Has anyone here gigged a Flextone and have any opinions/advice?


Are you going to be Pete or Carl?


I don't know, do you need two channels? I'd set it just to where it's breaking up and maybe use a pedal for more distortions.


Since my amp doesn't have three channels like I want, I've just set it for clean on one channel and #chuggz on the other, with a pedal for medium gain tones. It actually sounds pretty good, which is disappointing because I've never been a fan of using OD pedals


And I don't know Matthijs. Is it a decent enough guitar? maybe between £100 and £125? Those londonaxes sell for £700+ and only Muse fans know about them.


Actually, that's a bad example.

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I'm Pete, post drug problem Pete.

The pedals thing was my first thought, hence the Graphic Fuzz I just got. It works but it's somehow unsatisfying. The problem is that I like my clean channel to be a bit overdriven for a nice rhythm sound.

I've bought a floorboard, so I'll see how it goes and pick the best option. I want it to be super simple to setup, less is more so hope the line 6 works.

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What bass is that? And we must find more videos been wanting a new royal blood songs for ages!!!!


Still looking, and I have no idea. I thought it was a jaguar bass too, but I can't find one that looks the same... that one has block inlays and what looks like a single chrome covered bridge humbucker




Looks like a Fender logo, but I've only ever seen solid black ones like that on the mexican "squier series" and korean imports from the early 90s...


I wouldn't be surprised if it's not a Fender, but if it is, it's most likely custom. It doesn't even have "jaguar" on the headstock, so maybe something he got from the custom shop that didn't qualify as one

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Still looking, and I have no idea. I thought it was a jaguar bass too, but I can't find one that looks the same... that one has block inlays and what looks like a single chrome covered bridge humbucker




Looks like a Fender logo, but I've only ever seen solid black ones like that on the mexican "squier series" and korean imports from the early 90s...


I wouldn't be surprised if it's not a Fender, but if it is, it's most likely custom. It doesn't even have "jaguar" on the headstock, so maybe something he got from the custom shop that didn't qualify as one

Wouldn't be surprised if it's custom as one of the starcasters is custom finish and he seems to have pretty close links with them now.


Any clue what there special surprise for reading and Leeds is? Heard rumours of Jimmy Page but not from a known source :rolleyes:

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Close links, like an endorsement deal you mean :)


Well fenders UK website pretty much had Mike Kerr all over it last time I was on there and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't all his amps fender now and I think his big 8x10 cab is a fender bassman now a well.


No Jimmy it seems but there was another new song tonight :)

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