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So this is turning out to be total bullshit?




I really hope not :( . Until I saw that twitter account I was fairly sure it was legit...


Also, what have those Muse CDs and vinyls done to deserve the treatment they got in those videos? Most of them have been drowned, had bits of cardboard stuck through them or been attacked with a blowtorch... It all seems like a bit too much effort for nothing (although drugs would provide a good explanation for everything)

If this really is a Lord Kelvin-esque thread then we need RTZ to come back and give us some more hints but it doesn't look like that's going to happen

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I remain skeptical, but the first image *looks* like the Hullabaloo cover, which opened with Dead Star. The second refers to the Big Pink remix of Undisclosed Desires. The third I suspect is a reference to Post Blue by Placebo. The fourth possibly links to this.




Basically it means Half-Life 3 has been confirmed.

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"if Santa & co and Muse are working together" - Santa only has acoustic guitar.

"Combined LP/CD-player" - Math pop music

"11:11th - row 1:center seat 11! " - 11:11 =1 so it comes out 1st january.

"Well, elves have a diverse taste" - They don't want it out on Christmas day because they are into darkpop. 1st January, hangover is more dark and realistic.

"Undisclosed desires' bi-side" - So it cannot be a new LP but shorter. Also it's bi.

etc. etc.


What do you think of all this? It could work, couldn't it?

This is so strange, but so exciting at the same time! :) What a wonderful way to spend Christmas.

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I'm just wondering, If this is a troll. What amount of drugs did he have to take? All of thi is just too much work. Making all of the photos, videos, retarded "hints". I think just a random troll wouldn't put that much effort in a random thread. With burning vinyls. I don't know. I'm still hoping Tom might pop up somewhere.

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Woe is me!!!! I am so sad! Sad in attitude! Sad in emotion! :$


I haven't received my email link to the Xmas gift! I am still hoping that this random oddness is Tom letting us know in his craaazie way that we should expect a late Xmas pressie yet others seem to have received the link??



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HoHoHo You Crazy Kids!


Santa has disintegrated into the vastness of space for another year or so.

Luckily, we have some intense updates from touring the world!


One cutie wished keys to the h8man visual system.

Santa was left scratching his turntables feeling that words could not convey it.


So we turned snow into quelores, in thrilling elfy fassion


Optical I/O



Retina Display



Elf Studies on Geometry part Lamp


~??a@aol.com~ :p

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Part of me still wants to believe this isn't the work of art of an LSD overdose


Who is Tyler Durden? He only needs one hour's sleep at night.


Tree of Life, isn't that a reference to the Kabbalah chart, but also to the tree of life about all things interconnected.. Gaia as such - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_life - if the Eden project was something to hint at

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